Pampered Fei Brimming with Cuteness

Chapter 994: The important thing is that I love you!

During this period, I felt that I could not receive the excitement.

He held her shoulder and kissed her horns, trying to calm her mood.

"Duoer, I don't want to think about it~ You lost your memory, it doesn't matter, you don't remember me, it doesn't matter. The important thing is, I love you, it's enough!"

The money blossomed gently, and there was a tear in his eyes.

It is undeniable that this man is a world of difference compared to Takuya.

Especially when he said the phrase 'I love you, it is enough'.

It seems that during this time, the blank in her mind is filled with power in a flash.

Just as she wants to learn more about her past from his mouth.

Outside the palace, suddenly the voice of the **** was heard.

"The emperor is driving!"

Qian Duodu suddenly pushed the dragon to admire.

"You are going, Takuya is coming."

She went to open the door, but saw that there was a faint light coming from far away.

She immediately squatted back and went to open the window and pointed to the bottom.

"Here, run from here, the lake outside the window can pass outside the palace."

Qian Duodu is busy here to arrange escape routes.

However, people are admired, but they do not agree.

Carrying out the money blossoming, holding her tightly in her arms.

"I don't go, I can't find you anymore. Even if I take the whip and smoke me, I won't go. He's got it right, and the king is confronted with him. In theory, the king wants to see, Does he dare to take his thousands of miles to make your bet!"

This is what is with what, his own Wang Hao was robbed, and finally found it back.

But it’s like a sneak peek, can’t you see someone?

Water shield, dancing?

He has never been so envious of his life in this life!

Qian Duodu looked at the man in front of him as if he was deliberately and on the top of the bar. He even twisted and pushed him to the window.

"Who wants to confront you, you go quickly, I don't know at all, I can't think of you, do you think that I am a queen, a man in the bedroom is very glorious? Is it going to make a lot of trouble? I know that you have a sense of superiority?"

"Go and go, when will I resume my memory, I will go to you again."

Listening to the footsteps outside the door is getting closer and closer, and the money blossoms in anxious, the last resort has used the radical method.

She does not care about the reputation of the shit, if it is not as fast as Tuoba, maybe she may have left with Long Muzhen.

However, after all, it is the palace of the Nanzhao Kingdom, and it is the Tuoba site.

Even if Long Mu's martial arts are high and strong, it may not be able to withstand the talents of thousands of people.

What's more, his side, with a person who only knows how to embroider his legs and work hard, can't do it.

For the sake of the safety of Long Muzhen, the money blossomed and forced the dragon to push it out.

"噗通-", a splash of water, fourteen uncle water shield bird ~

At the same time, the door of the palace was pushed away.

Tuoba has changed a red embroidered robes, and the whole person's gas field seems to be less solemn and more elegant.

Looking at the money blossoming, relying on the window, the two arms have not yet had time to reach in.

He asked with a special doubt.

"Duo, where are you doing? How is your hand still so far?"

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