Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 111: Mad believer

The **** warrior had just been dealt with, and the whole hall became lively due to Onyxia's fire explosion technique. Ω』Ω『Novel ん』

If Zelda’s sacrifice just made Drunk Wind’s group of people have an ominous premonition, the performance of dozens of Atal’ai priests pouring in from the front door like a tide now completely confirms this ignorance. .

Drunk Feng was surprised to find that all the priests of Atalai were desperate.

These trolls chanted the slogan of sacrifice for the blood **** Hakkar, and attacked Zuifeng and others with various strange shadow spells. In order to pursue greater attack power, they decisively sacrificed all parts of their bodies.

What's even more exaggerated is that even if some trolls are killed, their souls will not dissipate for a while, and will turn into the purest curse of evil intentions, the disturber Zuifeng and others.

If you want to say who feels the most uncomfortable at this time, it must be Onyxia.

The narrow passage prevents the Black Dragon Queen from appearing in the form of a giant dragon. Onixia had no choice but to be a pure fire mage. But embarrassingly, these crazy trolls would never give Onyxia a chance to cast spells. The black dragon queen can only reluctantly a few small fireballs to assist others in fighting, and she has to worry about being cursed by the dead troll.

On the contrary, Lexar feels much more comfortable. There is no troll like Zelda here. Misha, who doesn't need to be concerned, can wave her advantage unscrupulously. She waved her huge pair of fore palms and shot one after another trolls directly into the air. And Rexxar, holding his pair of axes, rushed into the pile of trolls, wantonly venting the anger in his heart.

Since leaving the tribe, Rexxar's heart can be said to have accumulated for a long time, but there has been no chance to vent - this time he finally met a group of desperate guys, and Rexxar simply came in and out of seven.

Under the desperate entanglement of Atalai's sacrifices, Zuifeng and his party abolished all the power of the whole hall before cleaning up the enemies in the entire hall.

Strangely, the dead troll soon became a pair of white bones, and the flesh and blood quickly disappeared without a trace.

"The front is where the Nightmare Dragon is located." Isarios wiped his sweat and said, "Go through this door and we will face these fallen green dragons."

With that, Isarios pushed the door with his hand.

The result was embarrassing-the door did not open, it seemed that someone had locked the door inside.

Everyone tried it, and now this door seems to be sealed. It is a pity that the casters in the team are all half-hearted. At this moment, Drunk Wind must miss Khadgar.

Now everyone looked at him, Isarios shook his head: "I don't know what to do now. In my impression, this door has been open."

The crowd had no choice but to spread out and search for clues separately.

Finally, Levi Khan found a secret door in the corner. After some discussions, everyone decided to take a risk.

This door is not locked.

Pushing open the hidden door, there is another corridor inside, and the downward staircase leads to the dark depths of the underground.

Looking at the dark corridor, Levi Khan took out a bottle of voodoo potion and put it on everyone's eyelids. Now everyone felt that their vision was much brighter.

"Interesting stuff." Old Chen stared at the bottle of potion and said, "Could you get a bottle for me too? So when I go back, I can clean up the rabbit demon cave of the rice field."

"If you can afford it, I don't mind." Levi Khan grinned, "Goblin's expedition team buys this potion, and we sell him a thousand gold coins for each bottle-give you a 20% discount. "

Hearing the exaggerated price, Old Chen couldn't help but stick out his tongue: "Forget it, it's too expensive."

Down the stairs, a corner appeared in front.

Drunk Feng couldn't help pinching his nose as soon as he turned. The exaggerated smell of blood stimulated the drunken sense of smell, making him feel like he was about to vomit.

But the drunken fashion who often handles ingredients is like this, and the people of Onyxia are even more unbearable.

Looking up, there is another hall not far ahead. This seems to be the place where sacrifices were made to Hakkar. In the middle of the hall, there are still some powerful animal corpses, including the swamp crocodiles familiar to Drunken Wind.

While drunk wind was looking at the hall, a hook flew out of the dark behind the swamp crocodile.

"Come on outsider, let's get close."

Facing the sharp hook, Zuifeng decisively chose to get out of the way.

After hitting the air with one blow, the heavy hook hit the wall and was pulled back to the original place. The sharp hook and a string of sparks from the wall made everyone realize that this was already the depths of the Swamp of Sorrows-the wall was very dry, and it was clear that everyone had come to the bottom of the lake.

In the shadows, a troll berserker showed his body.

The Troll Berserker is a special member of the Gurubashi trolls.

Although no one knows how these warriors appeared, their huge figure has appeared in many battle records: this kind of troll warriors themselves are not afraid of pain, and the greater the pain they receive, the more they will change. The more violent.

The guy in front of Zuifeng seemed very good at offering sacrifices to Hakkar. Looking at him like a fish in the blood, it seems that the huge bones and flesh and blood around him are his masterpieces.

"But it always feels like something is wrong."

Before Drunk Wind found out what was wrong, the troll berserker had already begun to charge forward.

Unlike the usual troll berserkers, this guy also has some hideous bone spurs exposed. When he charged, he sank his shoulders and elbows, exposing the bone spurs to the outside.

Seeing this scene, Drunk Wind naturally didn't dare to insist, so he hurriedly stepped aside. But this troll violent is not at all as slow as a huge guy in the usual He deftly followed the drunk wind and changed the direction of his charge.

Under the unavoidable drunken wind, he could only jump high, and escaped the blow dangerously and dangerously.

"That's right! I said something is wrong! Although this troll berserker is huge, he can't dismember these sacrifices himself. He has accomplices!"

But Drunk Feng reacted a step too late.

Just as Drunk Wind was in the air with nowhere to leverage, a second hook flew out of the shadow, and the target was directed at Drunk Wind's belly.

"Damn it!" Drunk Wind is almost inevitable.

Seeing this, Rexxar hurriedly flew out of the axe in his hand, and hit the hook immediately.

Then there is the third hook. This hook has a tricky angle and the direction is where the wind falls. With the shaking of the iron chain, the hook cleverly avoids Rexxar’s other sharp axe and Livihan’s cross knife .

At this moment, the drunken wind suddenly became wise and activated his slow fall cloak. As the fall slowed, this hook was also empty.

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