Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 119: The Past of Pandaria

   Seeing the painful look of the blood **** Haka, Drunk Wind is a bit unbelievable.

  Hakkar, who tried his best but couldn't deal with it, came from the blood **** of the Twisting Void, the direct cause of the collapse of the Gurubashi Empire, was just abolished by a beam of light?

   Actually, the situation is not as exaggerated as Zuifeng imagined.

  Haka's arrival was originally extremely reluctant, but this time it only relied on the home court advantage to forcibly integrate the flesh and blood of his believers. Once the believer's soul is taken away, Hakkar's body is extremely unstable-it's just that Hakkar used his flexibility to avoid these during the battle, making it impossible for everyone to fight.

The ray of the "Songtao Egg Whisk" is only an introduction to Hakkar’s collapse and the beginning of the entire chain reaction. When Hakkar’s body can no longer maintain balance, the power of the world of Azeroth can drive him away. Get out.

   But it doesn't matter anymore, Hakkar has already rolled back into the Twisting Void at this time, and because of forcibly condensing his body, this guy can now be said to be badly injured.

   finally solved Haka, and Drunk Wind lay on the ground.

   At this moment, the icy floor is so kind-just like the time in the Shado-Dan Monastery.


   It was the first time to set foot on Qingri Peak, Zuifeng was full of illusions about the magical way of a monk-a generation of traversers, isn't it easy to catch up with martial arts? Under an epiphany, the four gods would be killed in seconds!

   Unfortunately, the facts are not as good as expected. The origin of the monk is that the Pandaren had to fight unarmed under the oppression of the Mogu tribe, and the starting point was crazy training.

   hit the sandbag, day and night.

   hit the slate, day and night.

   The excellent culinary skills of the Pandaren have been best demonstrated in the monk training-what should I do if the training is too heavy and too tired? Extra meal!

   Qingrifeng’s fire spoon chef really makes the drunk wind love and fear. Every time he appears, he brings a lot of food, but it also means more severe training.

   is also on the peak of Qingri, the drunken culinary skills have gone to the next level, and he has learned to add energy to his dishes.

   finally developed true qi, and the days of drunkenness did not get much better.

   Can you imagine how a guy who used to not drink alcohol became addicted to alcohol? It's simple, Drunken Master!

   Pandaren’s drunken fist seeks his own heart through the effect of alcohol, and numbs and hurts. Because Pandaren who are accustomed to pursuing the quality of life actually don't have that good endurance to pain, it is not that Pandaren monks can charge like an orc warrior with blood.

   So, the Pandaren mastered Drunken Punch.

   After drinking, the Pandaren can feel their most true instincts. They no longer deliberately control balance but can always maintain balance.

   How did this ability come from?

   Soaked out of the wine jar.

   After finishing the basic training, Zuifeng understood why the disciple who was in charge of registration showed sympathy when he signed up to practice the Tao of Wine Immortal.

   For a whole month, the drunk wind was really drunk and crazy-fortunately, the Pandaren’s liver function was so strong that they would have died of drunk many times soon.

   When I first entered Jiuxianmen Road, Drunk Wind made his own death again and signed up for the Yanhua Trial.

   Thinking of the Yanhua Trial, Zuifeng didn't look at the young dragons flying one after another, but carefully looked at the palm of his hand.

   A tiger-shaped mark lies quietly on the palm of his left hand.

Zuifeng was nineteen years old when he participated in the Yanhua Trial. He was the oldest guy in that class. At the same time, Zhu Taran, Tao Shi and Niirong participated in the trial, as well as many Zuifeng who had forgotten their names. Guy-Tao Shi is the youngest of them.

  The Flame Flower Trial is a traditional project of the Shado-Pan. The Pandaren who participate and pass the trial will become the elite disciples of the Shado-Pan, which is the role of the cadre reserve. But correspondingly, Yanhua's trial is also very difficult. This trial is held every seven quarters, and the one that Drunken Wind participated in happened to be winter.

In the freezing cold wind, Drunk Wind had to walk on the iron ropes between the peaks of the Shado-Pan. A large number of testers fell into the cold water without grasping their balance, although these losers will be rescued by mistweaver monks. But this is not a pleasant experience after all.

The trial after    required to catch the white tiger mark in the furnace-this is also the source of the mark on Drunk Wind's hand.

   In the last level, Drunk Wind has to face three big bells. Master Xueliu said that there are drunk enemies and hope under the clock.

   At this point in the trial, the remaining trialists were Zuifeng, Tao Shi, Zhu Taran, and Nirong. Just when Zhu Taran couldn't wait to turn the clock and challenge the enemy to prove himself, Drunk Wind stopped him.

   "Let's divide the labor." Zuifeng smiled and raised his eyebrows at Zhu Taran, "I only know the foundation of the Tao of Wine Immortal now, and in a while, I can be at the forefront."

   Yanrong nodded: "My shooting skills are not bad, especially the use of crossbow arrows."

   Tao Shi directly raised his hand: "I will sneak! I must join the Shado-Pan enlightenment!"

   Zuifeng nodded. The Enlighteners are the assassin forces of the Shado-Pan faction. They are said to have extraordinary skills. Even when they were in the middle of the mountain, Zuifeng had heard of their names.

   Zhu Taran is still a little bit dissatisfied with the drunk wind, but the other two have already "succumbed" and can only coldly snorted: "Treading the wind, specializing in the beginning."

   The four people carried out a simple division of labor.

After    the division of labor was over, Tao Shi carefully knocked every big bell and chose the one that didn't respond. After turning on the bell, it turned out to be a weapon.

   Tao Shi's dagger, Yanrong's crossbow and arrow, Zhu Taran's double sword, and Zuifeng's halberd.

   Equipped with weapons, the four people worked together to deal with an emerald green tiger and a It was the first time Zuifeng teamed up with a human, and it was also the first time to kill.

   After that battle, Drunk Wind was lying on the icy ground. The shadow of the snow was extremely cold, but Drunk Wind just didn't want to get up.


   Finally, with the help of Old Chen, all the wyrmlings have regained their vitality, and the drunken wind was awakened by Onyxia from the memory, and the group finally left the Atahaka Temple.

When    left the temple, the sky was full of stars. Isarios bent over and saluted Zuifeng and others: "Thank you, the Green Dragon Legion accepts your love."

Drunk Wind waved his hand: "Stop talking about this, are you going to see Ysera? I don't think Eranikus looks very good, but I still ask you to give this letter to Ysera. Please make sure to come here according to the place and time stated in the letter-this is very important, I believe she will understand everything when she sees the letter."

   While speaking, Zuifeng directly wrote a letter, sealed the letter, and handed it to Isarios.

   Isarios nodded and handed the letter to Eranikus. At this time, Eranikus could only turn into a person hiding his whole body in a cloak, standing awkwardly behind.

   "By the way, Eranikus, if you can wait, I will go to the Emerald Dream after a while, and then I will try to help you lift the curse of Hakkar's flesh and blood."

   Eranikus also nodded, after which Isarios changed into a dragon form and left with all the dragons and wyrmlings. As for these dragon people, they can only stay in the Swamp of Sorrows for the time being-this is really a sad Book friends are welcome to visit and read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all here~ For mobile phone users, please go to read.

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