Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 123: The wild magic of the black dragon

   For Nefarian’s challenge, Zuifeng and Onyxia had long anticipated it—if Zuifeng hadn’t quickly overpowered Onyxia, how could the Black Dragon Queen be so behaved!

   Coincidentally, due to the presence of orcs in the Blackrock Tower, two arenas have just been built.

   Black Dragon clears the field!

  Although the orcs were very interested in this battle, it was a pity that the black dragon was forbidden to watch. A large number of dragons gathered and surrounded the surrounding area. Even Lao Chen, Rexxar, and Levi Khan did not enter.

   Coming to the center of the arena, Nefarian directly changed into the form of a dragon-although he looked down on Drunk Wind, he did not dare to be careless in actual actions.

  Nefarian turned into a black dragon to safely use his dragon power, but after seeing Kil'jaeden's endless power to destroy the world, Nefarian at this time is not worth mentioning in Drunk Wind's view. What's more, it seems that Nefarian's size is not as big as Onyxia!

   "Also, let me see the wild magic of His Royal Highness the Black Dragon Prince!"

   "Hmph, Onyxia told you everything!" Nefarian was dissatisfied with his sister who turned his elbow out. It's a pity that he didn't know, even if Onyxia didn't say this, Zuifeng knew all about him.

  As a technology house, Nefarian has the same common problem as the technology houses on the earth-not strong enough. Of course, this is in terms of dragons.

   Therefore, Nefarian creatively integrated the characteristics of each profession and created a set of his own wild magic.

   Since he didn't know the profession of Drunk Wind, Nefarian was fully fired from the beginning! He began to weaken all known occupations.

   "Warrior, your strength will become your weakness!"

   "Shaman, the elements now obey my orders!"

   "Warlock, you are playing with magic that you don't even understand!"

   "Priest, the holy light obeys me now!"

   "Mage, beware of your magic ruining yourself!"

   "Hunter, now you are a prey!"

   "Druid, nature has taken orders from me!"

   "Stalker, don't hide, face me!"

   "Paladin, have you been abandoned by the Holy Light!"

   As a result, it was embarrassing and had no effect... Drunk Wind is a monk. Since Pandaria has been isolated from the world for a long time, Nefarian doesn't understand monks, so his wild magic can't counter the monks' skills, which makes the black dragon prince almost want to vomit blood!

   I worked hard for many years. I thought I had mastered a skill that could restrain all professions. I didn't expect that as soon as I went out (actually I didn't go out yet), I met a guy who was totally uneasy to play cards!

   Reluctantly discovered that his cross-page magic had failed to weaken the enemy, Nefarian could only change another way, choose to strengthen himself, and use his magic variety to gain an advantage.

   Then Drunk Wind was fortunate to see how the dragon's teeth were enchanted, how the fireball technique merged with the shadow bolt, how the frost trap was modified to trigger the ice ring technique, and how the summoned storm hammer had a sanction effect...

   Drunk Wind is really forced into a rush!

   Fortunately, Drunk Wind has experienced many battles, especially after the trip to Draenor, the mentality in the battle has become extremely calm.

   He will be strong!

   Facing the overwhelming bombardment from Nefarian, the drunken wind fully demonstrated the importance of position. After taking a sip of wine, Drunk Wind became staggered as he walked, but this unexpected way perfectly avoided all the deadly attacks of Nefarian.

   This feeling of punching in the empty space made Nefarian very uncomfortable. He finally couldn't help but yelled and began to breathe dragon breath.

  Rolling flames flooded the center of the arena.

   But Onyxia, who was in the appearance battle at this time, did not worry about the drunk wind, but looked at Nefarian who was spewing flames with sympathy.

   Just when Nefarian breathed in, Drunk Wind had realized what he was going to do-kidding, would Drunk Wind not understand what it means to breathe in a dragon with Onyxia for so long?

   It was too late to counteract (not realistic), and the drunk wind simply used all his strength to drive the magic dispersal art, and took the breath.

   Even, relying on the chance that the flames obscured Nefarian's sight, Drunk Wind moved a few steps forward and walked into Nefarian.


   Drunk Wind stepped on the frost trap prepared by Nefarian.

   After the improved frost trap was triggered, the large ice ring quickly opened, and the drunk wind was fixed in place. Unfortunately, due to Nefarian's breath, Drunk Wind immediately regained his mobility.

   Nefarian, who felt that his trap was triggered, wanted to stop the dragon's breath, but in a short time, Drunk Wind had resumed his actions and came to his face-it was Nefarian who shut up himself.

   Zuifeng certainly won't let go of this opportunity.

   stepped forward, Drunk Wind took out the words of the mist, turned around to avoid a fireball, and drew the bamboo stick towards Nefarian's head.

   It's too late to escape. Nefarian didn't believe what this green bamboo stick could do to him, so he just stopped hiding!

  Onyxia hadn't looked at it anymore-the drunken misty language was a weapon that had been blessed by four demigods at a fair My stupid brother dare not hide.

  Nefarian was knocked on the forehead with a stick.

   The Dragon Whisper magic was forced to stop halfway through the singing. The intense dizziness made Nefarian almost lose consciousness. After this hit, the black dragon prince felt his soul almost escaped from his body!

After    the language of the mist, Xuan Niu Nizao blessed, the attack has the power of Nizao, so the seemingly light and fluttering attacks of the drunken wind are often vigorous. Nefarian, who knew nothing about it, suffered a great loss. In addition, in the language of the mist, Yulong's blessed sealing circle, after this strong, Nefarian did not faint completely, it was all lucky!

   The victory has been divided, Zuifeng relied on the advantage of knowing himself and the enemy, and under the premise of surprise, defeated Nefarian cleanly.

   Although he was still unconvinced, Nefarian was still willing to bet.

   "I will gather all the black dragons now?" Nefarian, who had turned back into a human form, twisted his neck, and he is still dizzy now!

   "Wait a moment!" Drunk Wind stopped his call, "You are the first to come."

   Looking at Nefarian's suspicious face, Zuifeng knew that he had misunderstood again.

   "Don't worry, I don't want to do anything for you, but I still need you to help deal with those deathwing loyalties."

   "That's right." Onyxia nodded, "You will know how terrible the Corrosion of the Ancient God is in a moment."

  Nefarian can only agree with nodding his head in friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest, and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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