Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 145: Pandaren Cooking

   Seeing Zuifeng’s magnificent action, what came up was a mediocre beef noodle soup. To be honest, Thoras was still a little disappointed.

   But in view of the famous "records" of Drunk Wind, Thoras decided to try it first.

   Just after the entrance, the noodle soup seemed nothing special, but after eating a few bites carefully, Thoras had a new feeling.

   It was in the normal noodle soup, but after eating it, I felt that the whole person was warmed up.

   First of all, it is full of Ning Shenhua smell.

This simple and warm taste made Solas feel that he seemed to be an ordinary commoner, returning home after a hard day of hard work, and ate a whole bowl of noodles with contentment-there were a few thick slices on the noodles. , Greasy fat. With such a bowl of noodles, my hard work in the fields all day is worth it!

   Under the stimulation of Ningshenhua, the aroma of beef was completely aroused, and Solas couldn't help but appetite.

   In the rich smell of meat, Thoras seemed to have become a soldier again, following the general into the forest to find the trace of the troll. After eating wild fruits for a few days, I finally had the logistics to send the supplies up-although it was simple dried beef and whole wheat bread, I still feasted on it. It seems that this meal is the biggest meaning of my own battle.

Under the chewing, there seems to be some different toughness in the softness of the beef. Under the control of the drunk wind, although the beef has melted in the mouth, the beef tendon has not been broken, which gives the beef. An extraordinary tenacity.

   Just like the days of fierce battles with the orcs, Stromgarde was all soldiers in order to defend the glory of mankind. When it was discovered that Alterac seemed to be moving, he and the soldiers made a surprise attack on Alterac day and night. In the snowy valley, the king and the soldiers sat around the fire and ate the barely cooked beef, encouraging each other: "For the alliance, for Azeroth!"

   Thoras seemed to have seen the Stromgarde Hussars again, and at the wedding of Turalyon and Alleria, he sneaked away to the barracks. Facing the other side of the dark door of all unknowns, these young men didn't have any fear—they joked with each other and raised their wine glasses to wish the day of triumph.

After the first short roasting, the slightly burnt noodles made the tip of the tongue slightly bitter, and Terenas's hypocritical smile appeared in front of Thoras again, and the endless expedition returning to Stromgarde appeared. Remnant...

   After sober, Thoras swept away the previous decline.

"Thank you, Lord Drunk Wind." Thoras solemnly stroked his chest and saluted, "Stromgarde will always stand by its own justice! I am willing to keep going for the sake of protecting my people-Stromgarde is not afraid of sacrifice! Terena Si's despicability only makes me more careful, and now I understand what I want to protect."

"The alliance I am guarding is not Terenas' ambitions, but those civilians who trust us, those warriors who have not failed the civilians’ trust. I finally know why Khadgar calls you the Master of Cooking, your culinary belt What comes is not only the enjoyment of taste, but also a kind of thought."

   Zuifeng gave a big smile.

   "We panda people love food not only because of appetite, but also because we love life and enjoy life. Panda people cherish every day. For thousands of years, we have been following the instructions of the last emperor."

   "Your last emperor?"


   Drunk Wind Xiangsolas told the story of Shaohao. When he heard that the emperor chose to sacrifice himself in order to protect his people, Thoras couldn't help but sigh.

Sigh, Thoras stared at Drunk Wind firmly: "I know you have many plans to hide from me, but I have no intention of exploring-I am willing to follow your advice to establish a new kingdom in Solaza Basin, before that , I have a wish that you can agree to."


   After Zuifeng and Lao Chen left Strawberry Castle, they couldn't help sighing along the way.

"Drunk, what's the matter with you? Didn't you agree to meet the king named Terenas?" Old Chen looked confused, "It won't take long. Why are you so exaggerated? ."

   "It's as simple as you think." Zuifeng shook his head, "Blame my heart softened and agreed to Thoras. It's not easy to face Terenas now..."

   "Then you just have a look, will you soon be fine without saying anything?"

   "Of course it won't work — wait, I know what to do!" Suddenly Zuifeng's eyes lit up, "Old Chen, thank you for your reminder, hahaha!"

   What the hell? !

   Old Chen didn't understand the meaning of Zuifeng at all, and Zuifeng didn't want Old Chen to understand at all. He directly began to roll over, and then began to rush on the road quickly.

   The puzzled old Chen had no choice but to follow.

   There was not much time left for Drunken Wind to save Stromgarde. When he set off to the north in Alterac Valley, he found that the ogres had already gathered signs.

   More importantly, looking at the well-organized appearance of the ogre, it seems that the leader of the stone fist ogre is an ogre mage!

   Drunk Wind has never played against an ogre He doesn't know how capable these fat people with sudden IQ evolution are, and now he can only hope that Rexxar is strong enough.

Drunk Wind did not know that in the Stone Fist Fortress at this time, it was not the ogre mage he had imagined to command and gather the ogres-of course it was not an ogre warrior, but an unexpected ogre. Demon thieves!

   This two-headed ogre did not become a spellcaster like most double-headed ogres, but risked his life to inscribe two runes on his body!

   may be because of the blessing of the **** of luck, maybe because the two-headed ogre is always different, this ogre thief is not torn apart by the elements, but successfully immune to fire and frost magic!

   Two heads gave him more thinking ability. This ogre thief named Gokauer conquered the Stonefist ogre with his own wisdom and fists (mainly the latter).

   When learning the emptiness of Stromgarde, Gokauer did not hesitate to issue an order to assemble an army of ogres. Gokaul didn't want to do it again last winter when there was no food. This time he decided to establish an ogre power in this world!

   For this reason, Gokauer, who is committed to progress, also forced his subordinates not to eat people-eating is too wasteful and should be caught as slaves to farm and graze!


   I was wrong, I don’t recommend books...

I recommend everyone to watch Blizzard’s official short film "Shaohao’s Responsibilities", especially the last one. When the final music HeartofPandaria sounds, I can’t help but be moved every Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users, please go to read.

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