Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 155: Infiltration of Razor Heights

? The journey to find the igneous agave was very smooth.

Although this plant cannot be said to be everywhere in Thousand Needles Forest, there are definitely a lot of them. The Zuifeng trio soon collected a large number of igneous agave.

After being guided by Drektal, Old Chen was guided by Drunk Wind on the boat. Now he can use the elemental distillation method proficiently. Therefore, after collecting the igneous agave, he can’t wait to go to Thunder Ya has brewed his own new wine.

Drunk Wind and Onyxia stayed here to explore Razor Heights.

Then the two found embarrassingly that they couldn't enter Razor Heights without the help of thieves.

Wild boar people have the habit of domesticating wild boars. As a result, Onyxia's advanced invisibility technique can't hide these wild boars who shut their mouths better than dogs. The first time the two sneaked in, they didn't even enter the door...

No way, Onyxia can only carry Drunk Wind to find a thief.

Fortunately, they soon found a night elf wandering in the Barrens.

This night elf calls himself Sorea Nightsong and is a rare night elf adventurer-you know, among the ancient race of night elves, few people are willing to leave their homes to be an adventurer, let alone a Rhea is a guy with only Tier 7. In Zuifeng's view, Sorea is a young master who is eager to find some excitement. But this is nothing, he is still young after all!

After revealing his name, Sorea did not ask Drunk Wind what he wanted to do, and did not hesitate to agree to Drunk Wind’s request. This is a good opportunity to show off with the famous Drunk Wind and the Black Dragon Queen. Is it better than this?

With Sorea's help, the three finally entered Razor Heights smoothly.

Although Sorella is a stalker, he still knows a little bit of druid skills. Sorea sneaked in the forefront, calming the wild boars in advance, allowing Drunken Wind and Onyxia to pass smoothly.

Razor Heights is a typical boar-man colony, highlighting a mess, and the whole area is filled with the smell of feces.

Fortunately, Zuifeng and Onyxia are already a bit accustomed to fighting in harsh environments, so it's a big deal to hold your breath.

This time reflects the difference between a veteran stalker and a rookie. When Livi Khan was there, with the help of his various potions, the entire team was hardly affected by non-combat factors, and this Sorea—he was the one who was most disturbed by the smell.


Sorea had never thought of taking such a dirty adventure.

As a night elf with a slight cleanliness, the smell of Razor Heights almost drives him crazy! Sorea felt that her lungs were contaminated every time she breathed.

At this time, Sorea's heart collapsed-he collapsed even more when he saw Zuifeng and Onyxia's calm faces.

The poor stalker really couldn't figure out why Drunk Wind and Onyxia came to this place.

Investigate the boar?

What is there to investigate these smelly dying boars? !

During the voyage, Sorea even accidentally hit a fence.


The harsh sound made Sorella startled in a cold sweat.

It may be that they rely too much on the sense of smell of the wild boar. The vigilance of the wild boar is so low that only one guard stretches his head far away.

While Sorea was sneaking, Drunken Wind and Onyxia used advanced invisibility techniques to cover their trails. As a result, the Boarman found nothing, hummed twice and drew back to a stone and lay down.

Now Sorea didn't dare to think about it, he played a twelve minutes of caution, and slowly explored the depths of the Razor Heights.

Zuifeng and Onyxia have been observing here too, trying to find any evidence related to death and undead.

For Drunk Wind, finding evidence of the Scourge is much better than nothing. As long as he knows his enemy, Drunk Wind believes that he can deal with him, but if he doesn’t even know who the opponent is, there’s no way. what.

As they got deeper and deeper into Razor Heights, the Zuifeng trio had already arrived at the place full of white bones in the later copies, but they still didn't find any clues.

It's embarrassing now.

Zuifeng fell into hesitation for the first time.

Although I have long known that my own existence will inevitably change history and cause some other unknown changes, but this change seems to have come too early.

The three people spent more than six hours exploring around on Razor Heights, and they almost turned around the main city of the boar people. They even went through the garbage dump to find information, but they still found nothing.

While Drunk Wind was still thinking about what was going on, Sorea returned to report.

"Your Excellency Drunk Wind, we seem to have returned to the place where we first came in." In the corner, Sorea canceled the sneak, holding his nose in pain, "Can we leave this place? It's too smelly..."

Zuifeng always felt that he had overlooked something, but he couldn't react to it for a while. I had no choice but to nod: "I'm really sorry to want you to come to this place with us."

"Finally, I don't need to be here anymore." Sorea seemed to be liberated, and seemed to be a little lost. "Alas, I didn't expect that the first adventure with Zuifeng was actually in such a stinking place."

When leaving the Razor Heights, Sorea kept thinking about it.

Boar people are disgusting, disgusting to live, disgusting to wear, disgusting to eat...

"Wait a minute!" Upon hearing Sorea's complaint, Zuifeng finally knew where the problem was!

"Eat!" Drunk Feng slapped Although wild boar people are omnivorous, they do not eat rotten meat or excrement, so there is a problem with those big pots that boil foul smelling things! "

Thinking of the methods used by the natural disasters in Stratholme later, Drunk Wind had probably guessed the methods used by the natural disasters in Razor Heights!

After the War of the Ancients, the body of Ajiamagan was contaminated by the Burning Legion. Because of this, the wild boars who believed in Ajiamagan would become more and more cruel and violent.

Returning to Razor Heights again, Sorea secretly used Drunk Wind's pot to pour a lot of potions in the Boarman's pot during his sneaking-no way, Drunk Wind really has no container, there is no wine in the wine gourd, big deal Look for the shaman before loading the wine, the priest or something to disperse it again.

With the unidentified liquid of this gourd, Zuifeng and Onyxia brought the reluctant Sorea directly to Ashenvale to find the night elves.

For this kind of potion involving the undead, the Red Dragon should be an expert-as long as you find the Emerald Dream, you can directly find the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza. I believe that the Red Dragon Queen doesn't mind being disturbed when she is talking to her spouse.


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