Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 171: The beginning of the sacrifice ceremony

? The next day was lighted up, in the central square of the noble district of Ere'Thalas, Tosedrin summoned all the great arcanists and members of the Council of Ere'Thalas, and officially announced the beginning of the sacrifice ceremony.

The great arcanists began to set up a sacrificial array. With the concerted efforts of dozens of people, a huge array with azure blue light gradually formed on the ground.

On the second floor of the Great Library, the polymaths quietly looked at the busy Arcanists.

"What exactly is the prince going to do? He can't complete the sacrifice ritual like this! The sacrifice ritual requires not only a magic circle, but also a scepter and a potion."

Gildas was interrupted in the middle of what he said.

"Shhh, stop talking." Ledros put his index finger on his lips and made a silent gesture, "Look at who is there, you should know who the prince is really targeting."

Speaking of this, Ledros couldn't help shaking his head.

"We polymaths are not involved in these politics, but we don't know if this storm intensifies, will it really hit us."

Under the disparity of information, the Great Arcanist and the Council of Ere'Thalas really thought that Tosidrin was determined to sacrifice himself! In accordance with their own plan, they left a lot of easy-to-control Arcane flow switches at the nodes of the circle, which were seen by Torsedrin and strengthened the prince's determination.

The whole morning was spent in the busyness of the great arcanists. When the magic circle was drawn, the sun had already reached the center of the sky.

The huge movement attracted the Sindra civilians who were still in the city. Anyway, Sartre could not sneak under the sun at noon, and everyone came to the central square in groups.

When the entire square was filled with Syndra, Torsedrin stood in the center of the circle. The violent arcane energy gushed out of his body, and the strong wind engulfed by the arcane made everyone present almost unable to open their eyes.

"Citizens of Ere'Thalas! Today, I, Torsedrin, stand here, and after giving my last speech, I will perform a sacrifice ceremony here and contribute all of my aura!"

"For thousands of years, our Syndras of Errethalas have experienced countless winds, frosts, rains and snow, and witnessed countless vicissitudes of life, but today, the real crisis has appeared in front of us!"

"This is all my mistake. I failed to find a new source of energy to replace the devil. I failed to fulfill my promise to meet the needs of everyone's magic. So today I stand here. I can share it with everyone."

"I hope that these energies can support you to trek through the mountains and rivers to find a new source of energy. It is not enough. I hope that everyone will find the night elves and give up unnecessary restraint. My death should be enough to calm their dissatisfaction for thousands of years."

"After I die, I hope everyone will leave El'Thalas as soon as possible. The arcane magic circle here is enough to restrain the devil, but it's nothing more. I don't want my people to be hurt and enslaved by the devil."

With the help of Ao Neng, Torsedrin’s words were clearly transmitted to every Syndra’s ears present. A few of the older Syndra remembered the sacrifice ceremony that Prince Tones also performed here. Weeping secretly.

They didn't know the chaos behind this ceremony, they just thought that the prince was really desperate.

Therefore, many upright Syndra directly raised their arms and shouted that they would die together with Tosedrin in Erezalas.

This kind of call made Torsedlin seem very hesitant, but the prince gritted his teeth and rejected the proposal, and then signaled that the sacrifice ceremony officially began.

The arcane circle began to rotate slowly, and the visible arcane was pulled out of Tosidlin’s body, and injected into the magic net flow of Erethalas. The civilian authority of the magic net was also affected. Fully opened, the present Syndra ignored the sorrow of Torsedrin's sacrifice, and began to greedily enjoy the rare pure magic.

The ceremony was going on quietly, watching Prince Tosidrin's arcane fluctuations become weaker and weaker, several great arcanists glanced at each other, and then quickly nodded.

"His Royal Highness, something is wrong! Among these civilians, there seem to be some murderers who murdered their compatriots!"

Nothas' words made Syndra stunned.

"I found something wrong with the corpses of the family members of Senator Ere'Thalas before, but then I couldn't find the trace of this breath. Now at the prince's sacrifice ceremony, this fluctuation has appeared again! The murderer is disguised among the civilians. The prince pauses first. We need to find out the murderer!"

"Furthermore, we can't let the murderers absorb enough power, they may not do anything when they are frantic!"

Nothas's words caused an uproar for everyone.

As the chief arcanist of Ere'Thalas, Nothas' words are undoubtedly very important, thinking that there might be murderers absorbing the arcane power, everyone hesitated and feared.

Tosidlin also stopped the output of Ao Neng, he coughed twice, and then spoke hoarsely.

"Master Nosath, are you serious? Are there really murderers here?"

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, I once went to examine the corpse in private. There are traces of arcane energy on the wound, not Satyr's iconic shadow power! This must be done by the villains in the city. I suggest that the entire city be martial law , Find out the truth!"

Hearing what Nothas said, all the members of the Council of Ere'Thalas instantly became angry and expressed their desire to find the the blood was paid! "

"Never let the murderer get away with it!"

"However, the ceremony has already begun!" Tosedlin was pale, "I have only one day left in my life. Today the ceremony must be completed!"

"As you wish, my prince." Nosath bends down and salutes. "Our Great Arcanist will temporarily receive this energy. After the city's martial law finds out the truth, this energy will be lost. For you all."

The Sindra civilians on the scene couldn't react for a while. They were still immersed in the excitement of absorbing the arcane energy. They didn't expect that there would be so many twists and turns.

Just when the Great Arcanists regained control of the flow of energy, allowing the arcane energy to flow to themselves, and signaled Prince Tosidlin to start supplying the arcane energy again, Karedis stood up.

"Enough, you group of thieves shouting to catch thieves, I think it was you who killed the compatriots at that time, respectable great arcanists!"

Nothas was taken aback for a moment, and then seemed to understand something, his face changed suddenly! To be continued.

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