Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 186: Khadgar's blind date

? Closing Medivh's handwriting, Khadgar twisted his sore neck.

For seven full years, Kadeji felt that he was getting used to the feeling of staying in Karazhan and reading. It is a pity that the prophecy of Drunk Wind seemed to be a sharp sword of Damocles, hanging over everyone's heads.

After a lot of reading, Khadgar found that his mentor really did some research on demons-but why are the records so vague?

What I can know now is that after the devil dies, he will resurrect in the Twisted Void. In this way, it seems that if you want to kill a demon, you have to be in the Twisted Void-this is really troublesome.

Fortunately, Stormwind City is not unprepared.

There was the sound of footsteps downstairs, which sounded like a group of demon hunters going to eat. These fighters specially trained to fight against demons are powerful, but their appetite is amazing.

Thinking of the way these brawny men were eating, Khadgar couldn't help but mourn for his old friend. It was really embarrassing that Varian, the king of a nation and the leader of Stormwind, would borrow money from himself.

Wait a minute, Varian?

Khadgar suddenly realized that he seemed to be missing something!

It seems that today Varian asked himself to attend some kind of palace banquet-80% of them would like to introduce himself to some noble lady!

After discovering the problem, Khadgar thought he had better go out to avoid the limelight. Subconsciously rubbing his nose, Khadgar decided to go to Dalaran to talk to Master Antonidas. He didn't want to be surrounded by those women again.

Unfortunately, his escape plan was doomed to failure before it even started.

"Kadgar! Come down quickly-don't try to hide in Dalaran, Varian asked the court mage to cut off the energy supply of the Karazhan Teleportation Array in the name of the king!"

Hearing Turalyon's shout outside, Khadgar reluctantly opened the window.

"Well, I'll come right away."

After a brief cleaning, after riding the Griffin, Khad was full of doubts: "You cut off the teleportation array, shall I go to Stormwind by the Griffin? It's not long before the banquet? Is it too late?"

"Of course it's time!" Turalyon raised his eyebrows happily, "We have spent a lot of effort in order for you to attend on time!"

With that, the Griffin landed in a hidden place on the Deadwind Trail, not far from Karazhan.

Looking at the makeshift teleportation formation, a series of curses popped out of Khadgar's mouth.

Varian paid the money for Khadgar’s life-long events-given that the mage had a history of fleeing, Varian not only sent people to block Karazhan, but also sent someone to place a target in the corner of the Deadwind Path. Temporary portal!

"You guys are so sweet!" Khadgar gritted his teeth. "How do I feel like a criminal?"

"It's not that you have rejected Vereesa. The little girl has such a good impression of you, but you are hard-hearted..."

"Stop, stop." Khadgar quickly stopped Turalyon's nonsense, "Vereesa is just curious. As long as you are not blind, you should understand that she prefers human wizards not to use external force to cast spells. Attitude. Also, not everyone is a wizard like you!"

"Oh?" Turalyon put on a look that I understand, "It seems that you have the same taste as your teacher... Or I will talk to Varian and take you to Dunhold Castle Pick a female orc?"

Khad took a deep breath. At this moment, he felt that he hadn't taken off the guardian rod behind him and caused Turalyon to explode. It was a good temper.

In order to avoid Turalyon's thoughts, Khadgar walked into the portal first.


Seeing Varian's friendless robes that Varian had prepared for him, Khadgar had nothing to say.

"Varian, don't you have any money? How can you get the gold thread?" When he was being served in a robe, Khad was filled with questions, "Also, these specious magic on the robe What the **** is the circuit? Damn it, where you need Thorium and Evergold threads, you just fool around with ordinary colored threads? If I fail to restrain my magic flow at the banquet for a while, I will burst out on the spot! "

"You should feel touched, bastard!" Varian gave Khadgar a soft punch on the shoulder. "This is my only private money-as for those magic circuits, noble ladies can't recognize them anyway. , I asked Tifeiyin to embroider some in Medivh’s favorite way, well, it looks pretty good!"

"Damn, I am not a prophet, I don't like to put my head in a hood!"

"Relax, the mysterious fan is popular this year, think about the sudden appearance of your avatar as the night crow at the banquet, the ladies will definitely be crazy for you!"

"They are crazy! They just want Karazhan property."

"Not all! At least I know that a few girls really like your kind-if you still insist on being single, I can only think that you dislike these ladies and are not worthy of you. Then there will be any strange rumors about me in Stormwind. It doesn't matter..."

Khadgar could only surrender.

"Okay, okay my dear King. I swear that I will do well at the banquet. I just want to end it quickly and take a bath in Karazhan's magic pool."

"Trust me, you will take a beautiful woman back to take a bath~"

Although he has decided to perform well, Khadgar is really not comfortable with such a lively place. In desperation, he can only choose to put on a cold look like Turalyon said.

Then there were more and more noble ladies around.

After Velen's blessing, although Khadgar was a seemingly cold mage, he had the affinity of a paladin inside. In fact, there were quite a few ladies in Stormwind who really liked him.

Just when Khadgar was at a loss, Sylvanas' appearance relieved the poor Faye.

"Kadgar, would you like to dance with me?"

Khadgar took a deep breath, took Sylvanas and walked onto the dance floor.

"Thank you so much, Ms. Sylvanas. I still can't handle this kind of occasion..."

"It's just to help each other." Sylvanas smiled faintly, "Thanks to your lack of advice to my sister, the little guy Vereesa is really too curious."

"Little guy?" Khad was filled with black The "little guy" in your mouth seems to be hundreds of years older than me, right? "

"Haha, don't pay attention to these details-in other words, did you not prepare an emergency plan for Lordaeron in Stormwind City? Terenas has been a bit big recently-even the Silvermoon Council has acquiesced to our family living in Stormwind City. Hope to strengthen our ties, do you believe that Terenas is a pacifist?"

"Terrenas is not a pacifist, but someone is ah-I don't believe that His Majesty the King dared to fight Gilneas or Stormwind against the wrath of the dragon. Moreover, Arthas only became a Paladin last year, and now in the hands of Silver There are not many Paladins who listen to them. Why do they go to war?"

Unfortunately, Khadgar hadn't finished speaking before a messenger broke into the ball.

"Emergency information! News came from the vows, the leader of the vows was drunk and unconscious, Lordaeron who got the news sent troops to Gilneas!"

Khadgar just wanted to give himself a mouth—"I swear, I must learn a new flying transformation, and I will never become a crow again!" (To be continued.)

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