Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 238: The birth of Nordrassil

Since Illidan scammed his illness, Drunk Wind began to soak in the Emerald Dream all day.

On the one hand, this was done to consolidate his soul power-after the curse of Chenguangmai was lifted, the strength of Drunk Wind had not only slowly recovered, but even increased; on the other hand, it was from Illidan's request.

Yes, now Illidan is very shy...

Since he cheated on his illness, Vasqi began to look after him twice in three days, and Azshara had a tacit attitude towards this matter.

Originally, according to Illidan’s idea, he did not want to deal with this little nympho, but Drunk Wind said that only through Vaschi can we understand Azshara more deeply, which made Illidan have to work hard to get along with Vaschi and fight for it. Find Azshara's weakness in her mouth.

But Vaschi didn't know anything about it, she just wholeheartedly enjoyed the life with the people she liked.

As early as when she heard the name of Illidan for the first time and knew that he had the same amber eyes as Queen Azshara, Vashj had remembered the name.

Later, at the banquet where Illidan became the captain of the Ravencrest guard, Vasqi met Illidan for the first time. She was deeply attracted by Illidan and began to quietly collect all his news.

When Illidan finally got the Dragon Soul, Vashj was so happy that she was about to fly-because this time the person she liked and the queen she admired finally stood in the same camp.

Later, Illidan became a demon after Sargeras personally took action. Although his incomprehension in the palace made Vasqi ashamed and annoyed, after learning that Illidan was injured, she finally couldn't help but sneak out. Look after.

Regarding this, Azshara held a look of happiness, and under the connivance of opening one eye and closing one eye, Vasiqi almost got along with Illidan day and night.

This is the first time Illidan has used his mind with a girl-although he was crazy about Tyrande before, he didn't seem so sensible most of the time...

But after hard work, Illidan faced Vasqi's enthusiasm, and often behaved at a loss.

He didn’t know how to face Vaschi’s enthusiasm. He even had a sense of guilt towards Vaschi, thinking that he was using her. In the midst of conflicts and entanglements, Illidan also knew of Azshara’s Many weaknesses.


After Drunk Wind in the Emerald Dream learned of the movement of the Burning Legion from Malfurion, he had to sigh with the inertia of history.

It is foreseeable that the gods of the wilderness will face a real tough battle tomorrow.

It turned out that in the timeline, it was the demon's siege that caused heavy damage to the wild gods, but this time, facing the same predicament, Zuifeng found helplessly that he could hardly do anything-this level of battle, even if drunk Feng forced to participate, the effect that can be achieved is also extremely limited, after all, it is a battle of demigods.

Looking at the helpless drunk wind, Malfurion could only sigh.

Although Malfurion has basically mastered the magic circle for summoning the moon guard, the elite combat effectiveness of the western army will be improved tonight, but the outcome of the battle tomorrow is still hopeless.

Only a few green dragons and red dragons can participate in the heavy loss of the Dragonflight. With the addition of the wild gods and moon guards, and the priestess of the Sisterhood of Elune, the number of Western Front Rebels is less than one percent of the demons... …

"It would be fine if it was in a dream-now it is difficult for us to mobilize the power of this world." Malfurion sighed, "I'm afraid tomorrow will be a real **** battle..."

"The power of this world?"

The speaker was unintentional, and the listener was intentional. Suddenly, Zuifeng felt that a thought flashed in his mind.

Mobilize the power of the world...Emerald Dream...

Zen stick forest-the tree of the world!

"Malfurion, if the gods of the wilderness are under Garnier, will they gain more power?"

"Under the mother tree Garnier?" Malfurion raised his eyebrows. "Of course it will. The gods of the wilderness are the children of the world. Under the mother tree Garnier, even if they are injured, they will recover quickly-but How can I fight under Garnier? Could it be the Staff of Gourmet?"

"Yes!" Drunk Wind nodded, "The Rod of Gourmet is the branch of the mother tree, Ganir. I can now get the pure water from the Well of Eternity-I believe the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza can rely on this Plant a small world tree, right?"

After carefully considering Drunk Wind’s proposal, Malfurion nodded. This is indeed a good idea. If a world tree is really planted, even if it is just a young tree planted not long ago, it can be used by the rebels. Provide great shelter!

"Will you follow me tomorrow?" Malfurion asked expectantly. He wanted to know the strength of Drunk Wind, "I heard that you have been wandering in dreams recently."

"No, I still don't participate." Zuifeng could only smile and shook his head. "My strength has gradually recovered, but I have also discovered more and more that my words and deeds have seriously interfered with history. I must now try to conceal my existence. ——I hope you can keep secrets for me, and try not to tell others about my existence."

When Drunk Wind talked about the time, Malfurion nodded his head faintly, and then left the dreamland with the rod of gluttony and the well of eternity secretly made by Illidan.

As a result, the red dragon and the druid got busy all night in the large camp of the Western Front Resistance Army.

The Staff of Gourmet was placed on the ground, and after watering the well of the Well of Eternity, under the blessing of the Red Dragon Queen and Cenarius, the Staff of Gourmet turned into a sapling, and then started at a speed visible to the naked eye Growing like crazy!

Under the shining of Elune, a new world tree was spawned. The dense branches and leaves attracted countless birds around, and even Aviana nodded to this world tree.

Looking at the tree that finally grew up, and remembering the words of the drunk wind, Malfurion said faintly: "This tree, just call Nordrassil..."


The next day, when the Burning Legion met the Western Front Archimonde was surprised to find that the night elves, tauren and the gods of the wilderness had been built on a huge tree. A line of defense, a good encounter has turned into an offensive and defensive battle-the rebels occupy a favorable defensive position!

"Stupid elves, do you think this will stop the Burning Legion?" Archimonde sneered disdainfully, "Everyone, come with me!"

In this land, a tragic battle finally began.

Countless strong men gave their lives here in order to defend their homeland. To commemorate these unyielding warriors, this land was named Darnassus-which means "starlight never dies"!


Hahaha, has anyone noticed that Darnassus and Nordrassil appeared in the previous article that shouldn't have appeared? Filling the pit completion degree +1!

Five shifts are complete, sprinkle flowers! Continue tomorrow! (To be continued.)


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