Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 153: The savior's perfect curtain call

The letter Drunk Wind left to Illidan was not long, but it completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Dear Illidan: I really don't want to call you that, but I really can't find a more appropriate word. After all, I can't say: Hey, Illidan."

Illidan and Malfurion frowned. It didn't seem like the style of Drunk Wind's speaking.

"When you read this letter, I think I have already left you, and 80% have returned to the place where I was ten thousand years later."

"In order to prevent unnecessary influence, I tried to remain silent as much as possible. It seems that I was successful-you should still be confused about my origins."

"However, it doesn't matter at all. If I am still alive, you will always see me in ten thousand years; if I die, it is enough for you to remember that there is a real hero named Drunken Wind Iron Palm—no What?"

Illidan couldn't help but nodded, this passage is indeed very reasonable.

"Well, let's not talk about nonsense that is not nutritious, let's talk about business now."

"This time you should have gotten your wish, right? With strong strength (although from fel); with a beautiful girlfriend (although Maiev did not admit it, Vaschi was missing), he became a hero (although it was With my help)."

Seeing Malfurion's (xin) monster (wei)'s eyes, Illidan's anger arose...

"But don't let up, our world still faces many challenges: the Burning Legion will come back sooner or later, and the ancient gods are still thinking about them. Although you may not understand these words, but as long as you know that we are still far from Security, that's enough."

"So, I think you should know what to do. After ten thousand years, if I am not dead, maybe I will call you to fight together."

"By the way, there is something very important for you to remember that next time you see you, you must try it out first, and see if I know you, let me leave a code here, remember: yong'heng'dao, You just need to pronounce it in Darnassus. Just say this when you see me and you will know if I know you."

"Well, don't think too much, just do what you should do-looking forward to seeing you again."

"By the way, Illidan, I'm sorry I didn't teach you how to cook, but you should have learned how to make pizza. So simple. If you don't know it again, I will doubt your mind."

Illidan and Malfurion stared at each other as they read an inexplicable letter.

Well, in fact, in addition to the last few instructions, Zuifeng's letter seems to be mostly spoofing. After all, he did not expect that the ancient gods will step in and end the ancients in an extremely embarrassing way. Battle.

According to Drunk Wind's plan, he would disappear into the Cave of Time in the Emerald Dream in the admiration of countless people, instead of wandering around in the turbulent flow of time and space like now.

Yes, Drunk Wind is now wandering around in the turbulence of time and space.

At this moment, Zuifeng didn't know where he was or at which point in time he was. At the moment when Sargeras' portal was destroyed, he was brought into chaos by a powerful impact.

Well, it's not completely chaotic, at least Drunk Wind can be sure that he is still in Azeroth.

There is a road at the foot, and there are all kinds of weirdness on both sides of the road.

The drunk soul can only walk on this road slowly, not knowing how long.

However, the drunk wind is getting more and more weird, why look so familiar here!

How could this road be so like the one in the Cavern of Time-except for it's too long.

If it's really the Caverns of Time, then everything is easy, as long as you get back to the right time, everything is done.

But just as Drunk Wind was advancing, there was suddenly no road ahead-a hall occupies all the space in front.

In the hall, time seems to be eternal, and here are the "shadows" of countless affairs. These affairs seem to be real, and they seem to be sculptures that only exist for a moment.

Zuifeng looked at each of the "sculptures" carefully, cranes, snakes, turtles, trees...

After looking around, Drunk Wind is almost certain that everything displayed in this hall appears on the Timeless Isle!

However, there is no Drunk Wind himself in the hall-Drunk Wind can be sure!

This is very strange. It is clear that everything here is on the island. Why didn't he appear here on the Eternal Island once before?

Moreover, the four gods are obviously there!

Can't figure it out...

What confuses Drunk Wind is that there is no exit in the hall.

"How to get out..."

When the drunk wind was tangled, he saw a peculiar statue, and with a thought, he found a way to return to the time he was.


On the timeline ten thousand years ago, Azeroth finally calmed down.

The land was divided into multiple plates, and after constant movement, it finally slowly settled down.

The large tracts of land near Jin Azshara slowly sank and turned into a sea, and Jin Azshara became a maelstrom.

Azshara and the high-level elves accepted N'Zoth's transformation, and their lost beauty turned into poor Naga. Kim Azshara was no longer there, and they finally settled in Nazjatar.

Although Darnassus, who was in the **** battle between the gods of the wilderness and the Burning Legion, was close to Jin Azshara, he was protected from sinking under Nordrassil's protection, but he stayed away from the Maelstrom and moved all the way to the northwest.

In addition, Azsuna, Suramar, Highmountain, Val'sharah, and Stormheim also survived the protection of the coalition forces and became a broken archipelago.

Of course, some of the coalition forces dispersed in the chaos and went to other places-such as Anvilmar and Earthen, but in the end they returned to Uldaman.

Illidan became a great hero, but he gave up the admiration of thousands of people and chose to pour three bottles of water from the Well of Eternity into the lake on Mount Hyjal, begging Alexstrasza to plant a tree of life.

Seeing that he took back the devil’s soul and exiled the devil, the Red Dragon Queen readily agreed. So, using the last seed before Garnier’s explosion, he planted the second tree of the world on Mount Hyjal. With the help of the life-binder, the lives of all night elves are closely connected to this tree of life, and Prince Farodis and the night watchman are finally in the tree Rest in peace.

Both Ravencrest and Illidan rejected the responsibility of leading the night elves.

The lord of Black Raven Fortress Ravencrest reluctantly sent Teresa away, and Illidan was taken back to Black Raven Fortress by Maiev.

Within the rebel army, the upper elves headed by Dath'remar were still unwilling to give up the power of arcane magic and finally parted ways with the night elves-Illidan saw that he had been in friendship and gave him a bottle of well water.

After the dust settled, Illidan let out a long sigh.

"Vashj, I have fulfilled your wish for you..."

Unfortunately, he didn't see Maiev's figure already appearing not far behind him.


Must-see single chapter! (To be continued.)

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