Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 300: Elegy of the Underworld

  Before the fall of Azjol-Nerub, this gate had guarded the city for decades. No matter what happened on the ground, this gate stood here, closed tightly. ???

According to Atud, he had never seen this door open.

And now, the Underground Commando and the Net of Vengeance are about to open this door!

Siege has never been a simple matter, especially in such a relatively narrow underground. Under the command of Eranikus, the dragons first started a tentative attack.

The dragon men carrying heavy weapons swarmed up and began to beat the door ping-pong.

As a result, the gate did not move, and even no traces were left.

"Atud, can you tell me what material this door is made of?" Seeing this, Eranikus frowned, "It looks a bit too strong!"

"The time when this door was built is too old, and related books are hard to find in the library. The introductions I have read about this door are mostly speculations and conjectures-but according to the situation just now, It seems that this door is related to the Titan Iron and Saronite Iron."

Now that Eranikus looked confused, Atud explained: "The Titan God Iron is said to be related to the Creation Titan-we don’t know it very well; while Saron’s Iron is the master of the faceless group. The blood of the **** Yogg-Saron was turned into. In a great experiment, our craftsmen found that the two can be made into a solid reddish-brown metal after the two are precisely matched, processed and blended."

"Of course, there is a price to do this. A careless handling of Saronite will make the craftsman crazy, that kind of hopelessly crazy, so I don't think this door can be made of that kind of alloy. But there should be some kind of ingredients."

"So how should we break this door?" Eranikus's focus is obviously different from Atud. "Listen to you, isn't this door unbreakable?"

"That's it." Atud nodded, "but we can get in by other means."

"Oh?" Eranikus raised his eyebrows. "Will the defenders here rush out to fight us?"


Before Atud's words fell, a huge figure turned over from the city wall.

"No one can enter Azjol-Nerub!"

This is the undead of a priest of Azjol-Nerub. He is wearing a robe and standing upright. He stands on only four legs, with the remaining four legs hugging his chest.

Behind his head is a towering diadem, and the complicated pattern on the diadem shows his unique identity.

"Crickhill, my old friend." Atud's voice was still low. "Unexpectedly, you are still guarding this door-but you have changed your allegiance."

"Undead natural disasters are unstoppable!" Crickhill's tone was indescribably arrogant, "Now, no one can set foot on Aijjol-Nerub without the master's permission!"

Following Crickhill’s words, a lot of crypt demons suddenly crawled out of the nearby spider webs. They summoned a large number of parasites to attack the underground commando. These dexterous bugs can easily penetrate the dragon. Destroy the underside of the scale armor.

But fortunately, most of the people present were blue dragons. A frost armor could not only let their scales be seamless, but also directly freeze to death the bugs that had penetrated. After solving the sudden attack, the underground commando began to counterattack quickly.

The undead at the defensive gate obviously lacked heavy units. After the sudden failure of the attack, they were not the opponents of the dragon and the dragon at all.

Atud also fought with Crickhill.

Obviously, the Crypt Lord Tianke Nerub Priest-even the dead Nerub Priest.

Atud's thick carapace greatly prevented mental damage, which made Clarkhill's mental flogging almost negligible.

And Clarkhill's curse of fatigue is even more a joke for Atud, the Aijjol-Nerubians are terribly resistant to shadows.

The only possible threat was the undead plague spread by Clark Hill, but the red dragon Valastraz, who was always paying attention to the battle, used the dragon's breath full of vitality to resolve the plague.

The helpless Clarkhill could only summon a swarm of locusts to attack Atud, and the Crypt Lord said that I did too, and then released the swarm under his carapace.

As a result of the fighting among the swarms, the professional Atud was even better. Subsequently, Clarkhill was stunned by Atud's spikes from the ground.

Later, Atud picked Clarkhill in his own horn and threw it out.


After some battle, the undead who boldly took the initiative to attack were wiped out.

This time, facing the unguarded gate, Atud led the warriors of the Web of Vengeance along the spider web and cleverly climbed the city wall. After turning over, he opened the long-closed gate from inside—— That small side door can pass through the Azjol-Nerubians, but it is too small for the Dragonmen.

In the flow of shadow energy, the entire gate was slowly brought down and sank directly to the ground, and there was a tendency to continue sinking!

"Come up!" Atud shouted loudly, "I didn't expect this gate to function as an elevator!"

Hearing these Eranikus motioned to the dragonman behind to wait a while, and he took Chromie, Valastaz and Teregosa and jumped onto the city gate.

"Unexpectedly, the record in the legend is true! The gate of Azjol-Nerub is really a shortcut to the core of the kingdom!" Atud, who was waiting at the gate, looked a little excited. You can soon occupy here!"

"Are you sure?" Eranikus frowned. "No matter how you look at it, I don't think it is reliable to arrange a secret road leading to the city center at the gate."

"I don't know the specific reason, but it is very likely that all of this is related to the ancient gods." After hearing Eranikus's words, Atud finally calmed down. "After all, before encountering the undead natural disasters, our imaginary The enemy is the ancient god."

In the discussion of the five people, the door finally slowly stopped operating.

What came into their eyes was a large number of small buildings of Ajranerub-although they weren't tall or magnificent in Ankahet, they were superior in number, and there was a huge pond below the entire hall.

Yes, this is an underground pond, and it is extremely deep underground.

What's interesting is that the water here is neither clear nor turbid, but with a faint silver light!

Seeing the pond, Atud threw into the water excitedly. He dipped his forelimbs in the water and delivered it to his mouth. After tasting carefully, he began to shout excitedly! (To be continued.) 8

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