Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 308: 1 Encounter with eggs is always wrong for life

   Drunk Wind looked at Illidan and Mother Shahrush with interest, showing a meaningful smile.

   Illidan's charm is quite big!

   If I remember correctly, the last time Shaheras and Illidan met was 10,000 years ago!

   When the Burning Legion attacked the Black Rook Fortress, there seemed to be a fellow named Shaheras among the destroyers captured by the Moon Guards. It seems that Illidan released her after the war?

   The drunken and playful eyes made the scene very embarrassing.

   "Let’s talk about it, what is going on?" Drunk Wind began to wink at Illidan, "It seems that we have an additional spy in the Burning Legion?"

   "No, it's not a spy." Mother Shahrush shook her head, "It should be three, me, Marvolence and Alisabal."

   Drunk wind was shocked.

   Does Illidan come with the buff of "female favorability increase +1000% except for Tyrande"?

  Gold Azshara, Black Crow Castle, always miss the egg for a lifetime?

   Drunk Wind’s increasingly weird eyes finally made Illidan unable to bear it, and he hurriedly brought the topic back to the Burning Legion.

   "According to Shahrush's news, the demons of the Burning Legion intend to summon Kil'jaeden."

   Illidan's words made the drunken heart sink--the devil really made this idea!

   "Shaheras, tell everything you know, it's about whether we can defeat the Burning Legion!"

   "Call me Shah-Sir Illidan." Mister Shahlash first reminded Illidan with a smile, and then began to talk about the Burning Legion's plan of action.

   "After the death of Mannoroth, the stupidest man, now all of us obey Tichondrius' orders. Although the cold big bat is annoying, I have to admit that he has a good IQ."

"He took us to hide in the mountain, and if there is no accident, he will always move to the southwest-I don't know where the destination is, but based on the preparations he wants us to make, it seems that we need to pass by. "

   "Water?" Drunk Feng raised his eyebrows, "There are many currents nearby, including the Sodoril River and Lake Kieldalon."

   "It's not a river, it's either crossing the sea, or crossing the lake!" Shahras's mother tongue is firm, "According to Tichondrius' preparation, I dare not say that it is not as simple as crossing the river!"

   "Keldalon Lake..." Illidan looked at the map, "What's on Lake Keldarron? A small island? School of Spiritualism?"

   "Wait, psychic school?!"

   Zuifeng instantly realized what Tichondrius’ plan was!

   The center of Lake Keldaron, Keldaron Island is the territory of the Barov family!

  According to Jandis Barov’s performance, the Barov family has completely taken refuge in the Undead Scourge!

   In other words, it is very possible that the devil will summon Kil'jaeden on the island of Keldaron!

   Thinking of this possibility, the drunk wind almost burst into death!

   found the map, and Zuifeng began to carefully observe the possible route of the demon.

   Stratholme descends south, crosses the mountains to the southwest, and crosses the Sodoril River to Lake Keldaron. Keldaron Island is in the middle of the lake!

   "How is your marching speed?" Zuifeng asked Ms. Shahras, "Can you estimate how long it will take to reach your destination?"

"It's hard to say." Mother Shahrush shook her head. "I don't know how long it will take. I only know that our marching speed is very slow now-in order to avoid the search of the black dragon in the sky, we must ensure the integrity of the forest. It’s not difficult for saboteurs and succubuses, but it’s terrible for those big guys—especially those of the abyss demon with a problematic brain. Without Mannoroth’s suppression, those idiots are almost noisy. Woke up."

   "That's good!" Drunk Feng nodded, "In this case, we still have a chance! We must reach Kael Daron before the Burning Legion-at least part of it!"

   "You have a lot of ideas, Pandaren." Mother Shahras gave a playful smile, "But I think you should know how difficult it is to resist the impact of the devil head-on without the help of the city wall."

   "Of course I know..." Drunk Feng nodded sadly, "During the expedition to Draenor, our expeditionary coalition was absolutely elite and frontally attacking the devil, but still suffered heavy losses."

"Then you should understand that in Stratholme for such a long time, the Burning Legion has not tried its best-apart from the offensive a few days ago, Tichondrius has been asking us to preserve our strength at other times, even if you Transfer everyone in Stratholme to intercept it, I am afraid it is too late."

   "Don't worry about this-Stratholme is not all our strength!" Drunk Feng shook his head, "Compared with this, I care more about whether Tichondrius has other preparations."

   "Other preparations?" Mister Shahras raised her brows. "You want to say that Tichondrius has other players?"

"Yes." Drunk Feng nodded, "Ten thousand years ago, we relied on Illidan's internal response and died of Tichondrius once. I want to follow the character of the Dreadlord. This time he will be more cautious, right? I can't expect him to fall into our calculations stupidly, we must make a two-handed plan!"

   "You participated in the battle ten thousand years ago? Are you really the one who fought back Sargeras?"

   After discovering Zuifeng’s understanding of the Shahras finally stopped smiling at Drunkwind, and she rarely showed a serious expression.

"But, it seems that you don't have the power to repel Lord Sargeras? Is it because you tried your best to cause your strength to retreat drastically?" When Drunk Wind didn't know how to answer, Mother Shahrush was already in an endless brain tonic. , Now in her heart, the image of Drunk Wind has become taller-this is not an ordinary Pandaren, but a Pandaren who has repelled Lord Sargeras!

   Drunk Wind finally made up his mind when Shahrushi’s mother’s brain was repaired.

   "No matter what preparations the cunning big bat of Tichondrius left behind, I must also prevent him from reaching Keldaron Island. Once he gets there, we have no chance at all."

   "Interesting." Mother Shahrush excitedly waved her arm, "This is a great fun! I hope you won't be beaten too badly!"

   "We are doing business-not for fun!"

   "Hehe, who said that you can't have fun when doing business?"

   Just as Mother Shahrush started winking at Illidan again, a demon hunter hurried into the tent.

   "Report to Lord Illidan, Lord Maiev rushed over!" (To be continued.)

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