Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 310: Tarren Mill Breakthrough

   There is no doubt that Drunk Wind hates Hellscream very much.

   After all, in the original world line, Garrosh Hellscream destroyed the entire Vale of Eternal Blossoms. In the Orc War, Drunken Wind had a fight with Gromash.

   But under the current circumstances, if the Warsong clan is willing to participate in the war, Drunk Wind welcomes it with both hands.

   In case Hellscream died directly, wouldn’t it be better?

  Well, with this kind of ulterior circumstance, Drunk Fengxiang Rogosh asked about the movement of the war hymn and the blood ring.

"Orgrim had already sent an emissary to inform the War Hymn and the Blood Ring. Not surprisingly, they will participate in the battle. According to the original plan, they will set off from the wetlands, cross the sea and land in the Hinterlands, and then directly over the mountains. Stratholme."

   "Where are they now?"

   "According to the plan, they should be at sea."

   "Well, tell them not to come to Stratholme, and go directly upstream from the Yagowasa River in the Hinterland, and we meet at Keldaron!"

   "Okay! I'll go there myself!" Logosh nodded and agreed, "I need help from the black dragon!"

   "No problem." Onyxia nodded, "I will send the young dragon to take you there!"

"Then we will go south directly." Drunk Wind stood up, "Sir Rivendell, you must guard Stratholme, Illidan, Maiev, Oni, Thrall, we will go straight along the way we came. Flow down from the Sodoril River and stop the demon at Keldaron!"

"it is good!"


   "Master Medivh, please contact the Alliance, and try to get support as much as possible-I hope we can stop the devil in Keldaron!"


   Just when Drunk Wind was going to intercept the demon, the Alliance troops finally crossed the Saldo Bridge.

   This army of humans, dwarves, and dwarf elites quickly went north after crossing the bridge to join Tarren Mill’s Silver Crusade.

   Then, the fighting spirit of the Alliance army began to take the initiative to launch an attack against the undead spider-men near Tarren Mill.

   Anub'arak collapsed!

Although the previous paladins were powerful and could resist energy milk, the undead spider-men could still hold them. After all, the paladins were strong in combat, but their mobility and detection capabilities were lacking. Anuba who fought guerrilla warfare. Rack exhausted the Silver Crusade.

   But now it’s okay, the Violet Avenger evacuated from Dalaran is here.

   After the real Faye shot, Anub'arak really felt desperate.

   I heard that you like to hide underground?

it is good!

   The Violet Avenger is the essence of Dalaran, including wizards who are good at various aspects.

   So, the wizards of the prophecy school acted first and began to find the location of the enemy underground. Perhaps the location is not very precise, but it is enough-a big deal is a group of mages together to locate all the possible locations, the most marked one must be the undead spider man!

   Then there was a scalpel-like earthquake strike.

After knowing the location of the undead spider-man, the energy-shaping mage of    Violet Avenger started various penetrating attacks. As a result, the tunnel of the undead spider-man collapsed in a large area, and countless undead spider-men were buried.

  Although they have been transformed into undead by the Lich King, these spidermen will really die after being buried.

   Anub'arak and his men suffered heavy losses, so they can no longer entangle themselves unreasonably.

   So on the frontal battlefield, the Paladin took the lead in the charge, the mage struck from a distance, and the undead's natural disasters collapsed a thousand miles!

   Anub'arak, who had high hopes from Arthas, finally defeated after pestering the Silver Crusade for a long time.

   The city of Tarren Mill was quickly recovered, and then the Alliance troops headed north.

  The undead natural disasters and the defense lines of Keno Town, Kalundo City, and Anernokh City were almost collapsed under the attack of the Alliance army!

   Soon, the alliance's army hit outside of Steinblad-this is the last fortress of Anub'arak, as long as it passes here, the alliance will truly open up the connection between the north and the south of Lordaeron!

Because of this, the Lich King gave Anub'arak a death order: even if all of them died in the battle, the main force of the alliance must be dragged to buy time for the demons-this is also for Arthas to bring the main force of natural disasters back to buy time. !

   Under this strategic goal, Anub'arak made an unexpected decision.

   Give up Steinbride!

   Anub'arak led all his subordinates, abandoning this solid fortress and marching to the northeast, strangling the road to Lake Keldaron.

   Medivh came here just when the Alliance forces occupied Steinblad. Under this kind of emergency, Medivh could not take care of anything else and went directly to Khadgar.

"Quickly, Khadgar, the devil seems to be planning to summon Kil'jaeden on Keldaron Island. Drunk Wind has taken people to intercept it-but we are not strong enough to stop the devil. I hope you can Go north quickly to help us."

   Hearing what Medivh said, Khadgar didn't pay attention to how his teacher came alive for a while. Khadgar participated in the Draenor expedition, and Kil'jaeden was very good at him!

   In this case, Khadgar hurried to Turalyon and held a military to discuss how to support Drunk Wind.

   Just as everyone expressed their opinions on the rescue, the pathfinder scout came back.

   As a result, the scout's report cast a shadow over everyone's hearts.

  The Undead Scourge did not completely retreat, but occupied the favorable terrain on the cliffs on both sides of Alterac Valley!

Anub'arak’s choice is almost utterly disgusting. Lake Keldalon is located in the northeast of Steinblade. Starting from Steinblade, walk a few minutes northeast along Alterac’s valley. Days can reach the shore of Lake Keldalon.

   But Anub'arak's decisiveness makes the cliffs on both sides of Alterac Valley now full of undead spider-man ambushes-forcibly passing through will inevitably suffer heavy losses. This kind of terrain is too advantageous for the defender!

   There is no shaman in the Alliance to help the army walk on the Sodorier River. If you don’t walk through the valley of Alterac, you can only make a detour.

   If you make a detour, I'm sorry—you can only go west, pass through Alterac City, which has been reduced to ruins, and take a circle along the shore of Lake Lordamere.

   In this case, even if I finally arrived at Lake Keldaron, everything is too late!

   Is it to pay the price of casualties to break through the ambush or to choose a detour safely?

   In the face of this problem, the alliance without Anduin Lothar did not appear to be very harmonious-the alliance troops that went smoothly along the way were caught in infighting at a critical moment. (To be continued.)

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