Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 320: Everyone is targeting you

With Khadgar's help, Turalyon had a clear view of the orc's combat process.

When the ogre and the blood ring returned to the team, Khadgar ended the "live broadcast."

No longer staring at Khadgar's projection in the air, Turalyon twisted his neck and looked at Muradin Bronzebeard beside him.

"Muradin, do you think the orcs' tactics are familiar?"

"It's very familiar." Muradin frowned. "But I can't tell where I saw it."

"It's "One Hundred and Twenty Ambushes", by Trustwell-one of the classic bridges." Brian Bronzebeard who was next to him suddenly interrupted, "A very interesting book, although I care more about it. map……"

Turalyon nodded and realized that "One Hundred and Twenty Ambushes" is a classic military work. Although these one hundred and twenty types are suspected of repetition and rounding up, they are still quite good as enlightenment readings for military theory. Yes, after Brian’s reminder, everyone present realized that the process of this battle was very similar to the dense forest ambush described in the book!

"Is it a coincidence? Or something else?"

After discovering this, the commanders of the alliance even put aside dealing with demons. If the orcs are really learning the growth of humans, it is really troublesome.

For thousands of years, it is not that human beings have not competed with opponents whose individual strength exceeds their own. The alliance of these well-developed guys is not afraid.

But if the orcs begin to absorb human combat experience, then the nature is completely different.

When a race starts to learn, they will have unlimited possibilities.

When I thought that the orcs of the tribe might become cunning and united in the future, and no longer shouted and screamed at any disagreement, Turalyon shed cold sweat.

Why did Terenas' orc shelter policy be implemented after the orc war ended? Why did the Alliance acquiesce in the future freedom of the orcs in this war?

In the final analysis, this is not only an exchange of interests, but also the pride of the alliance.

In the late orc war, although the tribe's failure was mainly due to Gul'dan's betrayal, the orcs no longer had the advantage on the frontal battlefield.

Whether Terenas or Wrynn, the leaders of the alliance believe that if there is another orc war, the Kingdom of Stormwind will not be afraid of it!

Because although the orcs have excellent congenital conditions, they do not have the unity and wisdom of humans.

At that time, the performance of the orcs in the resistance war was a wake-up call for everyone.

If the orcs really learn from the human experience, then I am afraid that the Alliance will change its attitude towards the tribe. I am afraid that it will not be possible to think about the tribe at that time. Even the most dovish leader will have to be tough at this time. Woke up.

Just when the Alliance had their own concerns, Drunk Wind didn't know when he slipped over.

"It seems that you have also seen the methods of the orcs." Drunk Feng looked at the solemn faces of the Alliance and raised his eyebrows comically, "But don't be too nervous, the leader of the tribe is a relatively special guy."

With that, Zuifeng probably recounted Thrall's life experience.

"So don’t get too entangled. Thrall is a special character after all. I understand everyone’s thinking in the Alliance. Personally, I don’t like these guys very much, but for the commander of the orc-now their warchief, You can totally treat him as a human being."

"Of course, ugly humans..."

Although Drunk Wind's words were a bit exaggerated, they undoubtedly dispelled Turalyon's doubts and brought everyone's thoughts back to the battlefield.

"How about, Turalyon, have you thought about your layout tomorrow? The orcs did a pretty good job today, I think they will pay attention to you tomorrow."

"Don't worry." Turalyon gave a bright smile, "We were ready for a long time-I heard that the commander of the devil is a cunning dreadlord? Believe me, he will realize what despair is!"

"Let's wait and see!" Zuifeng nodded without asking more, "If you need support, speak up in time."


After reorganizing the demon's formation, Tichondrius confidently commanded the demon army to advance towards Lake Keldaron the next day. He believed that no one could stop the demon that was ready.

This time, it is not the orcs and ogres who are responsible for the interception. They completed their mission in the battle yesterday and are now taking a rest in the rear. Today's interception mission is an alliance.

As a result, Tichondrius saw the formation of the alliance, his nose was irritated!

You tell me, what does it mean that a group of little dwarfs (gnomes) are holding large and exaggerated shields and one-handed swords and posing in a stern formation? !

Do you want to stop the Burning Legion with these guys?

This time, without waiting for Tichondrius to speak, the Demon Guardian directly began a collective charge.

This charge is different from yesterday's. This time the demons are all here. During the charge, there was a group of flaming ghosts covering the flanks. Hakkar also took the Hellhound in place early. Tichondrius believed that as long as one charge, the demon The guard can tear up the opposite position.

As expected by Tichondrius, during the charge of the Demon Guardian, the dwarf couldn't hold on, dropped the shield and ran away-regardless of their short stature and short legs, but they run really fast!

The shield and one-handed sword were thrown to the ground and shattered under the footsteps of the demon guard.

Tichondrius laughed loudly, feeling that he had finally exploded his revenge.

"The guards of the doomsday press, prepare for the assault of the whole army!"

On the Alliance side, after finding the Doom Guard and Hellhound in the telescope, a female dwarf with two pony tails jumped up.

"Hey, Khadgar--please have a panoramic view of the battlefield, I want to see the effects of these test items!"

"Master Didn't you say that a telescope is enough?" Khadgar looked at the dwarf in front of him who jumped and beat his waist and smiled. ~"

"Shut up, Master, I'm a slogan! Do you know the slogan? It's all because of the idiot Bing Erge who can't sell. Our business in Gnomeregan is almost robbed by those goblins!"

Speaking of the great craftsman Binger Mekkatork, this dwarf named Loya didn't mean the slightest respect. She grumbled and complained again and again, while pressing the red button of a dwarf technology product next to her.

Then, the shield and one-handed sword that had been lost to the ground began to explode...

Roja stared at Khadgar's holographic projection, observing the form in the battlefield.

At the same time, Tichondrius' laughter stopped abruptly.


Book friend Barnyard Ash is here-this is the dwarf you ordered, hahaha! (To be continued.)

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