Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 323: Red Keldalon

The dwarves and dwarfs began to mobilize, and the soldiers of Stormwind were not idle.

Turalyon stepped directly on the horse and assembled the Royal Knights of Stormwind. The infantrymen of the Third and Seventh Legions behind also took up their weapons and prepared on the flanks.

The swarming demons quickly filled the entire position-although the dwarf drove large-volume steam locomotives as a temporary wall to build a defense, these steam locomotives were very limited in resisting impact.

After changing the commander, the Abyss Demon once again became the vanguard, and these huge demons rushed to the forefront after Hakkar gave an order.

The battle of the Alliance today is much harder than the battle of the Horde yesterday. After these abyssal demon kings came to the defense of the steam locomotive, they ignored the bullets of the Dwarf Musketeers and directly began to summon the rain of flames.

"Damn it!" Under the cover of the steam locomotive, Nesingwary retracted his head from the shooting hole and replaced it with a magazine. "Why are these demons crazy?!"

Just now, Nesingwary used his modified sniper rifle to explode the eyes of an Abyssal Demon King. He thought that the big man would fall directly to the ground, but he didn't expect that he wanted to be okay, so he pulled out his own. Eyes, then rush forward!

This scene gave Nesingwary too much shock, and he even felt nervous for a while-this is a feeling that he has never had in his military career for so many years!

"How did this lunatic Stratholme win?" Nesingwary muttered, "I must visit Stratholme if I have a chance!"

"You will have a chance, dwarf!" A voice came from a distance, and the speaker soon came to Nesingwary's side, "Now you need to get out of the way, otherwise you will not be responsible for being caught in the big army! "

If someone dared to call himself that way outside the battlefield, Nesingwary would definitely bring up a shotgun to show him good looks, but in this case, Nesingwary could only hide away obediently.

At the same time, the dwarf's steam locomotive also moved to both sides, revealing an exit that was large enough to send a troop.

In Nesingwary's surprised eyes, a group of winged guys and a group of covered-faced guys rushed out and rushed towards the demon.

Behind these two groups of guys, there was a group of heavily armed and heavily armored guys.

Demon hunter, watchman and demon hunter!

Drunk Wind also heard Haka’s voice. Although he did not understand the demon language, he knew Haka’s voice. The command issued by Haka was obviously a change in the command of the devil. In this case, Drunk Wind Immediately, Illidan and Maiev led the mobile units to go first, and he turned to contact the orcs.

Maybe the alliance forces can't hold on!


The addition of the three special forces has eased the battlefield crisis.

Needless to say, demon hunters, watchmen, who have trained for tens of thousands of years specifically for demons, but demon hunters make everyone shine!

Although the personal combat power and mobility of these heavy armored and slow-moving guys are far inferior to the first two, they are wonderful enough to face the devil!

As the so-called attributes are not enough to equip them, this Varian's heavily built unit is extremely targeted at demons from head to toe.

The helmet and armor are permanently enchanted with fel protection and shadow protection, and there is enough fel resistance potion in the grid inside the belt.

In order to emphasize the killing of large demons, each demon hunter has three weapons.

In terms of long weapons, the Demon Hunter has a two-meter long barrel and a one-meter long blade. The blades are all made by dwarves. The overall streamline is with a deep blood groove.

The Demon Tubing Gun would be cumbersome to fight against people, but it is very effective against demons, especially large demons. Once the streamlined spear head pierces the armor of the devil, it is extremely easy to cause deep wounds or even penetration injuries. The trough will continue to bleed the demon.

In order to control this heavy long weapon, the demon hunters have been trained for a long time.

As for short weapons, the demon hunter's one-handed sword is closer to a military thorn. The three-sided structure has blood grooves on three sides, and it is also trying to cause deep wounds and bleeding a lot.

In addition, the demon hunters are also equipped with hand crossbows. These small and exquisite hand crossbows are Luo Ya's work. They can fire special chaotic bullets. After the demon is hit, it may cause various effects. Of course, the effect is still the traditional dwarf. That set, become a squirrel, become a dinosaur...

The outfit of the demon hunter almost emptied Varian. Since the restoration of his kingdom, the King of Stormwind has not spent a penny on clothing, if not for the little prince, except to maintain his armor. Nourishment and maintaining the level of his fighters, Varian will not eat very well.

Varian Wrynn, who has experienced the pain of annihilating the country and losing his father, has enough sense of crisis and alertness. Although the previous leader of the alliance has always been Terenas of Lordaeron, Varian is also always ready. To contribute to the alliance and the world.

Although the raids of demon hunters, watchmen, and demon hunters have hindered the demon's offensive and bought time for the defense of the alliance, the role of a few troops is nothing more than that.

There are less than 1,500 people in the three troops together. In front of tens of thousands of demons, it is already excellent to be able to hold them temporarily.

After the alliance was assembled, Illidan led the mobile troops out of the battlefield.

In order to buy time, these three troops were reduced by nearly one-third, and now there are less than 1,000 people added together...

The Alliance naturally did not waste this precious opportunity Just after the mobile forces withdrew from the battle, Turalyon took the lead and led the Royal Knights of Stormwind to start the charge.

If one were to select the most powerful force in the entire alliance, it would probably be the Royal Knights of Stormwind.

This cavalry regiment, formerly known as the Brotherhood of the Iron Horse, has experienced too many wars and has too many glory.

Starting from expelling the wolves in Elwynn Forest, this unit has made great achievements in the establishment of Stormwind City. After Lothar's raid on Karazhan, the orcs fought against the Black Rock Mountain as the main force of the expedition and Kil'jaeden Battle and the top of the dark temple!

The commander of this force was once Barathen Wrynn, known as the King of Rock, then the great Anduin Lothar, and now Turalyon!

In the game, this unit even hit Argus together with Turalyon!

And now, on the shore of Lake Keldaron, this alliance's strongest army and the devil are finally fighting together!

Today's Kael Daron is destined to be blood red... (To be continued.)

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