Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 359: Archimonde's Assault

   Kil'jaeden fell.

   Not only that, but the fallen Kil'jaeden quickly melted like ice and snow in the sun.

   Beyond everyone's expectations, the draenei directly killed Kil'jaeden at the cost of two Atama crystals!


   Undoubtedly, no one would have thought that such a situation would happen-even Drunk Wind would not have thought that the draenei would have such a powerful lethality after they pointed out the talent of Holy Light Technology.

Of course, the cost is quite painful. Due to the overload, the sacred prism of the Storm Fortress shattered directly, and the entire spacecraft almost completely lost its combat effectiveness; the heart of anger and the bright time have been abandoned, and perhaps the heart of anger can be rescued. But the shining hour has been broken into slag.

Although the casualties were not large, the draenei’s losses were also quite heavy-you know, there are only five crystals in the hands of the draenei, and the shadow of the leaves and the song of the soul are unknown in Draenor. trace.

   It's all right now, the original seven Atama crystals, there are only three draenei left-the kiss of luck, the eye of the storm, and the shield of the Naaru.

   And these three pieces are the energy source for the navigation, defense and jump of the storm fortress.

  In other words, if Kil'jaeden had not been killed just now, the draenei would really not be able to take out a crystal. In that case, Storm Fortress would lose control.


   Kil'jaeden’s running corpse poured a scoop of cold water in a pot of boiling oil. On the entire battlefield, no matter what race it was, it was a little difficult to restrain his excitement at this time.

   However, for the Burning Legion, all this is simply unacceptable.

   First, Azshara was sealed by an unknown person, and his life and death were uncertain.

   Then Kil'jaeden was directly bombarded and killed by the Storm Fortress, returning to the Twisting Void and running away.

   Unconsciously, the scale of victory has already begun to tilt towards the oath.

   At this moment, Archimonde smiled unexpectedly.

   "Sure enough, the world is not that simple." Archimonde avoided Onyxia's deep breath, and shook his head slightly, "Kil'jaeden is still too careless."

   "Shut up, demon." Nozdormu said viciously, "You will follow in his footsteps soon! The gravel of time will bury you!"

   "Hahaha!" Archimonde suddenly laughed, "Do you think I will make the same mistake ten thousand years ago? Stupid!"

   "You big lizards, is the power that the titans bestow on you? Well, I will let you see what is the power to slaughter the titans!"

   A spear appeared in Archimonde's hand.

   is obviously just a broken spear, but its appearance made everyone on the battlefield feel a bit of chill.

   And the drunk wind who watched all this from a distance was even more focused.

   This breath is the smell of Sargeras!

   It was an unforgettable memory of drunken wind when he faced Sargeras. He would never forget the raging flames, the bronze body, and the broken sword that made the heart beat.

   And on this spear, there is a smell similar to Sargeras' broken sword.

   The violent and suffocating sulfur smell.

   The feeling of drunk wind is right. This was indeed Sargeras' weapon—to be precise, it was the weapon that Sargeras used when he fought Aegwynn.

When Sargeras' avatar came to Azeroth, he could not wield his full strength, nor did he bring his broken sword. Instead, he took this spear and fought Aegwynn in the dark in Northrend. A game.

   After the defeat of Sargeras' clone, Aegwynn used the creation pillar to build the tomb of Sargeras and sealed his clone. This spear was also sealed in the tomb of Sargeras.

When Kil'jaeden was summoned, Archimonde had already mastered the wand that weakened the gods of the wilderness-the huge circle drawn by self-destruction. Since most of the gods of the wilderness did not participate in the battle, the oath is not known yet. This circle is not aimed at the druids, but at the gods of the wilderness-who made the power of the druids come from the gods of the wilderness?

   Ten thousand years ago, Archimonde had a close relationship with the dragon. He didn't know the strength of the dragon, so he urgently needed to find a way to deal with these dragons.

   Then in the tomb of Sargeras, Archimonde discovered this spear.

   The breath of Sargeras on the spear made Archimonde ecstatic. He had already figured out that the power of the dragon came from the gift of the Titan, so what could be more suitable for dealing with the dragon than Sargeras's weapon? !

   And it turns out that Archimonde was completely right.

When Archimonde swung his spear, the Red Dragon Queen Alexstrasza was accidentally scratched by the sharp tip of the spear, and then it was obviously a small injury, but almost instantly lost the ability to fly. After thumping hard for a long time, Just fell to the ground.

   This incident surprised the other extremely dragon kings. At the same time, a white figure suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

   "Be careful, this is Sargeras' weapon."

   Aegwynn shot.

   After passing the guardian power to Medivh, Aegwynn has already stepped down to the peak. At this time, she is just a mage with rich combat experience.

However, this rich combat experience is precious when facing Archimonde—it can be said that Aegwynn knows this spear better than Archimonde in Aigue With Wen’s help, although Alexstrasza’s cover was lost, the remaining four dragon kings and Cenarius still resisted Archimonde.

   Seeing this, Archimonde no longer keeps it.

   Amid the roar of the defilers, the earth was polluted, and the demons began to march desperately. Archimonde, wielding the Sargeras spear, also squeezed a path forcibly and rushed to the world tree, Teldrassil.

   can't stop it.

   On the polluted ground, Archimonde is too strong.

   Although intentionally blocked, each time the four dragon kings and Cenarius rushed over, they would be blown away with one blow.

   In the chaos, Archimonde finally approached the World Tree gradually.

   Looking at the green world tree, Archimonde already smelled the energy.

   This time, he didn't care about the attacks around him. Instead, he fully propped up the shield and commanded the demon to attack, and went straight to the world tree.

   "Now, this world is mine!"

   As he said, Archimonde stretched out his big hand and grabbed the World Tree.


   I finally got home today. After returning to the protection of the heating system, the author is all right, and I will start adding changes tomorrow, haha!

   In addition, I think everyone has guessed it, this volume is about to end!

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