Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 362: Nomi's running away

   Where did Drunk Wind go?

  Nomi didn't know, he asked his mother, but Onyxia didn't say it. .Ωm

   You know, Drunk Wind has long since never needed to go to Kalimdor to purify the Emerald Nightmare. Now Drunk Wind wants to enter the Emerald Dream without going under Teldrassil--and Teldrassil is no longer there.

   What's more, the Emerald Nightmare has been purified long ago, and the entire Emerald Dream has been restored to life except for a small stubborn area that N'Zoth is holding fast.

   In fact, the drunk wind went to Ironforge, because according to the report from the spy from the Dragonman Detector, in the Darkforge City of Blackrock Mountain, the Great Thaurissan suddenly added a queen.

   There is no doubt that this queen is Amora Bronzebeard—well, now it's Amora Thaurissan.

   Gurney Bronzebeard's baby girl was still abducted.

And after knowing this, Drunk Wind chose to talk to Magni for the first time-he was unhappy with Ragnaros for a long time, but after the Battle of Mount Hyjal, his vows were greatly injured, and there was really no force. Draw the Blackrock Tower to solve the fire element lord.

   After all, the terrain of Molten Core is really not suitable for dragons to swing, and the people of Azjol-Nerub who can do small movements underground can't adapt to the hot environment there.

   Now the opportunity is here, Drunk Wind intends to use Magni's forces to deal with the fire element.

   And maybe I can take this opportunity to unify the three hammers!

Originally, the love between Amora and Thaurissan was a big tragedy, but after Drunk Wind came into contact with Thaurissan, the dark iron dwarf who had been chanting for Ragnaros was actually dissatisfied with the element of fire. For a long time.

   If you can really help the Dark Iron Dwarf get rid of the control of the fire element, the Dark Iron Dwarf will owe a big favor. Although the Dwarf may not join the vow, multiple friends are always good.

   After Zuifeng left the Blackrock Tower, the head of the family was handed over to Onyxia.

   After years of baptism of drunk food, Nomi was fortunate enough to see the dark cuisine from his mother.

As a pure black dragon, Onyxia’s cooking creed is enough to be cooked, and it’s okay to be unfamiliar-so the food she cooks is good for the black dragon, but for the black dragon and pandamen hybrids. fatal.

Originally, Nomi wanted to take the lead, even if it worked hard, it was better to eat something to look up at the stars (although Nomi’s own cooking is not very reliable, but it is better than Onyxia’s not reliable), but at the critical moment, Nomi Mi's uncle Nefarian ran out and made trouble.

   "The Queen of Black Dragon doesn't even eat her own son."

   "The Black Dragon Queen can't even cook rice."

   "The Black Dragon Queen will not live any longer after Drunk Wind is gone."

   All kinds of deliberate or unintentional irony made Onyxia really unbearable, and then the Black Dragon Queen decisively took back the "cooking power".

   Painful Nomi hated his uncle, and reluctantly began to prepare to escape, but unfortunately he was caught back six times in a row.

   It may be that Onyxia also knew her level, so she did not punish Nomi-so Nomi made a seventh escape.

   After reluctantly swallowing a few blackwater fish, Nomi suppressed his nausea and returned to his room in the Blackrock Tower.




   Heishi Mountain is quiet in the night, and occasionally a patrolling black dragon hovering in the sky.

In the hot summer, the entire Burning Plain was too hot. In this case, even the goblin caravan gave up the 6-way forward-although the shipping is a bit expensive, the current Burning Plain can cook people well. of!

   On the Black Rock Mountain, in the corner of Nefarian's laboratory, a window suddenly opened, and then a small figure slipped out.

   With a small baggage on his back, Nomi walked gently on the road leading to the top of the mountain.

   "I hope my mother is asleep." Nomi grinned, "Mom, it's not that Nomi doesn't love you, I really can't afford your love."

   Thinking of the letter she left behind, Nomi showed a faint smile.

   Then soon, a white figure crossed the sky above Heishi Mountain.

   Early the next morning, Onyxia roasted a wild boar early-this is the top-quality Irwin wild boar, the meat is firm, and it is a rare ingredient for roasting pigs!

   It is a pity that Onyxia, who is not able to control the heat, took a deep breath impatiently after turning a few laps.

   Then the Elvin Boar became the Elvin Black Boar.

   Onyxia, who was completely unaware that she was roasted, happily called Nomi to eat, and then found that Nomi’s room was empty.

   On the table, a letter left by Onyxia Nomi.

   "My dear mother, my will is determined, I want to go out for a while!"

   "When my father taught me cooking, I never realized the importance of it. This time, when my father suddenly left without preparing food, you let me see the importance of cooking."

   "I don't want to accept your food anymore. I plan to leave Black Rock Mountain and travel around."

   "I believe that in this journey, I can become a real chef, and I won't need you to do it again."

   "You don't have to worry about me at all. I can now become a dragon. I think no one will take action against the dragon? Haha!"

   "Finally Thanks to my uncle, his laboratory has helped me a lot, if it weren't for his new observatory, I would not be able to hide from those patrolling brothers and sisters!"

   "Your son, Nomi."

After Onyxia finished reading this letter, poor Nefarian was hung up and beaten by his sister. This cost Nefarian a lot of money, and the newly built Nefarian Astronomical Laboratory was also forced to shut down……

   So Nomi is actually a little **** who must be reported

   Onyxia exhaled, refreshed, and then began to secretly laugh.

You know, according to Drunk Wind, Nomi wants to participate in the battle of Molten Core, but this time running away from home makes little Nomi pass the battle, what about Onyxia? Will be unhappy.

   But is Nomi's journey destined to be safer than Molten Heart?

   This is really not necessarily true.

   Nomi, who was walking in the Scorching Gorge while whistling, didn't know that some people were actually worse than Onyxia's dark cooking.

   This is really a sad story...


   Guess who will you meet on your journey? Hahaha!

   There will be a lot of acquaintances and dragons in this volume, so stay tuned!

   In addition, I have been adding updates recently, please give me a reward!


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