Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 368: Molten Heart Sweep

After discussion, the Dark Iron dwarves also sent fifty men, plus a fifty-man commando team with Bronzebeard, to form a hundred-man commando team, marching toward the Molten Heart of Ragnaros' lair. (Pinyin of biqiwu)

It is also interesting to say that the original element lord of Azeroth was conquered by the ancient gods tens of thousands of years ago and became the minion of the ancient gods.

Now that the stars are shifting, the water element lord Neptulon and the earth element lord Seratheon have lost their way, but the fire element lord Ragnaros and the wind element lord Alakir are still unclear with the ancient gods. Not sure.

Al'Akir still knows to conceal a little, but Ragnaros is fair and honest whether he enslaves mortals or hooks up with ancient gods-so when it comes to packing up big screws and smoothing out Molten Heart, no one will object.

And the reason why the Dark Iron dwarves haven't resisted for so long is not because they don't want to, or they cannot.

After the death of Old Thaurissan and his wife, the Dark Iron dwarves were extremely short of masters. In this case, it is really difficult to defeat Ragnaros. Although the strength of the Balrog on the main plane of Azeroth is compromised, Thaurissan himself still cannot cope.

But now with the addition of Magni, Muradin and Drunken Wind, Thaurissan believes that he can handle the Balrog!

The copperbeard dwarves on the road were okay. The dark iron dwarves who were dissatisfied with the enslavement of the fire element directly overthrew the rule of the fire demon in the Darkforge City. The fire element was extinguished and the fire demon was killed.

"Idiot, the Balrog Lord will not let you go!"

Seeing that the situation is over, Ambassador Flairas who oversees Darkforge City wailed desperately. The fire demon is not a demon, and will not be resurrected in the Twisting Void when he dies. Flailas has become the highest official of Ragnaros's death in Darkforge City.

After getting the minions of Ragnaros in the Blackrock Abyss, the Hundred Commando finally entered the Molten Heart.

Originally, the Blackstone Abyss was very hot because of the active fire element, but after entering the Molten Heart, everyone realized that the heat of the Blackstone Abyss was just drizzle.

Zuifeng estimated that according to the units on the earth, the air temperature in Molten Core exceeded 60 degrees Celsius-the ground is even closer to 100 degrees Celsius!

No wonder the dark iron dwarves can only be obedient. In this case, there are a few outstanding guys, most of the dwarves can't stand this terrible high temperature, let alone fighting, most of the dark iron dwarves stay here. Heat stroke in minutes!

Having said that, fortunately, the main force of the commando is the dwarves. The dwarves receive the curse of flesh and blood significantly less than humans, and they have good resistance to extreme environments.

"Be careful! Follow the footprints I have walked as far as possible. I will use my true energy to initially cool down the ground I have stepped on, which can save some effort!"

That's right, the command of this operation is Drunk Wind again-who makes Black Iron and Bronze Beard trust each other not enough!

After entering the Molten Heart, Zuifeng walked in the forefront, leaving a path of artifacts full of flowers. After the true energy was activated to the greatest extent, the places where Zuifeng had stepped on the ground opened. Flowers!

Blooming flowers!

The lotus flower left by the drunk wind does not explode, but protects the dwarves behind to a certain extent, which arouses the dwarves' surprise.

"Don't sigh, get ready to fight!"

In front of the assault team, two huge fusion giants blocked the assault team's way.

Seeing these two big guys over ten meters tall, everyone felt painful.

In the game, your attack can cause damage as long as it hits the target, but this is not the case in real situations. Can you expect a group of little dwarves to smash the fusion giant's thigh with a hammer in your hand?

Just when Drunk Wind was about to summon the **** statue to help, Muradin said that he could solve the problem.

After a loud roar, Muradin directly opened the gods to descend to the earth. The Prince Bronzebeard, who was less than 1.5 meters tall, suddenly grew to five meters!

The brown-yellow skin became pale, Muradin activated the power in the body, and temporarily got rid of the curse of flesh and blood!

Although it was still half shorter than the Fusion Giant, Muradin was completely unscrupulous. He waved the hammer and axe in his hand and rushed directly up.

"Storm Hammer!"

Muradin's right hammer threw it out like a meteor chasing the moon, and directly hit the head of the fusion giant on the left. If the fusion giant was not critical, this one would be enough to kill it in seconds.

Temporarily controlling a fusion giant, Muradin directly recalled his hammer, then came to another fusion giant, and began to output frantically.

Undoubtedly, Drunk Wind felt that Muradin was flexing his muscles to the Dark Iron Dwarves—from the dumbfoundedness of all the Dark Iron dwarves led by Thaurissan, it can be seen that the lightening of muscles was a success.

The two fusion giants quickly fell under Muradin's hammer. Looking at Muradin who was "it's easy", Thaurissan frowned without leaving a trace.

It seems that the strength of the bronze beard is stronger than I thought...

When Muradin was boasting, Thaurissan's eyes lit up.

Molten Dog!

At the same time, Muradin also found these big dogs with two heads and lava flowing in their mouths. While the time for the gods to descend to the earth was not over, Muradin rushed up directly.

Then it was embarrassing.

The Curse of the Molten Dog turned Muradin's attack into slow motion.

Regardless of the fact that Muradin in the mortal state of the gods has a strong immunity to fire elemental attacks, there is no way to face the curse of the molten hound.

Muradin fell into a hard fight.

Muradin, who was trying to regain control of the situation, began a blade storm. The frantically spinning Muradin picked up the hammer and axe in his hand, turning the whole person into a violent whirlwind.

And the Molten Dogs first saw this situation, sobbing their tail and retreating, and when Muradin's blade storm ended, he ran back with his mouth open.

In a critical moment, Thaurissan took the shot.

With Thaurissan’s singing, the Molten Hound turned into a harmless little toad, and Muradin took the opportunity to get rid of the entanglement.

Afterwards, Thaurissan yelled, a raging flame ignited on his body, and he smashed the deformed Molten Dog with his hammer.

Sparks are flying!

The Molten Dog returned to its original form and was also seriously injured-you know, although this big dog is accompanied by fire, it is a real beast, not an elemental creature!

"Go back!"

With Thaurissan's anger, the severely wounded Molten Hound was banished back to the Elemental Plane of Fire.

Thaurissan, who had finished the battle, looked at Muradin, and the two smiled at each other.

"Sometimes it seems that the dark iron/bronzebeard guys are not that annoying!"

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