Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 378: The 5th ancient god

   Not to mention Gelbin's pain and entanglement for the time being, Nomi also felt very wrong at this time.

   Just now, Luo Ya obviously had something abnormal. It stands to reason that this famous dwarf light shouldn't be overwhelmed by a horn-tip - and the monk's formula does not have the function of freeing people from the horn-tip.

   In Nomi's opinion, there seems to be something that shouldn't exist here.

   Could it be that the servants of the ancient gods affected Gnomeregan?

   Nomi frowned-this is very possible!

   Thinking of Drunken Wind and the minions of the ancient gods he had talked about, Nomi couldn't help but shudder: the faceless, worms, tentacles... so disgusting!

  Thinking about it this way, is it true that the stone palate is also related to these ancient gods? !

   But, after careful thinking, Nomi was completely excited.

   involves ancient gods, this is definitely big news!

This is the sequelae of knowing too many sequelae-when he was caught in the drunk wind since he was a child, Nomi was always thinking about saving the world. To this day, Nomi still clearly remembers that after seeing the morning wheat, everyone looked at him. The look of admiration.

   But it's a pity, everyone said that Zuifeng teaches well...

   But this time is different.

   Zuifeng has never played 7.0, not to mention that Dark Animal Husbandry has a magical artifact.

In Drunk Wind’s cognition, Azeroth has only four ancient gods: Y'Shaarj squeezed by Titan, C'Thun of Ahn'Qiraj, Yogg-Saron of Northrend, and Maelstrom, The most sinister N'Zoth.

   And Nomi believes that it is definitely not these four that have just affected Loya!

   The influence of the ancient gods is limited, they can't stretch their tentacles too far-and according to Zuifeng's knowledge, the Eastern Kingdom does not have an ancient god.

   Nomi has realized at this time that he may have discovered a new ancient god, or something similar to the ancient god.

   So Nuomi excitedly expressed that he would also participate in the battle.

   What a pity, how dare Gelbin let Nomi join the war at this time!

   I asked Nomi to participate in the rescue because the rescue was not dangerous, but now it is different. It is a battle! In case Nomi had some accident, Gelbin really didn't know how to face the drunk wind...

   In front of Nomi, it is never useful to refuse.

After    was rejected, Nomi first pretended to agree with regret, and then took advantage of everyone not paying attention, dragging the postman into a passage nearby.

"Hey, Nomi, you can't do this!" The postman was crying, but he didn't dare to make too much noise, for fear of attracting Stonejaw or Leper dwarf, "I know your identity now, I can't take you on an adventure, Absolutely not!"

"Oh roar?" Nomi gave a sinister smile, "You don't accompany me? It's okay—you just lied to me that Loya would get angry? Because of your fraud, I wasted a lot of gold coins. Well, are you going to pay the money now?"


   The postman gaped!

   At this time, the poor half dwarf realized that he had been pitted by Nomi. Just now Nomi decisively eliminated those goblin engineering items just to grasp his own handle...

   But after hesitating, the postman still chose to refuse.

   "Sorry, how much are those gadgets worth? I will pay you... Uh, I have no money, I can only hold it, I can pay five-thousandths of interest per day! It is not good, I accept profit!"

   "I don't want your interest, I want you to take me into Gnomeregan!"

   "No, I can't take you to death. Therma Prager is far more terrible than you can imagine. He is Lord Gelbin's assistant, a great inventor second only to the great craftsman!"

"Let’s do it." Nomi’s eyes rolled, "I don’t want you to take me to find Thermapurag-if we meet us immediately retreat, I swear in the name of the Ironpaw family, I will never talk to thermap. Rager head-to-head! As long as you take me around here, I don't care about the debt you owe me, how about it?"

  The postman hesitated after hearing Nomi say this.

Although there are many dangerous engineering products inside    Nomeregan, most of them cannot be activated without power supply.

   Except for Therma Prager, most of the Stonejaws and Hornet Gnomes don’t seem to be opponents of the Postman and Nomi, and they can always run away if they can’t beat them!

   Thinking of this, the postman finally gritted his teeth and nodded in agreement.

   "Okay, then I will accompany you on a trip, but that's it, once we meet Therma Prager himself or his engineering products, we will retreat immediately!"

   "Don't worry, I am going to trouble that lunatic!"


   As Nomi and the postman continued to go deep, Gelbin was already in a hurry.

  The son of Lord Drunk Wind ran into Gnomeregan, the Gnomeregan of Stonejaw and Leprosy Gnome, Gnomeregan like a maze!

  This is undoubtedly bad news for Gelbin!

   "Quickly, count the number!" The master craftsman was going crazy, "Look at who Nomi started with!"

   "Also, quickly contact Black Rock Mountain and seek the help of Lord Drunk Wind and Lord Onyxia, God, how could this happen."

   The continuous bad news blow caused the poor Gelbin's hairline to move back a few centimeters.

   "Report that the master craftsman, Gnomeregan infantry commando personnel are all at but the postman is gone!"

"Well, it seems that Nomi and the postman are together. This may be the best news today." Gelbin finally let out a sigh, "As long as they don't meet Therma Prager, the two of them are basically safe. "

   "Well, now the Gnomeregan infantry assault team is attacking across the board, keep in touch-and, when you meet Nomi and the postman, report it as soon as possible!"


   Looking at Gelbin, who organized everything in an orderly manner at the critical moment, Luo Ya finally realized that, in fact, the position of master craftsman was far more difficult than it seemed.

   It's not that you are good at invention to manage this complex Gnomeregan.

   Under the flickering emergency lights, a team of Gnomeregan infantry began a search in an orderly manner.

   And Nomi also followed the postman and gradually penetrated into the tech capital of this dwarf.

   "Nomi, where are we going?"

   "Let me feel... well, go in that direction!"

   "What's wrong with you, the test area to the east is almost empty now-even Therma Prager won't go there!"

   "Don't talk nonsense, listen to me! Wouldn't you be more assured without Therma Prager?"

   The truth is true, but hearing Nomi say this, I don’t know why, the postman’s heart is more disturbed.

   I always feel that something is wrong!

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