Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 381: This is the prelude to the war

In fact, the Alliance also knows something about the union of the orcs and the forest trolls. WWWW.SUIMENG.lā

But knowing that the location of the forest troll determines that the alliance is beyond its reach.

The forest trolls are mainly distributed in the Hinterlands, while the main force of the orcs is in Northrend, and the alliance can't do it before they can.

You know, the Hinterlands are surrounded by mountains on three sides and facing the sea on the other. Here, the only power of the Alliance is the Wildhammer Dwarves.

There is something for it!

The wildhammer dwarves who left their homes were originally the weakest of the three hammers. Not to mention the union of the troll and the orcs, even if they did not, the wildhammer could not beat the forest troll!

Therefore, facing this situation, the Alliance chose to ignore it temporarily and secretly accumulate strength.

But everyone knows that if the two sides continue to develop peacefully, the tribe will soon be abandoned by the Alliance.

Although the orcs gave birth very quickly, they lacked resources.

Although the trolls are old, they are stubborn and barbaric.

In this case, Thrall knew in his heart that sooner or later the Horde would be defeated by the Alliance.

How to do?

Zul'jin, the troll leader of Zuaman, presented his ideas to Thrall.

Invite all trolls to join the tribe.

There is no doubt that for Thrall, this is a very tempting idea!

In the World of Warcraft game, there is an interesting proverb among players: eat and sleep to fight trolls, from 10 to 50, in each major version, there will always be a small version, the player's enemy is the troll.

On the one hand, this proverb explains the sadness of trolls, and on the other hand, it also explains their vigorous vitality and great power.

Many years after coming to Azeroth, Thrall had already understood how powerful the trolls were.

You know, it was only the forest trolls at first, and it could be entangled with the alliance.

In addition to the forest trolls of Zul'Aman, there are the jungle trolls of Gurubashi, the sand trolls of Zul'Farrak, the ice trolls of Gudak, and the Zandalari trolls with a large number of casters.

If all the trolls really joined the tribe, the victorious scale would no longer fall to the alliance.

The reason why Lockham left Kalimdor in costume was to attend the meeting initiated by Zandalar, whether the trolls would join the tribe.

Otherwise, why do you think there are no Frostwolf Orcs in the wetland expedition? The Frostwolf Orcs have just formed the Kor'kron troops and escorted Thrall to Zandalar!

This time, in order to win the powerful ally of the troll, Thrall showed his great kindness. He not only rejected all the opinions, he personally rushed to the Zandalar Islands to participate in the meeting, and even rejected Gromash’s Escort request.

"I'm going to negotiate, not to fight!" Thrall was confident before leaving, "Even if it is a fight, with the help of the elemental spirits, the group of trolls can't do anything to me!"

Thinking of Thrall's powerful combat effectiveness now, Grommash grinned and did not continue.

"Just kidding, I haven't seen such a shaman before."

Nomi's search found nothing.

Although Saratas was almost swallowed up by Y'Shaarj, he was once an ancient **** after all. Maybe the drunk wind could find some clues, but Nomi was still too tender.

After all, the frustrated Noomi was discovered by the Gnomeregan infantry commando. Because of his special identity, little Nomi was kindly "invited" out of the perilous Gnomeregan.

The Gnomeregan change was discovered in a timely manner, so it was not very destructive, but to be on the safe side, during the cleaning process, the dwarf still transferred a large number of manpower back and requested reinforcements from the dwarf.

As a result, Orgrimmar was built.

When the dwarf regained control of the situation, Nomi and the postman left Gnomeregan boringly. Under Nomi's strong request, the postman once again took over the task of going to Tirisfal Glades.

When the two people left Loch Modan, they were surprised to find a majestic orc fortress, just completed.

"Oh my god? It was twenty days ago when we came last time? It was only twenty days before a fort was built? It's incredible!"

The postman jumped so high and pulled the drunk wind into the fortress.

A typical orc fortress.

Rough architectural style, everything is practical first, and there is no aesthetic feeling.

Then, the careful Nomi and the postman found some traces of goblins.

"It shouldn't be!" Nomi frowned. "Uncle Gazlowe should be in the Misty Port. My father said that the third phase of the Misty Port has started recently."

Hearing Nomi's self-talk, the postman smiled.

"If the Ratchet City Construction Group that is not Gazlowe admits wrong, this is the masterpiece of the Blackfuse Group!"

"Oh? The Blackfuse Group?!" Nomi was taken aback. "Didn't Blackfuse be a saboteur? When will the siege artisans build the city?

"Uh" The postman shook his head, "Goblin, as long as you make money, you can do anything."

"Should it be more than this reason?"

"In fact, I think there are some other reasons." The postman rarely showed an awkward expression. "At the beginning, Lordaeron owed a large sum of money to the black line. The relationship between the black line and the alliance has not been very good."

This is also thanks to the fact that the postman is a half-dwarf and understands some politics. Otherwise, a dwarf who doesn't know anything about politics will have to stare at Nomi.

After strolling around, Nomi and the postman sadly discovered that an orc city was actually meaningless. The two people found neither delicious nor fun, but only a group of warsong orcs running around the city. Still waving the axe in his hand.

"Warriors, this is training for your endurance! The last team has no dinner!"

"Yes, Captain Nazgrim!"

When they were out of town, Nomi and the postman unexpectedly saw Loya again.

This time the two sides did not exchange greetings, but nodded tacitly, and then left For Luoya's purpose this time, everyone knew well.

This time the orcs were obviously premeditated to build the fortress, and considering this point in time, maybe Gnomeregan's time would be related to the orcs.

So in any case, the alliance must act.

Forcing the orcs to dismantle the fort is difficult. After all, this is a wetland. After the Scourge Legion, the Alliance has allowed orcs to live in the wetland, but the Alliance must at least show its own attitude.

After the dwarf, Nomi saw the dwarf.

The Three Hammers were discussing the issue of reunification, so Muradin, who had just returned from Blackrock Mountain, came to Orgrimmar non-stop.

Nomi is okay, he is just a little excited.

But in the eyes of the postman, these news are big news.

"I hope this negotiation goes smoothly, otherwise, this fortress will be the fuse of the war."

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