Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 479: Paladins and Berserkers

Speaking of which, this is the second time Turalyon and Gromash have met.

This time there was no extra temptation, and the battle between the two sides entered a white-hot stage from the beginning.

In Turalyon’s hands, the sword of the great royal knight became sharp and terrifying under the condition of infusion of holy light. The superhuman talent and years of diligence made Turalyon on the war horse easy to use the power of holy light. Freehand, the dazzling light has almost become a part of him.

Grommash, who was fighting on the ground, showed the skills of a warrior to the extreme. The heavy Gorehowl's every slash was extremely terrifying, and every block would be accompanied by continuous counterattacks, obviously holding hands. A weapon battle with a two-handed axe, but Grommash was able to brake silently, which was quite anti-war.

Turalyon turned his horse back and forth, constantly charging towards Grommash, while Grommash used the advantage of foot combat to defend flexibly and counterattack.

If the last time was more of a struggle of spirits, although there was a bit of anger, but there was no life fight, so Grommash was the disadvantage, then this time, Grommash's first injury is a proof. In terms of skills, Warsong Chief is not yet the opponent of Lothar's adjutant.

That's right, Shoujiu will be lost, a fiery holy light pierced Grommash's chest, leaving a **** and hideous wound.

What can surprise Turalyon is that this powerful orc did not flinch at all, but became more sturdier, and the sharp axe in his hand was swung faster and faster, and he also made a pose. The posture of injury for injury.

Come on, hurt each other!

This way of fighting really made Turalyon a little uncomfortable-after all, the opponent was injured, and in theory, as long as he dragged it off, he would win.

Wounds caused by the Holy Light are not so easy to heal!

In this case, Turalyon inevitably has doubts whether or not to continue head-on with Gromash.

As a result of the doubts, Turalyon began to evade in the face of an injury-for-injury attack.

Maybe this is Grommash's wisdom-if you want to win, but you can't break the deadlock, it's not bad to get a little injury in exchange for the initiative!

At the eversion wound, blood flowed out along with the sweat, leaving a red mark on Grommash’s strong body, but Grommash was still full of energy, taking advantage of Turalyon’s hesitation. , Turn defense to offense.

Of course, Turalyon also quickly discovered the problem. It seems that this orc will not become weak due to excessive blood loss. This is the first time Turalyon has seen such a wild warrior.

Surprised but surprised, when Turalyon realized that he could not have any concerns, the battle became bloody.

Turalyon was armored, but in front of Gorehowl, the armor of Stormwind was really meaningless, so soon both of them became horrible.

Grommash's left forearm was newly injured, almost showing bones.

Turalyon's ribs were broken by the back of Gorehowl's axe.

Gromash got a elbow on his head.

Turalyon punched in the face.


The resilience of the Paladin is far beyond that of ordinary people, and Gromash is a berserker who is not accustomed to injury. In this case, both of them gradually gave up the defense and began to attack with all their strength.

Then Turalyon dismounted—Although it was supported by the power of the Holy Light and the bloodline of the military horse was very pure, the endurance of the horse was also extremely limited, and this war horse soon could not support it.

It just so happened that the Royal Knights of Stormwind and the Kor'kron team were all disbanded, unable to charge, Turalyon simply gave up the horse and started single-mindedly single-minded against Gromash.


The long sword and the big axe collided, Turalyon and Gromash pressed against each other forcefully at the same time, and after realizing that strength was not their strong point, Turalyon decisively spread the wings of the holy light and gently dispersed. Powerful.

Grommash, who seemed to have the upper hand in the competition, swept away with an axe. After suddenly losing his opponent, he staggered a few steps before regaining his balance.

"I can't go on like this." Grommash squinted his eyes slightly and thought to himself, "The paladin's consumption power is too strong, and I will be dragged down sooner or later if this continues!"

While Turalyon used the Holy Light to heal himself, Grommash released the wildest power in his heart.

I am the son of Gormash!

I am a member of the Hellscream family!

The wildest power surged in my heart!

Grommash's big hand gripped the blood-soaked axe handle of Gorehowl. At this moment, his whole person and this axe were completely integrated.

Grommash didn't see the fighting royal knights of Stormwind, nor the fighting Kor'kron guards, only the heavy armored Paladin in his eyes.

That is Gromash's goal!

Grommash, who had nothing else in his eyes, started his own A deafening roar came from his mouth, echoing on the battlefield.

This is a roar from hell, this is an elegy from the soul!

On the other side, when Grommash started to charge, Turalyon instinctively felt the danger-at this moment, his whole body was almost standing up!

This feeling of danger, this tremor from the soul.

Over the years, Turalyon once again had an emotion called "fear".

But that was only a short moment.

The next moment, Turalyon raised his left hand, and a glorious barrier of Holy Light emerged out of thin air-Holy Shield Technique!

At this moment, the holy light has long been inscribed into Turalyon’s soul. Under the shining of the holy light, he step by step from the son of the warden, to the paladin, to Lothar’s adjutant, and then to the present. .

Turalyon believed in the Holy Light.

He believes that the Holy Light will protect himself, he believes that the Holy Light will protect Stormwind City, and he believes that the Holy Light will protect the Alliance.

Although I have seen countless dark sides of the alliance, the holy light in Turalyon's heart will always be extremely hot!

Because this paladin never stopped chasing the footsteps of the Holy Light!

Finally, perhaps after a moment, or as if a century had passed, Gromash completed his charge.

A healthy body ignored all the pain and jumped into the air.

Then, the sharp gorehowl slashed at Turalyon's head under Divine Shield.

And Turalyon's right hand, the sword of the great royal knight, pierced Grommash's chest quickly.


Fourth! Huhuhu, so tired!

Well, by the way, the fifth is more likely to be after twelve o'clock~

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