Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 486: Surrender or destroy

Saratas was extremely desperate at this time. ranw?en???`t

It can also be said that at this moment, despair is no longer enough to describe the feelings of Saratas.

He wanted to ask why, why would a mortal know the ancient gods so much? Why does he have that method of persecuting himself?

Saratas wanted to squat, but Thrall had already mobilized the power of the elements at this time. Don't look at Saratas's remaining power to make the spirit of the elements in the wetland tremble, but Zhen and Shaman started, It's really hard to say...

So, to catch it?

Sorry, the ancient gods will not be so useless!

Soon, a large group of tentacles began to break out of Shulu's body.

Of course, no matter whether Zuifeng or Thrall, they couldn't watch Shulu transform. Zuifeng took the lead in bullying him up, and both swords slashed towards Shulu.

Just when Drunk Wind started his hand, a shot of lava in Thrall's hand burst and hit Shulu's face directly.

The anger and fear of the elemental spirit made Thrall not keep his hands, and this lava burst did his best.

But at the moment when the hot lava was about to hit Shulu, a shadow shield suddenly appeared on Shulu's face, which not only completely absorbed the lava burst, but also resisted the drunk wind's chop.

"Anxious mortals, you don't even know what kind of existence you are facing!"

At this time Shu Lu's voice has completely changed, and the once rough voice has now become charming and enchanting, full of unspeakable allure.

Of course, the extreme discrepancy between the sound and the appearance also caused a huge impact to everyone present.

"Who are you?" Thrall frowned, staring at the twisted guy in front of him, "Where is Shulu?"

"Didn’t this chubby guy say it very clearly? The blind man believed in something he couldn’t understand, and now he has become a part of me." Shulu’s body grew more and more swelling, "and I, I’m Sarata The ruler of the old days, the destroyer of the elements, the whisperer in the depths of darkness, the watcher of the shadow world!"

"He is just a chattering tentacle monster, as long as you don't listen to their nagging!" Drunken Wind interrupted Saratas's confession without hesitation, and then another sword, "They are best at bewitching Human heart!"

"It seems that you chubby guy seems to have a serious prejudice against us... Don't worry, I'm not Yoggsaron, I don't have so many mouths to nag you!" Saratas stopped with his tentacle The drunk wind attacked, but before the sharp wind sword, the tentacles were almost broken. "This sword is very interesting. I seem to have seen an old friend. Why did the element finally stop shivering?"

Sunderland didn't respond, but the electric light on the wind sword grew stronger...

Saratas's abacus can be described as shrewd. He used Shulu's dead eyes and then used the power of the tribe to accomplish his own goals, but the price of doing so was that once things were revealed, the ancient gods and the tribe would directly disagree.

Drunk Wind stopped running the train with Li Shulu's mouthful, but instead wielded his swords and attacked wholeheartedly.

Soon, the Horde's Kor'kron troops surrounded the entire hall tightly.

In the center of the battle, Saratas could only defend passively due to the drunken offensive.

That's right, in the frontal one-on-one battle, Saratas was hit by the drunk wind!

Regarding this matter, even Zuifeng feels unbelievable. You may not believe it. I will hang an ancient **** and fight!

But at this time Saratas was also unspeakable.

Originally among the ancient gods, although Saratas was not the weakest, but the fighting power was the bottom, otherwise he would not become the one to be destroyed and swallowed.

When the army of the dark empire of Saratas was destroyed, the helpless Saratas did not bite his teeth into exile like the blood **** Hakkar, but chose to separate a part of himself and wait for the opportunity to hide.

And Saratas's body without the will was swallowed by the other four ancient gods and became nourishment. Although the other ancient gods were suspicious, they did not find other traces of Saratas.

For a long time, Saratas has been hiding in the dark, thinking about how to take revenge.

Later, after the Titan came, Saratas completely avoided the Titan's detection because of being too weak, and became the only free ancient god.

Originally, Saratas thought that the other ancient gods were sealed, and now it was his turn to flex his muscles, but found embarrassingly that in this state, even a guardian could not handle it!

The logic of the ancient gods is that if I can't beat you, it's okay. If you drive you crazy, just listen to me. With this idea, Saratas began to corrupt creatures.

It is a pity that Yogg-Saron is much faster than him. Yogg-Saron has easily polluted the Genesis Matrix when Saratas was still fighting against the mountain that was Saratas. The first time he was exposed, he spent a lot of time before Jin Chan escaped his shell again, and the price was that he became what he is now and only had a claw like a dagger.

While fighting Drunk Wind, Saratas kept thinking about what to do.

It is impossible to fight, and it is very difficult to escape from this posture.

More importantly, what I am facing is not an ancient god, but a mortal!

If the minions of the ancient gods caught Saratas, the ancient gods would definitely be eager to swallow Saratas, and then Saratas could always pay a price on the way, bewitching one or two people to take the opportunity to escape.

But the posture of Drunk Wind is obviously to kill himself on the spot!

And seeing the appearance of Zuifeng's circle just now (see Su Baopu), it is obvious that he has some skills against the ancient gods, how can Saratas not panic? !

Fortunately, Saratas's recovery ability is strong, and the continuous tentacles are currently defensively tight.

The drunk wind couldn’t take it down. Seeing Thrall carrying Doomhammer and Grommash carrying Gorehowl eager to try, he simply called for them to replace him, and then he sat down next to him. On the ground, he exerted his best effort to see Su Baopu.

Outstanding effect.

The tentacles that had been broken by Saratas no longer grew, and after being hit by Doomhammer several times, they were finally dying.

Looking at Saratas who fell to the ground, Thrall really didn't know how to deal with it. After all, this guy was still holding Shulu's body.

On one side, Zuifeng finally spoke.

"So, this weak ancient god, can I give you two choices to surrender or destroy?"


For an instant, all eyes were on the smiling Drunk Wind. (To be continued...)

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