Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 521: Living fossil of Blade's Edge Mountain

   The older you get, the more wisdom you have. This is reflected in the orcs. Of course, it is also possible that those idiots who are not smart enough are dead.

  Well, this was pure ridicule, but under Gaia'an's persuasion, the Mag'han Orcs agreed in principle to leave Nagrand.

   is in principle because there are still some "demolition funds" that need to be negotiated with the vows, but Gaia'an is not like a nail household, and Nagrand’s task is complete!

   Then, we can turn our eyes to a direction that is not so smooth.


   Jaina felt that her journey was terrible.

   Terrible in every sense.

   First, Jaina thought she was mentally prepared for the famous hand-handed mad demon Brian Bronzebeard, but after experiencing some things, she realized that she was not prepared enough.

   Jaina swears, if it weren't for the archaeological mission, the dwarf would be responsible for it, she would definitely turn him into a sheep, and change it every five minutes, and change it once and last for five minutes!

  Imagine what kind of act of death daring to tease the sleeping Goron!

   Imagine again, vowing to say that the coordinates are okay, and then Jaina came to a group of ogres after teleportation!

Imagine again, thinking that the sharp-edged stone cones on the Blade's Edge Mountain are very cooooo1, and then deceive everyone to say that there is a spot, and after a lot of effort to climb up, say, "The scenery here is good, it's not in vain that we are so hard." mad!

   This is Brian Bronzebeard.

When she was a child, Jaina had read a lot of his travels and admired his whimsy very much, but now, Jaina finally understands that these **** "wonders" are all Brian's death. !

   can live to this day, I have to say that Brian is very dead...

   Of course, if only Brian died, the journey would be a bit harder. After all, in the real exploration process, Brian didn't say much.

   Kael'thas is annoying now.

After Prince Kael'thas heard that Jaina would also participate in this operation, but begged for Drunk Wind, he stuffed himself in. According to Drunk Wind’s original meaning, he wanted to send Locke Khan a trip. By the way Can figure out Zul'jin's plot.

But Kael'thas begged hard, and said that he and Zul'jin were old rivals. What the troll thought he could tell at a glance, and then paid for the free supply of 6 linebirds white in the Misty Harbor. After focusing on the price, he finally got this errand.

  In all fairness, Kael'thas himself is quite attractive, handsome, strong, and distinguished. How do you think it is a template for a good partner.

   But Jaina is not interested in him at all.

   It’s not that this Kul Tiras princess has a prejudice against non-human creatures, but that she and Kael’thas are really incompatible...

   Kael'thas is an extremely responsible realist. He attaches great importance to his tasks and missions, so he sometimes appears "not ideal".

   And for the sake of his own responsibility, Kael'thas sometimes doesn't care about the cleanliness of the methods he uses. Once he decides that he needs it, he has to do it no matter what.

   But now Jaina is an idealist through and through. She has a special obsession with peace. This kind of mentality of the Virgin makes her sometimes "indifferent", even without a stand.

Therefore, in the original timeline, Jaina would "sell her father" and choose to help the new tribe for peace. He did not agree with Stratholme's slaughter and turned and left. Kael'thas would come to Erie after betrayal. Dan's commander, looking for all available energy for the blood elves' addiction, finally went astray.

  Because of the serious character problem, Jaina doesn't look pleasing to Kael'thas. Even though she is in the "window period" now, she still looks down on this excellent prince.

   And Kael'thas did not realize the problem at all, and kept showing himself to Jaina...

   Two unpleasant teammates, coupled with not very smooth archeology, Jaina's route is quite bumpy.

   Just when Roja and Brian determined the next teleportation point, while Jaina was walking around, the accident happened.

   A huge Goron appeared.

  Because Brian had slapped Goron to death, all four of them knew how terrifying this thing was, so they chose to avoid it for the first time.

   "Little girl, have you seen that mountain? Take us to send it over!"

   Fortunately, Jaina has almost rested, and now she has full magical power to lead people to teleport. When she heard Brian's words, she nodded and started to cast the spell.

   But when the transmission was completed, the four people were dumbfounded.

   This is a hill, far enough away from Goron, but there seems to be a group of very strange guys. They only have one eye, but they are not very friendly.

  Although none of these four people have heard of the name of the one-eyed monster, they can think about it with their knees. These guys who are over five meters tall are definitely not easy to mess with!

   And judging from the surrounding environment and the attitude of these big guys, it's possible that a few of them annoyed these big guys because they suddenly appeared in their territory.

   "Don't be stunned, run!"

Brian, the most experienced in this regard, directly held his wide-brimmed hat with one hand and fled directly. He was so skilled After realizing the problem, Jaina and Kael'thas used arcane arts to create On the mount, Luo Ya took out the foldable portable mechanical Xenophobia, and the four of them strayed directly.

   There is no way, I can only use my legs to send CDs.

After a while, it was not easy for the four of them to escape from birth. The stones thrown by the one-eyed monster were bigger than the others. In order to avoid and block these big stones, both Kael'thas and Jaina Tired and half dead.

   In contrast, Brian is a lot more relaxed, not only does not need to mount, but even has time to look back at the one-eyed monsters.

   After it was finally safe, Kael'thas had not finished making the bread, and Brian stood up again.

   "Go, let's go back!"

   "What are you doing?" Jaina frowned directly, "What are you going back to do? Our mission is archaeology, not hunting and fighting!"

   "It's archaeology!" Bryan's eyes flashed, "You haven't seen it, are those big guys familiar?"


   The other three looked at each other, saying that they were completely different from the casually observing Brian.

   "Remember the early orc ruins we dug before? Those huge tableware with big eyes carved now I guess that those tableware have a lot to do with these big guys!"

   "They are probably the living fossils I am looking for!"

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