Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 532: The stolen treasures

Although Blade's Edge Mountain is empty, the terrain is hideous, the evil energy is permeated and the traces of the devil appear, but for Gooke, today is still a calm day.

Goron is the son of the earth. They have no natural enemies (or even enemies). Their daily life is to wander, eat, rest, and then wander again.

After patrolling his own territory once more, Gook found a small hill and lay down comfortably.

Before starting to fall asleep, Gok subconsciously blinked his one-eyed eye-after getting Gruul's eyes, Gok developed this habit, and he didn't know why.

Then Gooke saw a small group of void young dragons flying across the sky.


Gooke took a long sigh. As Goron, he instinctively hated the guys flying in the sky, especially these void dragons seemed to have some connection with the original black dragons.

But when it’s time to rest, Gooke just took a look. She is not interested to clean up these little guys. If she didn’t want to sleep at this time, Gooke would definitely pull down the hill by her side and throw it into the faces of those void young dragons. on.

Half asleep and half awake, Gook seemed to remember that the one-eyed monster had reported that the orcs had become restless some time ago. Then, when you wake up, go to Moknazar...


Just as Gooke's snoring sounded, the young void dragon in the sky had landed not far away.

"Hey, ogre, you almost killed us—I bet that if the big guy didn't just want to sleep, he would definitely get us out of the sky!" Brian held his hat with one hand while facing Kuror jumped and complained, "Damn, how come I'm in the same group with you!"

"Don't worry, Gooke's route is under my wise calculation." Kuror said with a hooded head that everything is under control. "I also expected his rest. We will not be in danger. of."

"And you are in the group because your friends despise you." Kurol's other head was merciless, "That's why you are the troublesome figure with me, so I am the one who should complaining."

Kuror's words successfully blocked Bryan's complaints in his throat-anyway, being dismissed by his teammates is nothing to boast about, let alone being discovered by an ogre.

According to Kuror’s plan, Gok, Maguk, Grulloc, and Sligo are the first four targets. The four teams will respectively pretend to be Moknassa Orcs, Bladetower Ogres, and Blood Maul. The ogres and the Gorduni ogres stole the four treasures that Goron cared most and led them to the Ring of Blood Arena.

Then, Sligo, the farthest away, is in charge of Jaina and Kael'thas, and the two Faye can be driven by flashing and teleportation; Maguk is in charge of Ogre Korunk and Torkus in Orgrila. Grulloc is in charge of Roja and Sinestra-this group originally belonged to Brian and Roja, but it is a pity that Roja said that she was reluctant to act with the dwarves, so in the end, cloth Ryan can only have everything with Kuror and is responsible for the most difficult Gok.

Because only Gooke’s treasure is on him...

Cursing his lips, Brian stepped to look at the sleeping Gooke.

"Are you sure this guy's treasure is with him?" Brian said cautiously, "His body is a bit too big... It's a bit difficult to find."

"What are you talking about?" In the face of Brian's complaint, Kuror bent down, "I can't hear you!"

No way, Gooke's snoring sound was a bit too loud, and Kurall couldn't hear what Brian had carefully lowered the volume to say.

"never mind."

Brian shook his head irritably, signaled that there was nothing to say, and then stepped towards Goron.

Finding is a painful process, especially when your ears seem to be thundering all the time. For Brian, the only good news is that the big guy’s skin is strong enough (you won’t sag when you step on it) and sleep well. Scented enough (will not wake up suddenly).

"Gruul's Eye..."

Although Brian had never seen Gruul, according to the description, that big guy was the father of Gruul in front of him, and his body should be even bigger, so there is no doubt that Gruul's one-eyed will definitely not be small.

Although an eyeball that is much larger than a human head is a relatively clear goal, once the scope of this goal is placed on the entire body of Goron, it will be very troublesome. Brian and Kurall take the foot of Gokker. He climbed up in fear, crawling along the rough stone skin to Gooke's waist, without any clue.

"Huh..." Brian let out a long sigh, "It seems that Goronn doesn't have a place to put things. Look, they don't have clothes. Is Gruul's Eye holding it all the time?"

"No." Kuror shook his head, "I can't hold it."

"Where is that?" Brian was really helpless, "I can still hold it in my mouth!"

"Well, it doesn't seem to be impossible!" Kuror reached out his hand and pointed to the snore Gooke's mouth, "Look, there really seems to be something in his mouth!"

Following Kuror's arm, Brian jumped up, and then saw that there really seemed to be something in Gooke's mouth.

With this discovery, the two figures, one tall and one short, cheered up and continued to climb.

The eye of Gruul was indeed hidden in Gok’s mouth. On the one hand, this Goron seemed to want to swallow this eye with peculiar energy, on the other hand, it seemed to be scrupulous. Hidden in his mouth.

"How to get it?" Kuror looked at Brian. "With a conscious mouth, this guy will definitely wake up."

"How long can your transformation technique last?" Brian didn't answer directly, but instead asked Kuror, "How long can we last like the Moknassa Orcs."

"One day."

"How long will it take for the other groups to bring those Gorons back to the arena?"

"It should be done today, after all, they don't need to wait for an opportunity."

"That's easy-now turn me into an orc."

Kuror Yiyan turned Brian into a hooded, sturdy Moknassa Orc, and Brian began to move his body to adapt to his current appearance.

"Hey, what are you going to do?" At this moment, Kuror had an inexplicable premonition, "Pay attention, he will wake up!"

"What are you doing?" Bryan showed a very upright (qian) straight (zou) smile, "Of course it's the eye of Gruul."

"Gooke will wake up!"

"Then run!"


Before Kuror finished speaking, Brian, who had become a Moknassa Orc, had already gotten Gooke's teeth and pulled out the huge eyeball.

"Stop talking, let's run!"

With a terrifying roar, a desperate chase began...


Brian Bronzebeard who does not die is not a good Brian! Find this site and search for \"Apiston Novel 208xs\", or please remember this site URL:

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