Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 548: Unique street fighting

At the moment when the door of the Wall of Beetles opened, in a temple deep in Ahn'Qiraj, a behemoth opened his eyes.

Those are countless eyes.

"Opportunity, here comes..."

"I'm awake, mortals, accept your fate..."

"Overestimate... Mortal!"

C'Thun sensed the opening of the door to the Wall of Beetles, and the old ruler awakened from countless years of sleep.

It has been more than 10,000 years since being sealed by the Titans in Ahn'Qiraj. C'Thun has been fully familiar with his "prison", and he has built an army of servants for himself in the prison "with joy and suffering".

Facts have proved that the ancient gods are really not easy to deal with. Even if they are sealed and the jailer is left, the jailer will go crazy; if the jailer is not left, the ancient **** will make his men...

Compared with the mantid under Y’Shaarj, C'Thun’s worms are more like puppets. Although many worms are also intelligent (such as the Gemini emperor, such as General Rajax), most of them can only Just obeying orders-Drunk Wind didn't know if this was created by C'Thun deliberately, or because the mantid evolved after losing his master.

But it is not important.

Drunk Wind only knew that compared with the mantid, these Ahn'Qiraj people who were not flexible enough were actually more difficult to deal with.


When the door of the Wall of Beetles opened, although he had been prepared, Drunk Wind was still stunned by the number of insects in front of him.

Overwhelming, densely packed!

Those flying in the sky and running on the ground look like a black storm from a distance!

And when he took a closer look, Zuifeng found that these worms didn't have any larvae, and there were no servants—all elite!

Among the insects, several tall figures are particularly conspicuous.

"Are you familiar?" Zuifeng looked at General Hussim next to him, "These Anubis..."

"Anubis?!" There was inexplicable anger in the tone of the heart-protecting purpose, "What Anubis?! That is my compatriot!"

These dark, stony, and dog-headed monsters are nothing else but the Tollians who C'Thun occasionally captured in battle. These Tollians were brainwashed and their consciousness was washed away, and then they were transformed into Weapon.

Although these Anubis are still or, they are no different from dead. They have been wandering aimlessly in Ahn'Qiraj, waiting for their master's instructions.

After C'Thun woke up, the first thing was to send these big guys to the battlefield.

Looking at General Hussim, whose eyes were about to emit flames, Zuifeng patted him on the shoulder.

"These big guys are left to our allies and friendship-believe them, they will give these poor people a home." Zuifeng took a deep breath, "Our goal is not these trash fish, but hiding behind the scenes. , The guy who leads everything!"

General Hussim nodded, and then went to the back of the battlefield with Drunk Wind.

Here, the elite team responsible for the assault on C'Thun has been assembled, quietly waiting for the most suitable opportunity to attack.

After all, the action of the commando needs to create an opportunity on the frontal battlefield.


The command of the frontal battlefield is currently in charge of Malfurion.

After Drunk Wind confirmed that he participated in the raid, he wanted to find a commander who could persuade the Alliance and the Horde to be obedient. There were not many places to choose from. After thinking about it, this task was handed over to Malfurion. .

Regarding this archdruid who blew the night watchman assembly call during the Battle of Mount Hyjal, everyone maintained respect—even the unruly orcs expressed their willingness to accept orders—of course, the specifics of the orcs The command is still in charge of Varok Saurfang.

The specific command of the alliance was handed over to Turalyon-originally Drunk Wind wanted him to participate in the assault, but in the end considering that he was the key and arrow figure of the law-riding coordination, he was finally allowed to command.

Then, at the moment when Ahn'Qiraj opened the gate, with the sound of the gong, before the gate was fully opened, the soldiers of the Royal Knights of Stormwind had already begun to charge.

It was unwise to start charging blindly when the target was unknown, but in order to seize a stronghold in Ahn'Qiraj, the cavalry of the Royal Knights of Stormwind did not hesitate.

The trampling of the horse's hoof brought up rolling yellow sand, and the distance for the cavalry to accelerate was only a few hundred steps-this is the flat ground that the shamans did their best to use the power of the earth.

The elements of Ahn'Qiraj are very inactive. According to Magatha, the elements here are full of fear.

The cavalry’s charge was very effective. When the gate was fully opened, countless worms wanted to rush out of Ahn'Qiraj, but in front of the rising edge, these rushed worms were directly crushed and waited until Anu When Biss and other big guys arrived, the quicksand coalition forces had already occupied a relatively strong stronghold inside the Wall of Beetles.

The mini mage ivory towers are directly raised from the ground-the cost of these towers is ridiculously expensive, and the number of scrolls required is an astronomical number. Of course, this crazy speed of establishing strongholds is also excellent value for money , Under the design of Drunk Wind, the quicksand coalition opened the door and used the space compression technology of the high elves to come a wave of towerrush!

Outstanding effect!

In the Wall of Beetles, with seven ivory towers as the base point, a stronghold with a complete defensive enchantment was established, and the Quicksand Allied Forces set a nail on the territory of this ancient god!

Of course Even so, the battle has just begun.

Inside Ahn'Qiraj, there are huge buildings full of C'Thun style everywhere. This is a city belonging to the ancient **** and his worm servants.

The task of the Quicksand Coalition is very difficult. If you want to win, the most important thing is not to kill how many insects, but to find C'Thun's hiding place, and then kill C'Thun!

Then, in order to find C'Thun, the Quicksand Alliance chose an extremely cruel fighting method.

street fighting!

The absolute main force is responsible for dealing with large, obvious targets (such as Anubis), while the rest of the troops are in the form of small teams of five to ten people. They cooperate on a small scale, and then clean out the enemy regionally. The trail of C'Thun.

It's not that the quicksand coalition forces don't want to conduct aerial reconnaissance anymore, it's that Ahn'Qiraj's air is really terrifying. Quite a few of the bug people have wings and can fly!

In the one a thousand years ago, the Dragon Legion hadn't been able to take advantage of the insects in the air. How could the Quicksand Coalition dare to spy in the air this time?

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