Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 560: Science is power

Luo Ya's second light is the world amplifier, the XJT-A world amplifier-something that can reduce the target.

Luo Ya's defensive traps have long been set up, and she has been staring at Oro just now.

Although this sand worm is terrifyingly high in defense, it still hasn't gotten rid of its own beast instincts-every time it burrows underground, while healing its wounds, it will swallow the soil and eat as much as possible.

This wasn't a big deal at all. Even if Zuifeng and others wanted to make some small movements in the dirt below the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, they couldn't do it, after all, which ancient **** was not far below.

But Loya thought of a way.

No matter how strong an adult man can eat, he can only eat one kilogram of meat for a meal, but what about a giant?

After Oro grew in size, it easily burrowed underground with its own talent, and then habitually ate to its fullness.

A lot of food healed the shallow wound on its body.

But after Roja used the World Amplifier, Oro changed back to the prototype.

All-you-can-eat Oro is now bursting.

Even if the carapace outside Oro is strong enough, as a sandworm, its internal organs are still very fragile. After swallowing a larger volume of sand than itself, Oro's internal organs can no longer bear it.

Under everyone's surprised gaze, Oro began a peculiar struggle after getting smaller-it opened its big mouth, and began to spit out mud and acid.

But it was too late.

Oro finally fell down. It lay down on the ground with its head drooped, and curled up slightly-even if it died, its spitting of mud could not be stopped, and finally Oro spit out a small mountain.

The Quicksand Commando was stunned, and Princess Hahoran couldn't believe her eyes.

"Trash without a head!" The frustrated Princess Hahoran turned to escape, "Don't be proud of you, you just postponed your destiny temporarily!"

"Since it's here, why go?"

Now that Oro has fallen, how could everyone let this insect princess go!

As soon as Sylvanas raised her hand, a dazzling hunter's mark appeared on Princess Hahoran's head, and then Khadgar and Kael'thas looked at each other, and the two of them tacitly connected the flames directly. It exploded and four huge fireballs with a diameter of more than three meters smashed into Princess Hahoran.

The four fireballs blocked all the routes that Princess Hahoran could evade.

Although Princess Hahoran can fly, she will not teleport after all.

After a scream, a burst of fireworks exploded in the air.


Princess Haholan still failed to realize her queen's dream...

After solving these two guys, everyone can finally start looking for the missing people-the original wall is still obvious.

Just when Drunk Wind took the lead to hit the wall, the wall disappeared by itself, and there were eight people in the room.

In addition to the five dragon kings, there are three other guys who haven't seen them-a male dwarf with a blue beard, a male human and a female night elf with green hair.

Interestingly, these three newly-appearing guys were held tightly in their arms by Malygos, Alexstrasza, and Yser.

Seeing Drunk Wind again, Onyxia threw himself directly into his arms-Drunk Wind clearly felt her trembling.

Nozdormu, who was the only one to hold and no one could hold, grinned indifferently.

"What's the matter my dear? Don't worry, I am here!"

Since Draenor confronted Deathwing, Drunk Wind had never seen Onyxia who was so terrified.

"C'Thun...C'Thun is watching us!"

"C'Thun?" Zuifeng raised his eyebrows, thoughtfully, "It seems that this ancient **** can't sit still..."

Just kidding, who can sit still in this situation? !

The vote of people drawn by Drunk Wind is really terrifying, and C'Thun is really worried that they don't care about it and fight to kill himself directly by polluting the southern part of Kalimdor-this is not completely impossible!

C'Thun's appearance just now obviously wanted to help Princess Hahoran and Oro to do things, but Oro's beast instinct pitted him at a critical moment, which made C'Thun had to retreat hurriedly and released his prisoners. .

That's right, the three newly-appearing guys were the son of the blue dragon, the son of the red dragon, and the daughter of the green dragon in the battle of the quicksand-the three of them did not die, but one was imprisoned by C'Thun.

Of course, not killing them was not because of C'Thun’s kindness, nor was it because the ancient gods had a mental retardation halo. These three poor dragons have been in a state of being studied for a thousand years-otherwise you would think that Princess Hahoran was that How did this toxin appear?

After learning about the encounter of the three dragons for thousands of years, Zuifeng could only sigh for a long time.

C'Thun's preparations may be more terrifying than he expected, and his antiquity war seems to have caused some incredible effects...

But so what?

Zuifeng is still full of confidence in his actions!

Back then, 40 men could drive you, but I brought more than 20 gods and couldn't take care of you?

Now it seems that the first level to enter the Angela Temple is and it is still passed without any reduction!

After a brief rest, everyone didn't dare to stay long and kept going.


The passage is sloping downwards, the more the drunk wind goes deeper underground, the more irritable the heart becomes.

Just like when facing the sha demon in Pandaria.

The drunk style is still so, let alone other people?

The five dragon kings and the Faye were better, and the eyes of the orc warriors had gradually turned red.

Obviously, C'Thun has a huge influence on the mind of approaching people.

But fortunately, although several people have become a little irritable, Grommash even brandished a gorehowl to hack around because he saw a little beetle, but after all, he did not do anything too much, at least the basic reason is still in.

In this case, Drunk Wind began to secretly hope that the enemy will appear as soon as possible-to be honest, I have the idea of ​​taking these orcs Drunk Wind with cannon fodder, and now if there is no enemy cannon fodder, it will become a time bomb!

Then, just as Zuifeng looked around, a large room in front appeared.

"You are finally here."

"It's like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth."

"My poor daughter seems to have died of her own overwhelming challenge."

"But it is the sandworm that is worth a pity. We have spent a lot of effort feeding it."

After hearing these two similar voices sing and sing together, Zuifeng had already realized who was in front of him.

The twin emperors of Ahn'Qiraj, the actual rulers of the worms under C'Thun, Vik Nilas and Vikrol!


Fourth, I always felt that my cultivation was unstoppable.

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