Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 589: Look for the arakkoa

   Not to mention the silently migrating insects, they have fully implemented C'Thun’s instructions and are very low-key, so they did not make a big news. Fastest update

   Now, let us turn our eyes to the troll.

Zul'jin, who promised to help the orcs, disappeared strangely after arriving in Draenor. The main force of the trolls didn’t know where they went overnight, except for the enchanter Jindo who stayed in the camp. , There are only two or three kittens left.

Grommash was very angry at what the troll did. He felt uncomfortable when Thrall was assigned to Draenor Grommash. The troll is now coming to him to seduce him, which makes Grommash. He could hardly contain his anger.

   So when I saw Jindu, Grommash didn't give the magician a good face. If it weren't for Ahn'Qiraj Jindu's rescue, Grommash might have done it.

   "Let's talk about it, what kind of ghost idea are you fighting?"

"Don't get excited, Gromarsh." Looking at the angry Gromarsh, Jindo was smiling or the troll was smiling most of the time. "The warriors of the trolls have their own tasks. So it's just a step ahead."

   "Have your own mission?" Grommash snorted coldly, "Hmph, I really don't know what you are doing sneakily again!"

   "It's not a bad thing." Jindo seemed dismissive of Grommash's anger, "We are just trying to pursue power, and that's all you know, this wild world is also full of opportunities."

"Opportunity?" Grommash was dubious about Jindo's explanation, "Then why are you doing things under the banner of helping us? The pursuit of strength is never a shameful behavior, unless you collude with something that shouldn't be colluding! "

   Grommash now doubts whether the troll is involved with the devil, otherwise, in his opinion, the troll does not need to help the orcs in the name.

   "Do you think we are hiding our oath?" Jindo saw Grommash's concerns at a glance, "No, no, we are actually hiding the alliance!"

   "Hidden from the Alliance?" Grommash narrowed his eyes slightly when Jindo mentioned the Alliance, "Tell me, what do you mean?"

"It's nothing." Jindu gave his iconic smile again. "We have discovered a new kind of energy, and the Alliance may be aware of it. I bet the guys who claim archaeology actually carry exactly the same as us. Purpose, we must find the power we expect before them."

   "What power is it?" Grommash was confused, "Draenor's power?"

   "Almost." Jindu nodded, "Loa's power."

"God Loa?" Grommash was a little confused about God Loa. He knew it. This is what the trolls believe in, but where is the God Loa from Draenor, "Are you sure? A god?"

   "Of course!" Jindo raised his eyebrows, "The gods of Arak are the beliefs of the arakkoa, and we want to seize their power."

"Cut~" Hearing Jindo's words, Grommash instantly became disdainful. "Arakkoa are just a bunch of self-righteous garbage. Even Kilrogg who has never drunk the blood of the devil can wear a blood ring orc. What's the use of those **** beliefs to beat them up!"

   Regarding this, Jindo smiled and said nothing.

   Why bother, since Grommash doesn't like the power of the gods of Arak, why should he take the initiative to share a piece of the orcs?

   To be honest, for Thrall sent Grommash to Draenor, Jindo really agreed with 10,000 people, and the brainless guys are the best to deal with!


   While Jindu was still playing Grommash, the Prophet Zul had already brought a group of trolls to the depths of the Terokkar Forest.

Zul, who was prepared for a long time, brought most of the jungle trolls from Gurubashi. Although these jungle trolls were once beaten by Medivh, they also had friction with the blood ring orcs during the first orc war (also Suffer a loss), but it is undeniable that they are the best at operating in the Terokkar Forest among the trolls.

   The Evil Branch Troll was better at this, but it is a pity that Sinsaro was destroyed, and the Evil Branch Troll was about to die...

Terokkar Forest is no longer a pure forest. Although the trees here are very lush, but this area is inevitably eroded by the evil energy and the energy from the twisting void. The trees seem to be extremely degraded, and the forest The creatures are also pitiful.

   Prophet Zul walked at the front of the line.

   The Prophet Zul with the golden mask is cautious every step he takes, for fear of triggering something weird is not his natural cautiousness, it is because he was afraid of Anzu Keng along the way.

Originally, according to Zul’s plan, he used voodoo magic to detect the shadow enchantment, and then obtained the Anzu legacy hidden in the shadow enchantment. As long as he got enough, he could use it as a psychic medium and bring Anzu Forced resurrection.

After the forced resurrection, Anzu should not be very strong, but as the native demigod in this world, Anzu represents the shadow of Draenor, so just follow the method of the ice troll to extract Anzu’s power. Demon can use Draenor's Shadow Law to train a large number of Shadow Mage.

   After getting the power of Anzu, the troll can continue to set out to find the power of Rukhmar and Setai.

   But what I didn't expect was The first time Ansu's legacy was discovered, an accident happened.

   The fragile shadow barrier is not only to conceal the traces of Anzu's legacy, but also a trap to teach later ones!

   To be honest, the Prophet Zul really didn't expect that, just a few bottles of potions, a few scrolls, that ordinary enchantment, there are actually traps!

When Zul reached out to take out the potion, the moment Zul’s arm touched the enchantment, the entire enchantment suddenly disappeared, and all the shadow energy turned into a long, sharp shadow spear. Out.

   The shadow spear flew past Zul’s neck, nailing a hapless trainee witch doctor behind him to the ground, and accidentally passed through the hapless heart.

   killed with one blow.

   So for the second time, Zul prepared his defense carefully before taking out a scroll, but unexpectedly, there were no traps.

   And when the trolls turned to leave, the shadow barrier exploded...

   Anzu’s trap was far more sinister than the Prophet Zul imagined, so Zul learned later.

   As long as the shadow enchantment is discovered from a distance, don't say do a good job of defense first, and you must always be cautious after taking things, and you can not withdraw the defense until a hundred meters away.

   Ansu, cheating! rw


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