Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 598: Forest Escape (Wednesday/Friday)

After Zul solved the tomb guard, he suddenly discovered the problem.

Where's Brian Bronzebeard?

Thinking of Brian, he discovered another thing.

Why has the tomb not collapsed?

Could it be that this construct killed the dwarf in the tomb before it came out?

Then the next moment, a violent explosion occurred.

Don't think that only goblins can play explosives. In fact, dwarf engineers are not bad at using explosives—it's just that Loya disdains such "crude" methods most of the time.

But now Loya has completely ignored the vulgarity or vulgarity.

Riding a mechanical chocobo, Roja was running wildly in the Terokkar Forest.

Looking at Brian, who was unconscious and fixed in front of her, Luoya couldn't help sighing.

The one-hundred-and-four archeological team, now only has himself and Brian.

This time the loss was huge—the one hundred and two lives were lost. Except for the archaeologists and senior energy researchers, the dwarves and dwarfs really suffered internal injuries.

Moreover, Luo Ya was not sure whether she could leave alive.

Sporeman's concealing potion is effective, but the number is limited after all.

Prophet Zul’s name Roya had been heard of. This old troll was extremely good at divination, and Roya did not dare to stay in one place for too long.

The biggest problem right now is not anti-tracking, but Brian is almost unable to support it.

Zul's voodoo stripping technique almost turned the strong Brian into a useless person. This powerful energy absorption technique not only absorbed the vitality, but also absorbed the resilience, and Brian's wound did not get better.

Now Brian is like a dying old man, without the activity of the past.

Although Brian’s wound was simply bandaged by Loya, Brian would die on the road sooner or later if he continued to run like this.

But if you don't run away quickly and the troll catches up, both of them will die!

After thinking about it carefully, Roja found that she was facing a very difficult decision-whether to leave Brian and run away, or take Brian to heal the wound first?

Well, for Luo Ya, the choice is not difficult. Although Brian owes something to him, Luo Ya does not intend to abandon him.

Without stopping the mechanical chocobo, Luo Ya started to think about the countermeasures while heading northeast.

Teroka Forest is not small, and he is not familiar with the place he was born.

According to Blaine’s archaeological findings, there should be remains of arakkoa and draenei here.

According to the oath, a part of the draenei search team is looking for the draenei left behind in Draenor.

In other words, my biggest chance of being rescued is actually with the draenei-if I can find the team of draenei to explore the compatriots, I and Brian can be rescued!

Even Roja doesn't need the protection of the draenei, as long as they don't die, once Brian is back healthy, Roja is confident to escape the tribe's pursuit and bring the news back to Azeroth!

what? What if Zul does something to the draenei?

Don't be kidding, take Zul's guts, he wouldn't dare to do it!

The leader of the draenei this time is Vinucci!

If Zul really does something to the draenei, Roja can wake up with a smile in her dreams-it is estimated that the troll will not be far from destruction by then!


On the other side, after experiencing the initial astonishment, Zul quickly figured out everything.

Although this huge construct is not the handwriting of a dwarf, it is definitely related to the dwarf who flees - and Brian's disappearance is obviously problematic!

However, unlike Loya’s guess, Zul actually has no way to predict her whereabouts. Not long ago, Zul just used divination to find Anzu’s body, and he has not recovered yet. Can't use divination to find Loya.

If Roya finds a secluded place and heals with Brian quietly, maybe everything will be fine.

But there is no "if" after all.

Roja chose to ask the draenei for help, and Zul guessed that in this forest, only the draenei could save them.

Without divination, the troll left a part of the tomb to clean up, and all the others set off and went straight to the northeast.

If that dwarf really dared to hide directly on the spot, Zul would be lucky!

After a brief confrontation, Terokkar Forest finally returned to calm again.

But how long can this calm last?

After all, in theory, the owners of Anzu and Rukhmar's tomb are not dead yet. In the shadows, the arakkoa's eyes are still watching this forest, carefully observing everything.

Although the short prologue has ended, the curtain of the entire war has just begun.

It should be noted that the Draenor and Outland at this time are not exactly the same-although the Arak forest has collapsed, there are still some broken mountains (legacy of Arak) still attached to the southern part of the Terokkar Forest , Anzu and Rukhmar’s tombs are also in this place, so whether it’s Loya with Brian or Zul who leads the troll, both sides chose to head northeast, which is the only way to Hellfire Peninsula. the way.

But if someone had a complete map in his hand, he would be surprised to find that both groups had successfully avoided the draenei!

Because both the ruins of Shattrath and Auchindoun are in the northwest of the Alanka Heritage.

At the beginning, the dwarven archaeological team that was advancing along the Apexis crystal vein happened to pass by the Shattrath ruins...

That is to say Whether it is Roja or Zul, it is almost impossible for both sides to meet the draenei.

After all, Zuifeng had previously told him not to let Vinucci be nosy.

Then, Luo Ya found sadly, until she walked out of the forest, she did not find the shadow of the draenei.

Across the front are crisscrossed water nets and endless plains. Under this terrain, once the troll finds Loya, the dwarf is really dead.

But so what!

Looking at the green river in front of her, Luo Ya, desperate, decided to fight her last.

Brian saw that it was no longer possible, and Luoya had not found a way to save herself. In desperation, Gnomish Light decided to take a gamble.


Third, guess what Loya Hille is going to do?

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