Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 601: After eating party A, eat party B (1/5)

After Nerus completed the transaction with Loya, he had a new counterparty. ranwen??????`?

Although Prince Node didn't know whose chase the little dwarf was avoiding, he decided to do business with the chaser after he had ended his bargaining with Medivh.

After all, when buying, buying, and buying, Luo Ya could not hide her purpose, nor could she hide it, just like in the Warsong Lumberyard, Xiaode suddenly changed his head and changed his head. Who doesn't know you want to carry the flag?

Loya's intention to buy things was too obvious. Both the scroll and the potion were used to run away. Nerus concluded at the time that someone must be chasing her behind!

Although the node prince didn't know it was, it didn't matter, because the warlock named Medivh seemed to be scrupulous and unwilling to do it. It was definitely not a demon who was chasing him.

If you are not a devil, then you can do business!


The Prophet Zul was very upset.

He was about to leave the forest, but the troll still couldn't find the exact trace of the dwarf.

The reason it is said to be the exact trace is because they actually found the footprints of the mechanical chocobo, but Zul knew that this thing can actually be driven automatically, and Roja may not be with the mechanical chocobo!

The only good news is that Brian was seriously injured by himself, and it is very likely that he can no longer support it now.

Then, just as Zul was thinking, the space in front of him suddenly rippled, a lavender portal appeared out of thin air, and then a bandaged man appeared in front of Zul.

"Visitor of Azeroth, would you like to discuss business with me?"

Zul looked dumbfounded.

"Who are you? Why do you speak lingua franca?"

"I am the node prince Nerus, a great Ethereal merchant, I can provide what you need, the price is fair, and the old man is not deceived. By the way, I also sell information~"

As for Nerus' request for a transaction, Zul initially refused.

You can’t tell me to trade if you want to trade. Who knows if your promotion has special effects?

But Nerus' next sentence made Zul excited in an instant.

"Are you chasing two dwarfs? I have news from them~"

"Have you seen them?" Zul thoughtfully, "To be honest, do you know what kind of event you were involved in?"

"I don't know." Nerus didn't care, and shrugged, "That's not important. The Ethereal does not care about the object of the business and the possible results. As long as there is a profit, it is enough."

"Interesting businessman." Looking at the confident Nerus, Zul grinned, "Then I wish us a happy transaction, Void."

"Very well, I like to talk with the happy trading partner, what do you need?"

"Messages and supplies."

"Similar to what I thought." Nerus nodded, "Then what price can you pay? I don't make a loss-making business!"

"Losing?" Zul snorted coldly at Nerus' excuse. "You probably learned about the trail of the two little dwarfs occasionally? And maybe you haven't given them a lot of things yet, right? I know the character of a businessman like you more clearly."

"So what?" Nerus was not ashamed. "I saw them first, so I told you where they were. You are the one with the advantage."

"But I also have to pay more."

"There's no way, you get a penny for the goods~"

Compared with the transaction with Loya, the transaction between Ethereal and Zul went smoothly.

Although the trolls paid a huge price, Zul even gave Nerus his iconic golden mask, but they also got the corresponding gain.

A large amount of supplies, Roja and Bryan's course of action, and various disposable supplies needed for pursuit.

Group acceleration scroll, positioning scroll, fixation scroll...

After the trolls confidently embarked on the path forward, Nerus, who remained in the same place, finally couldn't help laughing.

"Developed, developed! This magical mask actually outlines the trajectory of fate! An idiot who knows nothing, gave me this mask so easily!"


On the other side, Brian finally woke up gradually.

The bloodline of the King of the Hill brought Brian not only strong combat power, but also strong vitality and resilience. After Medivh added energy to him, Brian's body functions quickly recovered a lot of itself.

Soon, the dwarf prince regained consciousness.

But Brian still lay on the back of the mechanical chocobo without getting up.

This blow was extremely heavy for Brian. The dwarf archaeological team he had worked so hard to manage for many years was now destroyed, and a large number of professional talents died.

Moreover, it is foreseeable that the fragile peace between the Alliance and the tribe may not be maintained for long.

As a pure dwarf, sometimes Brian is reluctant to think too He is more accustomed to following his heart when making choices, but this time, on the bumpy Chocobo , Bryan rarely started thinking about the next step.

Must return to Azeroth.

Although the watch fort in front of the Dark Portal is nominally managed by the Horde and the Alliance, it is a fort built by the Alliance after all. In fact, it is considered to be the territory of the Alliance. As long as you pass through the Dark Portal, the Alliance will soon learn about Germany. What happened in Lano.

There is no doubt that this battle was provoked by the tribe, and the tribe has no way to deny it, so as long as this is caught, the alliance will stand on the side of justice.

Although Brian felt that the oath might not be shot, but Drunk Wind would definitely favor the league.

that's enough!

With the support of the oath, Brian believes that the group of trolls will pay their due price for their actions, and the blood of the dwarven archaeological team will not be lost in vain!

Since he must return to Azeroth, now Brian feels that he should have a good discussion with Roja.

Thinking of this, Brian finally turned over and sat up.

"Luoya, can we still reach the Dark Portal now?"

"It is possible in theory. After all, the speed of the mechanical chocobo is very good, but in reality..."

"How is it actually?"

Luo Ya sighed, and pointed her little finger behind her.

With the help of the telescope, Brian took a deep breath after seeing the incoming person clearly.

A large group of trolls are riding bandaged camels, chasing them frantically!

"Oh, Lord Medivh is absolutely right, that bandage man is indeed untrustworthy!"

Luo Ya sighed, tearing open an acceleration scroll.

The next moment, the mechanical chocobo flew out as if it was equipped with a thruster. (To be continued...)

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