Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 60: The mind before the decisive battle

   As a result, Lothar's plan to lead soldiers through the Dark Portal alone changed a little.

   After the dinner was over, Khadgar approached Lothar.

"Sir Lothar, maybe you have to take me with you when you cross the Dark Portal." Khadgar tried to say this in a helpless tone, but Lothar clearly saw the excitement in his eyes "My teacher, the powerful astral mage Medivh’s document left, mentioned how to close the gap in space like the Dark Portal-unfortunately, it needs to be sealed once in both aspects, so I’m afraid you have to bring Fuck me."

  Loshamin knew that Khadgar might have concealed something, but when it comes to mages, especially space magic, as Medivh’s former apprentice, Khadgar really has the most say.

"Well so." Lothar thought for a while, "After passing through the door, you just stay in place to establish a stronghold and find a way to seal the door. Charge into the battle or catch the end of the black hand, or hand it in. give it to me."

In Lothar’s view, even if he died on the other side of the Dark Portal, he would die well—but Khadgar was different, he was still young (although he looked older than Lothar because of the curse), he was Azeroth's tomorrow.

   "But I don't think Sir Lothar will refuse the help of a passionate young man, right?" Khadgar didn't wait for Lothar to refuse, but directly teleported away, leaving Lothar with a helpless wry smile.

   Just as Khadgar left here, Lothar heard a knock on the door again.

   "Please come in."

   Drunk Wind pushed the door in, followed by Onyxia.

   "Hey, Lothar! I think you need to add two names to your starting list!"

   "Drunk wind, you really don't need to take this trip to the muddy water. And Earl Prestor, we already have a powerful mage Khadgar involved in this operation, we don't need a second mage."

"Losha, things are different from what you think. If only two people can go through the Dark Portal to Draenor, it is also Onyxia and I! She is a dragon, and she must complete her mission this time. "

"I have already guessed this. But... we all know that the power of Deathwing, even if she is a giant dragon, is actually difficult for us to resist. So I just hope not to provoke the black dragon king, but Complete our mission-to completely close the door of darkness."

"No, no..." Zuifeng began to shake his head, "You have never heard of Onyxia's name, but I want to tell you that she is not an ordinary dragon, she is the daughter of Black Dragon Princess, Deathwing! The two of us participated in this operation to prevent the fall of Deathwing!"

   Lothar was obviously shocked by the news. He thought this beautiful lady was a blue dragon-after all, Onyxia appeared as a magician.

   "Losha, this is what we have to do, just like you have to charge to defend Stormwind, so remember to bring us."

Regarding the dragon, Lothar wanted to ask Drunk Wind a lot of questions, but he couldn't speak up-even if it is a legendary warrior, it is undoubtedly very dangerous for mortals to participate in the affairs of the dragon. He believed in Drunk Wind, so Will not live up to Zuifeng's kindness to protect himself, and believe that Zuifeng can handle this problem well.

   "Okay." Lothar nodded, "Tell me what you need."

   Just sent away Drunken Wind and Onyxia, Lothar welcomed the King of Kul Tiras-Admiral Daelin Proudmoore. This strong warrior who doesn't like to call himself king, but is willing to call himself by his rank is straightforward:

   "Sir Lothar, I hope I can participate in this raid as an ordinary soldier and avenge my son!"

  During the Orc War, Dai Lin's son was burned to death in front of his eyes by a red dragon controlled by the Dragonmaw clan, which made the admiral have an indispensable hatred for the orcs and the dragon. This raid might have met both of his enemies, and Dai Lin naturally did not want to miss this opportunity.

"Go back, Dalin!" Lothar's qualifications made it qualified to call a king by the name-although he usually doesn't do this, it is obviously not the normal situation now, "You can still take your fleet through Is that door? Huh?"

   "...I am enough!"

   Lothar picked up the cup on the table and poured a glass of cold water on Dai Lin's face.

   "You need to wake up! You are not only an admiral, you are also the king of Kul Tiras!"

   Dai Lin was silent, but he still had difficulty giving up this good opportunity for revenge.

   "Well, Dai Lin, I swear! After I come back, I will take someone to raid Grim Batol, and you will be a striker by then!"

   Dai Lin opened his mouth, seeming to want to say that you may not be able to come back alive, but you can't say such things, so he can only sigh and leave a little lonely.

   This night, several groups of people came in and out of Lothar's room, hoping that they could participate in this great raid, but most of them were rejected by Lothar.

   Finally, the personnel of the raid battalion are as follows:

Assault camp commander Sir Anduin Lothar, Pandaren Drunken Wind Ironpaw, Black Dragon Princess Onyxia, High Elf representative Sylvanas Windrunner, Dwarf representative Kurdran Wildhammer, and the person responsible for closing the door Mage Khadgar Of course, there is also Kilrogg who chose to go to Auchenai to meet his death.

At first, Turalyon and Alleria, who wanted to see the raid, were just married, and Lothar did not promise them life or death. In desperation, Sylvanas volunteered to fight on behalf of her sister, brother-in-law, and high elves; Kurdran Wildhammer explained that he was an excellent scout. Lothar considered that he might separate from Drunken Wind after passing through the Dark Portal, and indeed needed a capable scout, so he agreed to this Kurdran. The skilled Griffin Rider allowed him to fight as the representative of the dwarf-and then logically rejected Brian Bronzebeard's request-Drunk Wind breathed out after hearing it.


   Just when the Alliance was ready to raid the Dark Portal, the small actions of the orc tribe also had results.

With the help of the black dragon, the death knights arrived at Menethil Harbor, and found a strong enough ship, rushed to the Broken Isles-they successfully found the Scepter of Sargeras in the Tomb of Sargeras. It went so smoothly, it was unexpected.

   You know, the Tomb of Sargeras is dangerous. The demigod Gul'dan tried to go in and hunt for treasure, but he was torn to pieces by the demons there...

Early the next morning, a strange group of seven people from the Alliance (2 humans, 1 pandaman, 1 black dragon, 1 orc, 1 dwarf, and 1 elves) rushed to the gate of darkness on the griffin. With the most elite soldiers of the Alliance, begin the impact on the Dark Book friends are welcome to visit and read. The latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all at mobile phone users Please go to read.

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