Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 630: Windsor's fate

For the future of the troll, Zul had to continue his grave digging. This time his goal was Rukhmar. ?? Huo Ran? Text??????`

Now Zul's only hope is that what Napoleasta said is true, and that he can get rid of his current time bomb state after finding Rukhmar.


On the other side, below the Hellfire Citadel, the alliance and tribal wars have entered a white-hot stage.

Comrade Thrall, the chief chief of the tribe, who was on his honeymoon, carried forward the spirit of She Xiaojia for everyone, and stood up decisively when the tribe needed him.

With Thrall, the entire tribe seemed to have a backbone. It was too difficult for the tribe to defend the city these days.

Without the help of the goblins, facing the alliance's dwarf engineering products and the alliance's spell bombardment, the tribe has not collapsed.

Although the trolls gradually recovered from the loss of King Rastakhan, and the troll spearmen also participated in the battle, the tribe has always been at a disadvantage under the suppression of spells and dwarf engineering.

Due to Drunk Wind's participation, although the alliance that was supposed to be a bipolar pattern was one pole less, but the tribe that was supposed to be one super and many strong would have one super, and all the strong ones were gone.

And the reason why the alliance and the tribe can always come back and forth in the past life is that although the night elves write about the alliance, they sometimes read as neutral...

A tribe with only orcs and trolls is not only weak in power, but also extremely unbalanced.

Think about it, the blacksmith of the orc can't do anything after leaving Blackstone, and the troll can't do anything except voodoo potions. Equipping the tribe is in a terrible stage.

In addition, the tribe’s combatants are also subject to the discipline inspection committee, and the caster shaman and witch doctor are all very small.

There is a troll headhunter (spearman) for long-range strikes, no more.

Air Force none.

The navy basically has none. (The navy of the orcs does not have the ability to fight at sea. Even if it is transported, it depends on the number to win. I have more people. One ship and one ship died. The big deal is to transport 30,000 people. I dispatched 300,000 people, even if nine out of ten people died , I can also complete the task.)

If you open the battle and hedge in the Great Plains, the Alliance really can't surpass the Horde. Although the absolute elite of the Royal Knights of Stormwind may take advantage of it, it is definitely an alliance blood collapse overall.

But the technical work of defending and siege is really not suitable for the tribe.

Not only the lack of objective conditions, but also the lack of experience.

In the orc war, there were so many orcs who drank the blood of the devil, but the tide of darkness did not drown Lordaeron after all.

Siege, orcs are not experts at all, relying on human lives.

Defending the city is even more so... In the past few days, many orcs have been provoked, they charge and jump, directly rush to the alliance's siege vehicle, and then they are chopped into meat.

This is not black humor, but the cruelest reality of orcs.

The arrival of Thrall finally changed this state.

Thrall’s command skills are quite good. The extensive reading at Dunhold Castle made his understanding of the military completely different from that of traditional orcs.

For example, Thrall will arrange to defend the city.

After Thrall returned, facing the alliance's siege, the Horde finally stopped messing around.

And with Thrall's leadership, the tribe's shaman and witch doctors were gradually able to guarantee the defense of the city wall under the indiscriminate bombardment of the Alliance mages.

The orc commander who knew the inside story was relieved, it seems that the hole card does not need to be exposed?

Of course, things are not that simple.

Zul has not yet returned. In the critical moment, although the trolls are also following Thrall's command, after all, they cannot display their full strength in this way.


The Horde is anxious, and the Alliance is also anxious.

Who knows when those trolls will come back?

To be honest, everyone in the Alliance is really afraid that the trolls of the Horde have mastered the power of the gods of Arak.

Because according to Brian's description, that power is the original power of this world.

The best way to prevent this from happening is to eat the forces of the tribe in the Hellfire Fortress.

As long as we win here first, even if the trolls really master the power of the gods of Arak, the victory is still unknown.

Maybe you are strong in the late stage, but I have a big advantage in the early stage, and you don't have the late stage!

This tremendous pressure was passed from the commander to the alliance's army, and the most important task among them was the Stormwind Third Army led by Windsor.

As the regiment with the largest number of standing troops in Stormwind City, the Third Legion in Stormwind often played a panacea role in wars.

Originally, the siege and defense tasks were the strengths of the Second Legion, but now the Second Legion was wiped out, and the heavy task of attacking the Hellfire Citadel was given to the Third Legion of Stormwind.

The whole army is holding back, wanting to avenge the 2nd and the marshal of the 3rd army, Windsor, is an old friend of the Duke of Fortagen. Interesting to say, a civilian Warriors of birth can become friends with a Paladin from a ducal family. This friendship may come from their love for Stormwind.

Now, Duke Fortagan is no longer there. Although the direct perpetrator has died under Turalyon's warhammer, Windsor's anger is still burning.

As a veteran who has experienced orc wars, Windsor has always had no good feelings about orcs, and he is not cold about the alliance tribal peace policy in the past few years, but it is because of his vocation to obey orders. Complaints.

But now, in the war between the Alliance and the Horde, Windsor will not hide his hatred of the orcs.

During the siege for several days, Wen De Sole charged forward every time.

Although he could not occupy the wall after all, there were already dozens of orcs who fell under Windsor.

And this is not the end.

Windsor swears that he must make the beasts pay enough.

When following Lothar's raid on Karazhan, Windsor had the privilege of foreseeing his death in the breath of the black dragon.

In other words, Windsor is very likely to die in the dragon's breath of Deathwing.

Foreseeing fate gave Windsor strength. In a sense, his current state is very similar to the blood ring orc...

After seeing one's own death, people tend to become braver and decisive after torturing their souls.

When the league was at a loss, Wen De Sole felt that he seemed to think of a way. Maybe when he attacked the city tomorrow, he could organize a group of death squads and forcibly climb the city?

Apply for two ivory towers, and erect the alchemy tower on the top of the city as soon as they rush up?

Guess what hole cards the orcs have been hiding?

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