Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 637: Kill the one calling Dema first

As Drunk Wind had expected, after Zul returned, the Alliance and Horde finally chose to truce.

On the one hand, it is because the two sides may lose out in this fight, and on the other hand, it is because Northrend has something serious.

According to the news of the new Stromgarde that migrated to the Solacha Basin, there is evidence that the undead natural disaster seems to have hooked up with an ancient god.

There is only one ancient **** in Northrend-Yogg-Saron.

In Drunk Wind’s cognition, Yogg-Saron is the most terrifying ancient god, and now, this most terrifying ancient **** is related to the undead natural disasters.

In this case, the conflict between the Alliance and the Horde is already a secondary contradiction. After all, both for the Alliance and for the Horde are for Azeroth, but someone next to you is calling for you (de) Ge (ma) Sa (xi) Long (ya), you can only stop first, and kill the one who called you (de) Ge (ma) Sa (xi) Long (ya).

This time, the reason for the truce was extremely strong.

But the key is whether the red-eye alliance and tribe can provide an opportunity for a truce.

After all, in the War of Draenor, it was the Horde, the troll, who was the challenger.

Fortunately, the leader of the troll was hammered by Turalyon. Although Rastakhan was lonely, he was indeed the king of trolls and he was also a half-god troll. Turalyon’s hammer was simply a miracle.

Does it look like a routine to besiege Orgrimmar? The tribe made a big death, the alliance hit the door, and then the leader of the tribe was cleaned up...

Well, there are actually some differences.

The second in command of the tribe was dead (King Rastakhan is the king of trolls after all, theoretically speaking, his identity is equivalent to the deputy chief...), and there is no insurgent inside the tribe.

But it doesn’t matter, there is Naaru!

The appearance of Napolasta made the Alliance shout "My Holy Light", then re-examine Zul, and even re-examine the troll.

This is so shocking, a Naaru personally endorsed the troll!

Although Napolea is a naru who is not doing business properly, the Alliance doesn't know...

In fact, Zuifeng has reached a preliminary intent with Zul regarding this truce.

The tribe took away all the remnants of Draenor, including the Moknassa orcs and Mag'har orcs, and completely withdrew from the scope of Draenor, leaving only two forts in the Hellfire Peninsula and Shadowmoon Valley as possible resistance. Outpost of the demon.

The Alliance obtained the nominal ownership of all the wild Apexis crystal veins in Drano, and at the same time left two forts in Hellfire Peninsula and Shadowmoon Valley as an outpost against possible demons.

The alliance and the tribe ceased fire, and began to organize operations in the Northern Expedition.

This time the action pledge no longer conducts unified command, of course, there is no additional reward.

As for those specific conditions that need to be discussed between the Alliance and the Horde, Drunk Wind has no time to manage.

This time the incident was actually quite drunk. I don’t know if it’s because of Ahn'Qiraj's change. Yogg-Saron, the ancient **** who insists on making his own clothes and food, is actually stunned by the undead natural disaster!

This battle is similar to the battle of Mount Hyjal. The pledge belongs to the state of local warfare. Northrend is the private land of the five-color dragon army. Under the white snow, there is the Dragon Bone Wilderness and the Temple of Dragon Sleep.

In O's game, although Arthas controlled Sindragosa, he did not provoke the guardian dragon too much. At that time, there was still the dragon king who was protecting the dragon, and the Lich King was not very strong.

But now the situation is really different.

Arthas (or Ner'zhul?) and Yogg-Saron reached some kind of ulterior PY deal.

With the intervention of the ancient gods, Zuifeng thought with his knees, things couldn't be so easy!


Turalyon didn’t see Drunk Wind (mainly because Drunk Wind still had a bit of discipline. He really didn’t know how he should face this old friend. After all, Drunk Wind was one of the driving forces behind this war), but when the tribe sent a messenger When he expressed his hope to negotiate, he still rejected the crowd and expressed his willingness to talk.

It must be a big deal to let the tribes who only know what to do to negotiate.

The negotiators are very simple. The tribe is Thrall and Zul, and there are several guards including Gromash, and the alliance is Turalyon, Khadgar, Muradin and Lo, who have just recovered. Ya.

As soon as the alliance negotiation delegation came up, it was the first to speak out, saying that the cause of this war was the undeclared war of the tribes, and expressed strong indignation and righteous condemnation of the raid by Zul and the trolls at that time.

Although Grommash was like someone who let you guys fail, this was exactly what it deserved, but Thrall and Zul smiled unexpectedly and took it all.

As a result, everyone in the Alliance looked dumbfounded, and had no idea why the tribe looked like this.

Then, Zul explained the situation in Northrend, and said that if you want to fight the tribe, you can’t I am now a three-line master, but if you continue to fight, the former rapids of Northrend The Fort people will be pushed flat.

And that Arthas, he is crazy now, don't you still have a group of Paladins in Northrend? Are you not going to take care of it?

The alliance was once again confused.

Unexpectedly, I really didn't expect it!

Originally, the undead natural disasters were not as terrible as the original world line due to the drunken wind, so although the Alliance hated them, it was just a disease of scabies.

But now it seems that this is skin cancer!

If Northrend is really ignored, then the Undead Scourge might have accepted Stromgarde. When the endless sea is frozen and the Undead Scourge goes south again, I am afraid that something serious will really happen.

Under the current situation of the enemy, the Alliance is no longer arguing, and if the benefits are sufficient, they will directly agree to the truce of the tribe!

The Horde withdrew from the Hellfire Citadel, took the Mag'han Orcs and Mokenatha Orcs, and left a part of the drudgery to build a fortress in Shadowmoon Valley. The rest returned to Azeroth and Durotar. You.

Don't forget, the base camp of the Horde is also in Northrend!

The Alliance left the dwarves and dwarves to start mining Apexis crystals, and then returned to Azeroth to prepare for the Northern Expedition.

A volume about the Scarlet Crusade has been turned out. This time, the Northern Expedition Dwarves and Gnomes will be the main force in the second batch, and the Kul Tiras navy, which has been nurturing for many years, will follow the Scarlet Crusade’s records. To find the base they established in Northrend.

As for the new Stromgarde?

The Sorazar Basin is too far away from the Eastern Kingdoms, and can only be sheltered by an oath.

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