Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 650: Mograine's request for help

? These dragons are the Heidenil storm dragons that have travelled long distances. 23US. Fastest


   Why did Heidenil (and Hodir’s son) run into the Sorazar Basin?


   This is a sad story.


Under Mograine’s proposal, in order to avoid the pursuit of Loken’s minions, the sons of Heidenir and Hodir began to move west. In Mograine’s view, he could bypass Loken by this method. Ken rounded up and found support.


   And this line of thinking is theoretically correct. Loken did not react for a while but Yogg-Saron, Loken's master, did.


   Yogg-Saron’s perception of Northrend has long been beyond the cliffs of the storm. After the sons of Heidenil and Hodir entered the Icecrown Glacier, Yogg-Saron discovered something was wrong.


   Loken was called back to Ulduar, and was sprayed with dog blood from a thousand mouths.


  Thinking about it, you know that Yogg Saron is terrifying, that's a thousand mouths!


   Poor Loken moved quickly after being sprayed. On the one hand, he left a part of his Loken Legion to stay on guard, and on the other hand, he began to look for Mograine's traces on the Icecrown Glacier.




   At this time, the Icecrown Glacier, Alsace had already fallen asleep, well, he had just been woken up.


   Long after he killed Uther, Arthas's soul had fallen into absolute darkness.


   After extinguishing the last humanity, Arthas began to merge with Ner'zhul in his deep sleep.


  Under the Icecrown Glacier, in an "absolutely safe" place, Alsace was under the protection of the undead and natural disasters, carrying out the final fusion.


   But there is a group of avengers operating underground in Icecrown.




   After these insects who betrayed Yogg-Saron were betrayed by undead natural disasters and severely injured, they unexpectedly discovered the original treasure of their race and embarked on a journey of revival.


Of course, while rejuvenating, they did not forget the painful memories brought by the undead natural disasters. They began to consciously engage in things under the Icecrown Glacier. Once they found the traces of the Lich King, they might get revenge. Up!


   So, Alsace's fusion was successfully interfered with. Coincidentally, when Mograine moved west, Alsace was discovered by a few digging Ajj-Nerubians.


   When the few Azjol-Nerubians dug into the hiding place of the Lich King, the scene was very embarrassing, and both sides were scared to death.


   Although the few hapless people were quickly wiped out, Arthas had to temporarily give up the integration and hurriedly transferred.


To be honest, the current Lich King is really miserable. Under the interference of the drunk wind, he does not have so many undead soldiers, and even a large part of his subordinates are mammoths forced by Val'kyr. In the original timeline, this kind of stuff was used to make stitching monsters.


   But there is no way!


  If the original accumulation of the undead cannot be completed, the Scourge Legion may be short of major generals forever...


   After all, the idea of ​​undead natural disaster is to accidentally engage in a lot of undead, and then snowball.


   And this time, the evolution of the boss has been interrupted, and Val'kyr has also been brought to the fore. It is foreseeable that the undead natural disasters are really not going well.


   However, just as Arthas was hurriedly transferring, he heard a strange voice.


   "Desperate, your ambitions are about to fall apart!"


   "Give it up, you have no room to come back!"






   This feeling was terrifying. At first, Arthas thought it was just an illusion caused by the failure of fusion, but as the voice became clearer, he finally realized that things didn't seem right.


   So, with the attitude of giving it a try, Arthas began to try to communicate with this voice.


   Of course, the owner of this voice is Yogg-Saron.


   After Mograine fled to the Icecrown Glacier, Yogg-Saron turned his attention and found Alsace hidden underground.


   is also a negative energy, Yogg-Saron is very powerful to Alsace, and because he is underground and without the help of the Frozen Throne, Arthas can hardly resist the whispers of the ancient gods.


   Under the lure of Yogg-Saron, Arthas fell again. Or, at this time, Arthas was no longer the prince who represented the glory of Lordaeron. He was the Lich King who only wanted to profit.


  Desperate, Alsace, who had annihilated his humanity, became a believer in the ancient gods.


   The Legion of Undead began the excavation work. Their goal is not to dig out Yogg-Saron (the Titan’s seal is still there, and they can’t be digged out), but to dig out Yogg-Saron’s followers.


   A large number of Faceless Men were excavated from the underground seal, and they began to help Loken find traces of Mograine.


   The sons of Mograine, Heidenil, and Hodir are in the vast snowfields of the Icecrown, struggling to move to the west.


   It didn't take long to get rid of the Loken Alliance before they met the Faceless.


   Fortunately, the scale of these faceless ones is very small. With Mograine, they can't stop these two guardian creations who are desperate to escape.


   But with the passage of time, the situation faced by Mograine, Heidenir, and Hodir’s son became more and more difficult.


   lack of food, lack of physical strength.


   After a long journey, even the Vrykul and the Frost Giant began to be unable to hold on. They were forced to slow down and hunt as necessary.


   But this is Icecrown!


   In order to expand his undead Scourge, Arthas killed almost all living creatures, not even the reindeer...


   Under the threat of hunger and fatigue, the sons of Heidenil and Hodir were attrition seriously.


   But no one retreated.


   Knowing that both Torim and Hodir are facing great danger, the guardian creations finally decided to use their power to rescue their gods.


   West, West, West!


   Against the boundless snow, facing the cold hunting The former enemies are now supporting each other, looking for a way to get rid of the minions of the ancient gods and find reinforcements.


   This westward, I walked for nearly half a year.


   The sons of Heidenil and Hodir traversed the entire storm cliff and the ice cap glacier, and came to the westernmost side of the ice cap glacier.


   Before the mountain, looking at the steep cliff, Mograine was almost desperate.


   With the last spirits up, Mograine personally climbed onto the back of the storm dragon and over these steep peaks.


   Unexpectedly, there is a paradise over the mountain.


   Moreover, Mograine saw a strange and familiar guy.


  Dana Stolbain!


  The excited Mograine directly opened the wings of the holy light and jumped off the back of the storm dragon.


   After a long time, Northrend’s pits were basically filled.

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