Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 667: Pen pal of childhood sweetheart

   In the Eastern Kingdom, Nomi can hide his traces, but in Kalimdor, he can't escape the drunk palm.

   In a sense, Nomi is self-catching.

   From when Nomira got off the ship with Lili, he was destined to not escape his father's pursuit.

  Because in Misty Port, even some forces that are no longer visible must listen to the drunk wind-who makes the entire Misty Port drunk...

   Leading Varela, Zuifeng soon began to "hunt" Nomi.

   Nomi is actually a chicken thief. He knows that Misty Port is drunk and familiar, so after leaving Misty Port, he did not choose to take the road, but pulled Lili over the mountains and ridges, all the way south...

   Through the Thousand Needles Forest, where to go where is desolate.

   Originally Nomi wanted to go to Gadgetzan, but Lili hated goblins so much. After some discussions, the two decided to explore the deserted place.

   Where are there enough deserted people?

  Angolo Crater...

   The two bear kids ran to Un'Goro very happily.

This choice of Nomi caused a lot of trouble to Drunk Wind-the tauren of Thousand Needles said that he saw Nomi and Lili, but Gadgetzan had no trace of them, and Drunk Wind could only be with Valera. , Riding a black dragon looking around.

  On the way from Misty Port to Gadgetzan, Varela felt that she had learned a lot-and she felt that there was still a lot to learn.

   She originally thought that the assassination, concealment and tracking skills she had learned in Ravenholdt had been comprehensive, but when she really came to the desert, she found that in the extreme environment, what she knew was far from enough.

"Don't be discouraged, little girl." Seeing Valella's thoughts drooping, she smiled drunkly, "The environment is different, the method is different, this is normal-I heard Nomi said, you are in Ravenholdt I have done a lot of training, why can’t I get the desert?"

   Seeing Valera's embarrassment, drunk wind laughed.

"You, it's best to read Brian's book when you have time. Although that guy is cheap, he has a good level of exploration and survival. Apart from Belgris, I have not seen anyone with a level of adventure. Brian—Nomi’s favorite thing is reading Brian’s book and running around."

   The "I'll teach you how to chase Nomi" attitude in drunk wind talk made Varela extremely embarrassed, but no matter how embarrassed, Varela chose to nod.

   "It's not that I haven't read Prince Bronzebeard's book, but he doesn't leave archaeology in three words... I really can't stand it."

"Archaeology?" Zuifeng raised his eyebrows in amazement, "Oh, old problems, Brian always likes to write archaeological experience in his travel notes, just get used to it-you can just jump over the part about archaeology. Up."

   "How can I skip a period of reading?" Valera said that he didn't understand Drunk Wind's statement. "Wouldn't it be inconsistent?"

"Not at all!" Zuifeng shook his head decisively, "Other people's book jumping reading has an impact, Brian's book, as long as it talks about archaeology, you skip it, it doesn't matter, anyway, he writes archaeology just to fool people. of."

   "Flicker?" Valera was confused about Drunk Wind's statement, "What do you mean?"

"Brian just wanted to deceive people to accompany him to archaeology. The act of writing about archaeology in his book is no different from that group of goblins advertising on airships-engineering is poor for three generations, and archaeology is ruined for a lifetime. Brian is true I couldn't find anyone, so I did it!"

   Valera was dumbfounded.


   When Zuifeng and Valera were following along, Noomi and Lili were enjoying the fun in the Un'Goro Crater.

   If Valera is from the Heavenly descendant system, then Lili is, in a sense, Nomi’s childhood sweetheart—the childhood sweetheart who has never met is also a childhood sweetheart!

As mentioned earlier, Nomi, who grew up in Heishi Mountain, has no peers. He is a young dragon of the same age. Nomi thinks that they are all mentally retarded. The young dragons who are similar to his own intelligence are not willing to play with Nomi. , So many times poor Nomi can only play games and do experiments with his uncle Nefarian.

  Nefarian is not a reliable parent. Nomi has been cheated by his uncle once or twice, so he just read the book by himself.

   Why did Nomi and Lili become pen pals when they were young?

  Because of loneliness.

   Drunk Wind is busy saving the world. Onyxia needs to take care of the entire black dragon race. Nomi’s childhood was very lonely-so for Nomi’s running away from home, Drunk Wind most of the time left it alone.

   Anyway, Nomi has a lot of good things in his hands. As long as he doesn't go to places like Deep Rock Island or Ulduar, almost no one can hurt him.

what? You said that drunk wind doesn't care about puppy love?

   Stop kidding, where is there any premature love!

As for Lili-she is not the same as Nomi. Lili is a real On the Wandering Island, Lili draws inferences from one another when she goes to school. The average little Pandaren is much better.

  Genius is always out of gregariousness.

Unsatisfied with learning from scripts, Lili is eager to understand the outside world. Excessive energy and curiosity make her seem out of place among the Red Pandaren of the Wandering Island, so although there are many friends of the same age around her, But the best relationship with Lili is Lao Chen.

   Lao Chen can get resonance about adventure from Lili, and Lili can also learn about the outside world through Lao Chen.

Unfortunately, Lao Chen wandered all day long and rarely returned to the Wandering Island-although every time he came back, he brought back many interesting stories and experiences to Lili, but more often, Lili could only stay bored. Pass the time on Wandering Island

   In this case, Old Chen introduced Nomi to Lili as his pen pal.

   Old Chen, who has been wandering all the year round, is often unable to reply to Lili's letters immediately, but Nomi can!

   In this way, the two lonely little guys became pen pals, and the relationship between the two little guys gradually deepened along with the paper cranes.

   However, at this time, beside the bonfire, Nomi's classmate was being brutally hit.

   Make a fire to make barbecue—"Hey, it's so ugly!"

   Take a deep breath and cook barbecue-"Oh my God, barbecue can be baked!"

   There is no doubt that Nomi felt a deep malice from the world.

   Then, just as Lili rolled up her sleeves and planned to do it herself, an accident happened. .


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