Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 685: The new guardian

Facing Sylvanas' doubts, Khadgar didn't even know how to answer.

The guardian is both glory and responsibility, beautiful and lonely.

Khadgar couldn't make his choice yet.

Sylvanas saw Khadgar's hesitation, and she frowned slightly: "Why, is there anything hard to decide? Can you tell me?"

Khadgar raised his head, looked at Sylvanas' delicate face, and finally spoke slowly.

Then, he said a lot of things that Sylvanas had expected.

I still remember that after the Battle of the Yellow Sands, Medivh once found Khadgar and spoke a lot of words earnestly. At that time, Medivh seemed to have turned into a conversation. He and Khadgar talked a lot about childhood. , About magic, about responsibility...

That time, Khadgar learned of Medivh’s pain for the first time-childhood loneliness, youth hesitation, middle-aged loneliness, and liberation after rebirth.

Of course, if only because of responsibility and loneliness, this would not make Khadgar retreat. He asked himself that he could choose to take responsibility and endure loneliness in order to protect mankind and the alliance.

Khadgar was thinking about whether humans need guardians.

It is true that throughout the history of the guardians of Tirisfal, they have indeed played a very important role, and they have indeed saved the world, but Medivh found that when they have a guardian, humans have a serious "Guardian Dependence".

When talking about this, Khadgar didn't understand it at first.

Khadgar explained that when he was a guardian, because he supported himself, the nobles of the alliance had no sense of worry, eating and waiting for death every day, and exploiting civilians by the way-foreign enemy invasion? Just get it done by the guardian!

At that time, the orcs were able to invade because Medivh himself meant that the alliance needed a corresponding force to stimulate, otherwise it would stagnate.

Simply put, it means to be born in sorrow and die in happiness.

As an experiencer of the changes of the times, Khadgar also witnessed the earth-shaking changes in the Alliance with his own eyes. From the orc wars, the Alliance began to appear heroes.

In a sense, Medivh’s concerns are entirely correct.

At that time, the invasion of the undead and natural disasters had already burned the legion. If the Alliance had not experienced an orc war, Khadgar could guarantee that Azeroth would definitely be destroyed.

In other words, maybe the night elves can bear it, but the Eastern Kingdom will definitely be destroyed.

When the guardian exists, human beings will throw all the problems to the guardian, and then quickly fall.

This is the root cause of Khadgar's hesitation.

He couldn't tell anyone about this matter-although Khadgar, Turalyon and Varian were the "iron triangle" of Stormwind, they couldn't talk about this kind of thing at all.

It's just like it was impossible for Medivh to confess the orcs to Lothar and Ryan.

This is not only cruel, but also "politically incorrect."

Khadgar felt that if he really returned to Karazhan and went to Karazhan to experience the trial of the Guardian, he might become the next Guardian, but is this really good?

Will the alliance become lifeless again?


After listening to Khadgar's confession quietly, Sylvanas showed a bright smile on her face.

"In this case, you should become a guardian!"

"Why?" Khadgar opened his eyes wide. "Why do you say that?"

"Because I am a high elf, I understand what Medivh once said better than you." Sylvanas raised her eyebrows. "After the enchantment of Quel'Thalas, many high elf people are drunk and dreamy. They always think they are absolutely safe and sit back and relax—until the orc war begins."

"When the orcs burned the flames of war to Quel'Thalas, those nobles who chewed blood thistle all day realized the problem."

"But did you know that the first Sun King Dasremar Sunstrider is a great king. In history, many times in history, he has described the record of prohibiting the high elves from standing still — even the entire Quel'Thalas The enchantment was passed by the Silver Moon Council after his death."

"So I was thinking, it would be great if the high elves had a guardian-the guardian could determine when to take action and when to look on. This is much stronger than a barrier."

"Now, you are asking me if I should be a guardian. In my opinion, this is easy to answer."

"Remember, a large part of the reason why Lord Medivh became what he is now is that there was a problem with the inheritance of the Guardian. As far as I know, Lord Aegwynn, the previous Guardian, seems to have Bad decision, right? This is not a necessity."

"It is better to hold your destiny in your own hands than to pin everything to a hero in times of crisis."

"What's more, now there are tribes, how can the Alliance slack off!"

With that, Sylvanas clenched her fist and waved twice in front of Khadgar.

She was inexplicably excited. If Khadgar becomes the new guardian, Quel'Thalas doesn't seem to need a new ambassador?

The best of both worlds!

"Come on, guardian, you can—as for the loneliness you said...I think the life of the high elves is long enough for us to be together, how about?"

Sylvanas said what she thought in her heart.

Khadgar nodded frequently at the beginning, and when Sylvanas said "we are together", he also nodded inertially and then stared wide.

Sylvanas' long ears trembled slightly, and the tips of her white ears were already slightly red.

Khadgar took a deep breath, then agreed.

"it is good!"

As he said, Khadgar got up suddenly, as if he wanted to do some actions to show his confidence-it was a pity that the weakness caused by the mana overdraft had not completely dissipated.

Sylvanas hugged Khadgar from her side, and then heard a low gasp at the door.


The door opened, Alleria and Turalyon shrank their necks, their eyes wandering, their faces full of embarrassment...


I started to make up for the updates I owed before.

Well, 1/25, ask for a monthly pass by the way!

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