Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 689: Fight between sister and brother

?Kalia Menethil.


   Before the battle began, Arthas envisioned countless kinds of situations that he might encounter, but it definitely did not include the one in front of him.


   Alsace never thought that he would meet Kalia, and Kalia with a two-handed sword.


   In Alsace's memory, his sister was a typical noble lady-always with a gentle smile and always abiding by etiquette.


   Unexpectedly, now I actually saw a different-or completely different Kalia.


   "Unbelievable." After a long pause, Arthas finally said, "My dear sister, did you abandon your ridiculous reserve?"


   "It's not funny to be reserved." Kalia shook her head, "The funny thing is that your choice is ashamed of Menethil's choice."


   Arthas did not respond positively to Kalia's words.


   Looking at the sister in front of him who was not in the slightest similar to the old one, Arthas narrowed his blue eyes slightly.


   "It looks like you have experienced a lot of things that I can't imagine-but it doesn't matter, I think you will be on my side soon."


   "And you, too-the little princess of Kul Tiras!"


   As he said, Arthas raised Frostmourne in his hand.


  Kalia has been training for today after becoming the Forsaken.


   It is training day and night.


   The former Kalia was indeed a Jiaojiao lady, longing for romance, full of little girls' thoughts.


   But after experiencing the destruction of Lordaeron, she no longer had naive fantasies about this world.


  Kalia began to desire power. She hoped to defeat Arthas with her long sword, holding him, and accepting trial.


  With this belief, Kalia's training far exceeds the cognition of normal people.


   After transforming into the Forsaken, Kalia will not be tired, but when the energy is exhausted, the Forsaken also needs to rest.


   Kalya does not rest. For her, as long as the shadow energy is enough, the training can continue.


  With Faor's support, Kalia's training is never interrupted.


   Hard training paid off.


  Kaliya is now a fairly capable swordsman-although he can't step into the epic yet, he is not ordinary.


   It's a pity, her opponent is Arthas.


  Kalia was proficient in swordsmanship, but to Arthas, it was naive and ridiculous.


   Frostmourne slashed and cut, Kalia found that she had no way to dodge, so she could only take it hard.


   Raising the shadow's revenge in his hand, Kalia blocked Arthas's chopping.


   But this is just the beginning.


   Sweeping across the sword again, Frostmourne engulfed the frost and shadow, and slashed towards Kalia.


   The parry just now was a little reluctant, Kalia did not dare to take it this time, she retreated and twisted herself, barely avoiding the sword-the price was that her cloak was cut off by a horn.


   This is not over yet.


   Kalia just restored her balance, and Arthas' third sword came.




   A cold light burst from the sharp Frostmourne, and it pierced Kalia's chest directly.


   It was too late to dodge anymore. The thick snow made Kalia's feet slow. In this case, she could only hold Shadow's Revenge with both hands, and then slashed towards the spurring Frostmourne.




   Under Kalia's full slash, Frostmourne's thrust deviated from an angle, and Kalia avoided the blow again.


   But, after only three moves, Kalia started to be unable to hold her long sword-even her body began to tremble involuntarily, with signs of collapse!


   "My stupid sister, the gap between us is so huge, you are destined to fall under Frostmourne and stand by my side!"


   Just when Arthas thought he had a chance to win, Jaina joined the battle.


   "Enough, Arthas!" (Ice Spear x3)


After recovering, the angry Jaina also started her own attack. As a magic genius who is good at shaping energy-especially Frost Magic, the cold of Icecrown Glacier is not only an obstacle to casting spells, but it is Jaina's. Power, Frostbolt, or Ice Spear, the speed of casting spells is much faster than usual.


   Unfortunately for Alsace, this is far from enough.


   "Haha, ridiculous!"


  The winter storm enveloped Arthas' body, causing him to ignore the sharp ice spears. In this state, although Arthas was not flexible enough, Jaina's magic also lost its usefulness.


   In this battle, both sides tacitly did not call soldiers.


   Alsace is accustomed to personally solving those who have had a close relationship with him, while Kalia is worried that the forsaken under his men will show in vain sacrifice.


  As the former princess of Lordaeron, Kalea is very concerned about the lives of her soldiers-even if they no longer have lives in the strict sense.


   Fortunately, Kalea is the Forsaken. Many shadow spells have little effect on her. Arthas can only choose to fight melee.


  Although Kalia was continuously suppressed, due to Jaina's threat, Arthas had to distract himself from defense and start the Winter Storm.


   The three people constitute a delicate balance.


  Alsace had the upper hand, but he was unable to solve these two women.


   Fortunately, this battle between siblings did not last long.


   The support of the Scarlet Crusade arrived.


   With a large number of Paladins, Gavinrad appeared on the battlefield.


   The appearance of the Scarlet Crusaders forced the three people in the battle to be separated temporarily—Kalia frowned in disgust.


   "Sure enough, you guys who pretend to be righteous have better noses than dogs!"


   For the Paladin, Arthas has always had no good impressions.


   "Do you also know that you are pooping?"


   Gavinrad’s next sentence made everyone present a little embarrassed-this feeling of scolding everyone in together is really...somewhat unacceptable!


   But for this insult didn't care.


   "Why, do you think you are determined to win?"


   "Of course!" Gavinrad raised his chest, "The Alliance's Northern Expedition is about to arrive, and the undead will be destroyed by natural disasters!"


"That's because you don't know anything about power!" Arthas suddenly picked up Frostmourne, and then inserted it to the ground, "Come on, Sindragosa-let these foolish people see, what It is the real power!"


   The huge body of the frost dragon appeared and squeezed through the ice on the ground. After the Scarlet Crusade and the Royal Guard of the Forsaken retreated, a huge bone dragon appeared in the center of the battlefield.


   There was a deafening roar, and then there was a dragon's breath that was cold into the bones.

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