Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 722: Ogre Chemical Fury

This is crazy speed!

After Ergazi drank Razzle's potion, the ogre turned into a high-level mount, and even caught up with Wu's sapphire cheetah.

You know, the sapphire cheetah can fly...

Obviously, the alchemy level of this goblin is not completely bragging, and Nomi is considered a well-read book, but he has never heard of such a magical potion.

Moreover, seeing Ergazi sweating like syrup, Nomi even judged that this guy's life recovery ability has also been greatly improved-this is simply amazing!

It's just that Nomi's surprise did not last long...

After 20 minutes, the efficacy of Ergazi disappeared.

The ogre changed from purple to brown, his tongue finally retracted, and his running speed gradually decreased.

"Not bad!" Nomi looked at the ogre who had finally recovered and nodded, "It seems that there are no side effects. It can last for 20 minutes of rage, and the effect is already very good!"


Although Ergazi had lost the effect of chemical rage, the gilt pavilion had also arrived.

The time was just right, it was the time for the Golden Lotus to start a meal.

Old Wu stepped forward and explained Song Tao's contract with them to the chef in charge of cooking, and then motioned for five people to sit down.

Since there was no prior preparation, the position of the five people belonged to the "additional seat", outside the gilt pavilion, in the open air,

But at this time, the valley of Jinxiu Valley was sunny, there was no wind or rain, and there was nothing in the open air.

Soon, big pots of dishes came up.

The daily meals of Jinlianjiao include winter melon rice, stir-fried cabbage, baked pumpkin and grilled mushan animal ribs.

It tastes good, and it's full!

It seems that although the dishes are ordinary and unremarkable, the seasoning of the Golden Lotus is extraordinary!

The black pepper on the grilled mushan animal ribs, the mogu vinegar dripped with the sauteed cabbage, these are absolutely the best!

Nomi, Lili, Valera, Razzle, and Ergazi are all starving.

Because the three of Nomi had no money, they could only eat dry food all the way-but what was so delicious about dry food, which directly caused the three people on the road to have an appetite shortage.

In addition, there are very few wild animals in Kun-Lai Mountain. Most of them are animals raised by others. The three people just want to hunt and have no chance. As a result, they are half hungry and half full along the way.

As for Razzle and Ergazi, it is even worse. In the case of hurried departure, Razzle was not prepared to eat. During the flight, he relied on the medicine to deceive his body. This persisted until now. This is finally there. After eating, the ogres and goblins both exploded with amazing "combat power."

Throwing away the cheeks, the back molars are turned upside down, and the wind is still left!

Then, the appetite was small, and Lili and Valera, who were the first to finish the meal, discovered that the remaining three people were eating the same amount of appetite!

After all, Nomi has one-half of the black dragon bloodline, and it makes sense to eat.

Ergazi is an ogre, and an ogre has always been a rice bucket, and it is normal to eat.

But Razzell, the goblin, obviously looks so small, so he can eat it!

In a blink of an eye, a "hill" piled up in front of the three people.

"Well, it's delicious!"

"Cracking crackling!"

On the other side, Old Wu was also shocked.

Don't get me wrong, he doesn't mean to love food. In Pandaria, food—or vegetables—is not very precious.

Old Wu was surprised by how could these people eat so much!

But that’s okay. In the traditional concept of Pandaren, being able to eat is a good thing. After all, eating is a kind of enjoyment in itself, and being able to eat can work!

Unfortunately, this gluttonous competition was interrupted by a sudden rain.

It was a solar rain, and the sun was shining brightly, but suddenly it rained heavily.

The rice was soaked in the rain. Although Ergazi was still eating, both Nomi and Razzel put down their bowls and looked up at the sky.

The culprit didn't hide his figure, a red cloud serpent rolled in the sky, and then flew farther and farther with the shower.

"Your luck is really good. You actually met Alani." Looking at the unhappy faces of Nomi and Razzell, Old Wu rarely explained, "This cloud dragon usually doesn't fly here. ."

"Alani?" Nomi scratched his head. "Why does it carry heavy rain? Will the Cloud Serpent carry heavy rain? But the cans will not carry heavy rain..."

"Of course not all Cloud Serpents are carrying heavy rain." Old Wu shook his head. "Alani is a special Cloud Serpent. No one knows who its parents are, and no one has even seen its true face— —For thousands of years, it has been wandering above the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, bringing rainfall."

"Thousands of years?" Except for Ergazi, who was still lowering his head and grabbing rice with his hands, the other four people widened their eyes, "How long does it live?!"

"The lifespan of the Cloud Serpent is not that long." Old Wu sniffed. "Generally speaking, the lifespan of the Cloud Serpent and the Pandaren is about the same. Two hundred years-three hundred years is almost the limit. Up."

"But Alani is different. It is said that when we just occupied the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, it was here-it is always covered with a layer of rain and clouds, making it impossible to see through, and more importantly, this Cloud Serpent has always I haven't fallen on the ground, I haven't eaten or drink."

Old Wu's words aroused Nomi's interest.

Nomi thought about it carefully. No one in Pandaria seemed to know his identity, so he simply changed into the form of a white dragon, flapping his wings, and chasing Alani.

And Old Wu saw Nomi disappear to the horizon and fell into deep thought.

"Can...Where did I hear this name?"

"Can, Cloud Serpent... Wait, isn't this the name of the Cloud Serpent of Lord Drunk Wind?"

Thinking of Nomi's age, Lao Wu finally realized some problems.

"I'll take it. This is big news. I think I need to report to Sister Tao Shi!"

So, when Lili, Valera, and Razzle were all looking at Nomi, Old Wu pulled on the mask, summoned his sapphire cheetah, and galloped towards the setting sun pass.

It seems that Nomi accidentally cheated again (why did I say it again?)


I was so tired yesterday, I fell asleep, I was wrong!

Four changes today, um!

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