Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 733: Thang Long

After drinking the special medicine water, both Razzell and Ergazi are strong and invincible, and their ordinary characters can't get close at all.

But once the potion expires, they will immediately be transformed into two salted fish, one large and one small.

This is not an exaggeration, because after the effects of the chemical rage, there is indeed a short vacuum.

During this vacuum period, the violent will show weakness, lack of concentration, and other bad states.

And now, Razzle and Ergazi have this kind of omen.

Er Gazi's reaction became slower and slower, and he suffered more and more injuries, but his recovery rate became slower and slower.

If this continues, Ergazi is likely to fall under the claws of this lizardman.

Nomi will naturally not sit back and watch this situation happen!

After a short recovery, Nomi has been relieved from the discomfort of using the element clone for the first time. Although he is a little tired now, he can continue to fight.

So when Jiehan pounced on Razzell again, Nomi stopped in the middle.

Nomi is not good at using weapons. For Nomi, who is half of the black dragon bloodline, flame is the best weapon.

Therefore, when Jiehan flew, Nomi suddenly spit out a blaze and stopped between Jiehan and Razzle.

In front of the blazing flames, Jiehan didn't dare to make any trouble.

Due to the poor skills of the mogu, Jiehan-or all lizardmen still have some beast instincts that fear the light of fire.

And because of the extremely high temperature of Nomi's flame, Jiehan was even more frightened.

Razzle finally breathed a sigh of relief when the flames came to help.

Originally, according to the little abacus of the goblin, this expedition is enough to make soy sauce by yourself, there is no need to roll up your sleeves to start the war-after all, they are all young people with me, and young people are the most impulsive and favorite. Out of the limelight.

It is best to hide behind yourself and make a fortune in a muffled voice!

But when the gilt extract potion was scattered on the ground, Razzle really felt that his heart and the potion container had shattered.

You know, in order to be able to take away all the gilt gold, Razzle took out all the materials on his body!

Now that the lizard people have done so, the goblin's plan to make a fortune has been destroyed!

This made Razzle couldn't help drinking the violent potion himself, and fought hard with the lizardmen.

And as the effect of the potion faded, Razzle also found something wrong-this is different from what he said!

Now not only did I have no gilt extraction potions, but also two bottles of chemical rage potions? !

A big loss!

Even without Nomi's support, he would catch up with his life!

Feeling that a gloomy goblin left Er Gazi with a confused face, he hid in the corner alone and began to circle...


After several fights between the rabbits and falcons, Nomi and Jiehan stopped and looked at each other carefully.

Looking at the lizardman in front of him, Nomi frowned slightly.

Disgusting opponent-disgusting in the literal sense.

Because he lived underground for a long time, a layer of moss grows on Jehan's slippery scales. This thing not only tastes disgusting, it will reduce the morale of the enemy, but will also resist magic to a certain extent.

After Nomi's two breaths of flames, Jiehan was not only unscathed, even the flames burned the stench of moss and almost made Nomi pass out.

No matter how good the ventilation of the treasure house is, it is destined to be inferior to the outside. The stench made Lili and Valera grinning, and Nomi who saw this scene was inexplicably upset.

Because he was not accustomed to using weapons, and unlike being stained with such disgusting things, Nomi's attack appeared to be restrained.

On the other hand, Jiehan was not feeling well.

Nomi's flames won't do anything to Jehan for the time being, but the pain caused by the burning is real!

Extraordinary reactions come at a price. A flexible nervous system means extreme sensitivity to pain. After being burned by the flames, the grinning Jiehan became irritable.


The lizardman king needs to vent his pain!

As a result, Jehan's speed and agility suddenly rose to the next level!

Nomi's battle suddenly became difficult.

When the absolute speed of the enemy is too much faster than you, it is difficult for you to bring the battle back to your own pace.

All are unbreakable, but fast is not broken!

Nomi was in a hurry, and started to be a little bit unable to fight.

How to do?

Nomi barely resisted Jehan's attack while thinking about his own way.

If you want to defeat the lizardman in front of you, you need to be faster than him!

But now it is Nomi's limit speed! Nomi really can't do it faster!

Is it the only choice to be beaten?

of course not!

Nomi has another way-drinking!

Although he is a panda, Nomi is not an adult, and all Zuifeng always disagrees with Nomi drinking.

But among the monk skills, there are indeed many things that are closely related to alcohol, whether it is to interfere with the enemy’s drunken cloud, or to improve one’s drunken fist and drunkenness, or even increase various intentional states of courage and healing alcohol. These are all drinking. .

Nomi also has wine on his body-it is still the Drunk Wind's Collected Monkey Stuff, but Drunk Wind never wants Nomi to drink it easily.

Now, it's time!

When Jehan attacked him again, Nomi tore off the wine gourd from his waist, and then blocked it in front of his chest.

With a fierce stab from Jaehan's claws, he smashed the wine gourd and stopped.

The hops splashed, Nomi opened his mouth and took a deep breath.

Alcohol turns into clouds and goes straight into the throat.

Nomi's eyes turned red all at once-at this moment, the world is different!

Jiehan missed a hit, and when he thought of a move, he was greeted by a drunken mist-"Drunken Clouds"!

This is Nomi's first use of Drunken Cloud, but the effect is outstanding!

Jiehan was engulfed in the sudden mist of wine, and for a while, he was a bit Under the influence of high spirits, the lizardfolk found it difficult to maintain their balance!

After finally restoring his balance, Jiehan was greeted with a slanted uppercut.

It looked like a weird punch, but Jiehan didn't avoid it no matter how much he didn't. He was severely stamped on the chin with a punch from Nomi, and he was directly shot out.

"Hiccup-the world martial arts rises to rise!"

Nomi didn't know the meaning of this sentence, but this was a sentence that Zuifeng often chanted when he was teaching him Zuiquan. At this time, he subconsciously said it.

Jiehan was knocked out for three steps, then shook his head and got up.

Although this blow was very hurt, at least it helped him get rid of the troubles of wine fog, and Jiehan planned to give this **** Pandaren a bit of a cruel!

But beyond the lizard man's expectation, when he raised his head again, it was another familiar fist, and the position was still the familiar chin.

"How Yugan!"

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