Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 788: Into the depths of the mist

In fact, not many people listen to the long talk about Drunk Wind...

Most adventurers are seizing the time, or calling friends, checking equipment, or closing their eyes to rest.

Seeing that the adventurers didn't seem to be in high spirits, Drunk Wind stopped chattering, and directly stated the requirements of this trial.

Adventurers need to find the scrolls hidden in Azjol-Nerub, and then open the scrolls, even if they pass the trial-each scroll has a mirror image of Khadgar, and the mirror will confirm those who pass the trial.

"Be careful, I have set up a lot of monsters in Azjol-Nerub, if you take it lightly, it will really be fatal."

For this, adventurers who can reach Azjol-Nerub are naturally mentally prepared.

After signing the name on the life and death certificate prepared by Drunk Wind, the adventurers entered Azjol-Nerub in twos and threes.

For this "private team formation" behavior, Drunk Wind did not interfere.

After all, adventurers are search units, not combat units. It is a good thing that they are willing to cooperate!


Aijjol-Nerub, located underground, can be said to be a great city.

It has experienced the conquest of the Lich King and the vow of liberation. After receiving the inheritance of the ancestors, the spiders quietly revived their race in the depths of Azjol-Nerub.

In order to improve the level of the trial, Drunk Wind created a wide range of fog in the entire Azjol-Nerub.

These fogs have no special functions, but they can greatly weaken the perception of adventurers-at least in terms of vision.

Although veteran adventurers have prepared enough lighting equipment (or spells), under the interference of the fog, these methods are more or less affected.

This underground city has not been visited by adventurers before, so for everyone, this is a completely unknown place.

Because the spider-man possesses flexible spider silk, the entire Azjol-Nerub is a fairly three-dimensional city—the spiders use the spider silk to flexibly use every inch of the space of Azjol-Nerub.

Although the number of adventurers participating in this trial has exceeded seven hundred, after entering Azjol-Nerub, they soon dispersed.

And soon, the adventurers discovered something wrong.

These fogs not only interfere with perception, but also restrict communication!

You know, sophisticated adventurers often have some available instant messaging methods-or spell skills, or enchant signals, or engineering products-but in the fog, these things have all received serious restrictions!

This situation makes the teams that had made an appointment before and then dispersed to communicate through the means of maintaining communication have to regroup.

Through Khadgar's spells, Drunk Wind can see the state of these bewildered adventurers clearly.

Then he laughed unkindly-how could it make you so relaxed? (Tell you not to listen to me!)

For this trial, Drunk Wind took great pains!

The mission of the adventurers is to find the Lich King, but the Northrend snowy field is vast, where is the trail of the Lich King so easy to find?

In order to select truly capable adventurers, Zuifeng simulated all the characteristics of the search mission as much as possible.

The site is complex, low recognition, many enemies, and unknown environment.

Want to play tricks? Sorry, no way!

Allen has no companions.

As a warlock, Allen is simply synonymous with bad luck in the eyes of many people, so almost no one wants to act with Allen.

Allen is also happy to be alone-the comprehensive strength of Allen, who is pulling the dog and taking the little brother, is actually very strong!

Of course, the fog also had some influence on Allen.

As a warlock, detection and search are obviously not Allen's strong points, but Allen has Pluto!

Hellhounds are demons and beasts. As far as the sense of smell is concerned, Pluto is much better than ordinary hounds.

According to Allen's plan, Pluto should have started looking for the smell of drunken wind as a clue, but after entering the mist, Pluto was directly lost.

"Woo, woo..."

Hearing Pluto's low growl, Allen frowned.

These thick mists all smell of drunken wind!

It's not just vision that is disturbed!

Shaking his head, Allen could only give up the opportunistic approach and explore in Aizhuo-Nerub with peace of mind.

And soon, Allen found the first enemy he needed to face.


"Alert, alert! Discover the adventurer!"

The sharp siren suddenly remembered, and the red light flickered in the fog ahead.

Allen approached cautiously, and then saw a simple robot with a red warning light on his head, calling the police crazy!

What the hell?

When Allen was surprised, Pluto suddenly began to growl vigilantly.

In the thick fog, a large number of robots gathered around.

Obviously, this is one of Drunken Wind's trial methods.

Alan was also welcome, crushing a soul stone, and a shadow arrow went straight to the robot headed.

The black shadow arrow cast away extremely quickly, directly hitting the dumb-looking robot.

Although there is no direct fire or frost, the shadow's corrosive ability is also extremely destructive to machinery, and Allen thinks that the effect of this attack should be good.

Unfortunately, he guessed wrong.

The shadow arrow hit the torso of the robot, and then disappeared. The machine itself showed slight corrosion marks, but overall this was not a problem.

This kind of robot is not a commodity, but a high-end product of dwarf engineering-the magic breaker robot!

Spellbreaker robots are very resistant to various spells, high temperature resistance, low temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, and arcane resistance. This is a new product for gnomes inspired by the high elves spellbreakers!

In front of the magic-breaker robot, no matter how powerful the spell is, the effect is not that good.

The only problem with this type of robot is Their quality does not seem to be very good-in other words, they may not be very resistant.

After discovering that the robot was almost unharmed, Allen also guessed this.


Without Alan's call, the Demon Guard had already rushed over with a huge long knife!

The broken alloy is good in everything, but it is not strong...

Under the sword of the demon guard, these robots were quickly chopped into a pile of scrap iron.

Seeing this, Allen shook his head.

The oath is really rich--the unit price of these robots is not high, but if so many are used as trial consumables at one time, even the prince of goblin will be painful, right?

Just as Allen was emotional, the sharp alarm sounded again.

"Alert, serious alert!"

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