Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 791: The price of summoning demons

With the help of Hellfire, Allen and Luminus finally defeated the Chariot of Flame.

When the chariot of flames turned into scattered parts, the hellfire controlled by Allen also turned into a pile of stones without any trace of life.

Although the terrible green fel flame is still burning, the hellfire at this moment has lost its prestige.

Without the energy supply of the warlock, hellfire is just a pile of meaningless stones.

But now, Allen's condition looks exceptionally poor.

"Are you... okay?" Luminus thought it was already very hard to attract attention. He didn't expect Allen who had summoned Hellfire to work harder. "What's wrong with you? I have never heard of it. Summoning the devil will cause adverse reactions, after all, that hellfire did not backfire you..."

"It's different." Alan waved his hand weakly, "I am not a warlock who chooses fels for strength. I want to make sure that the devil is under my absolute control!"

"..." Luminus was stunned when Allen said so, "I can't tell, your desire to control is so strong-I thought you were a good talker."

"This has nothing to do with the desire to control." Allen sat directly on the ground, panting heavily, "If you can't control the demons, your heart will be affected by them, and you will eventually fall into the abyss."

"...It turns out that you are quite profound. A little warlock is still worried about the essential influence of fel energy-I really don't know what to say about you." Regarding Alan's words, Luminus shook his head to express incomprehension, "Energy means Responsibility also means a price. This was already clear when I was a mage apprentice. After becoming a mage, I need to stay away from all kinds of temptations, maintain a regular meditation, and not even over indulge in research itself. Say, does Arcane also have a bad effect?"

"Of course." Allen nodded solemnly, "Arcane is your mage's understanding of various rules, and the more you come into contact with arcane, the more you will become accustomed to observing the rules-even the rules themselves, and to everyone else They all have a great sense of superiority. This is terrible!"

Alan's serious explanation left Luminus dumbfounded. She wanted to refute, but she didn't know where to start, so she shook her head with a wry smile.

"Then, profound little warlock, do our team continue?"

This time it was Allen's turn that was a little dazed.

This is indeed a problem.

The Chariot of Flames has been resolved, then this team should be disbanded on the spot, and the two will see you bye bye-but in this state, how can you see you again?

They can't deal with the lawbreaker robot! (The Demon Guard is dead)

But if he continues to form a team, Alan is still a little embarrassed to say it-although he knows this is normal, but he is embarrassed-pity this little guy who rarely sees women.

Seeing Ellen look embarrassed, Luminas laughed.

This is what it should be! Mock up, what's the depth to play with me?

"Have you rested?" Luminus moved his shoulders, "If you have a good rest, just follow me!"

Allen felt like he was being teased, but he didn't care anymore.

Waved his hand, Allen prevented Bruto from trying to draw mana, and dragged his **** dog to follow the female mage.


Just when Allen and Luminus decided to continue to form a team, in the control room under Azjol-Nerub, Kalecgos, who was observing the situation with the mirroring spell, stood up suddenly.

Looking at the posture, Kalecgos seemed to want to push the door out.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Drunk Feng hurried forward and grabbed Kalecgos who wanted to go out. "You are the last gatekeeper! It's not yet time for you to come on stage, why are you in a hurry?"

"He saw something happened to the female mage he had been paying attention to for a long time." Khadgar, who had been watching the mirroring spell, couldn't help but smile. "Look, I'm worried now."

"I shouldn't?" Drunk Feng widened his eyes in surprise. "It stands to reason that I haven't even started to put elite monsters. The most difficult thing in the whole Aijol-Nerub is just a few flame chariots. Isn’t that mage’s flashing technique quite slippery? This is not a threat either..."

Thinking carefully, Zuifeng suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Is it because the adventurer has an infighting? Or is it that the Lich King sent his subordinates to make trouble? Or is it because the ancient gods have moved?"

"Neither!" Kalecgos shook his head awkwardly, "Now everything is normal in the trial."

"What's going on?" Drunk Feng really didn't understand, "Why are you so anxious!"

"That female mage seems to be interested in warlocks." Khadgar is no longer the dull mage he used to be. He laughed and directly exposed Kalecgos's tricks. "The female mage found a teammate. , Our little blue dragon is jealous!"


Kalecgos also wanted to distinguish a few words-"The dragon's affairs can be regarded as jealous" and so on. He didn't expect Teregosa to push in.

Teregosa did not expect that he had heard such a burst of news-Kalecgos seemed to be interested in a mortal adventurer.

Kalecgos said that he was embarrassed, and Teregossa was shocked.

Before the super-evolutionary accident, Kalecgos was a rather "non-decent" blue dragon. Although he had superior mana, he was weak in combat power. Although he liked sultry, he had no spouse.

And after becoming a white bone dragon, the new Kalecgos is no longer frivolous. He will no longer make magic puddings that will make people bursting into clothes and deceive and will not talk about it. Funny joke, but he is deep and restrained, and speaks little.

This situation makes the young female dragons of the Blue Dragonflight maternally maternal-even spring heart!

Think about it, a young dragon with extraordinary talents began to behave like a weak chicken, covering his sadness with sunshine and jokes-and after experiencing great ordeal, he finally faded from the old frivolity and became Now such an ascetic male god!

It is no exaggeration to say that Kalecgos is now popular in the Blue Dragonflight.

Teregoza is also one of the admirers-and unlike other dragons, Teregoza is the first admirer of Kalecgos, the kind that began when Kalecgos was a scumbag. , Childhood sweetheart...

In this trial, Teregosa is a volunteer who brought his own dry food!

But who could have imagined that Kalecgos, who was unsmiling with the little fans, would actually be interested in a human female mage who had met once? !

At this moment, Teregosa heard his heartbreaking voice.

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