Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 797: The law of battle for adventurers

The adventurer and the army are not the same.

What the army needs is discipline, which is to strictly abide by orders when the large corps fights.

Military orders are like mountains, and soldiers need to strictly follow the instructions, even if they fight to the last person.

What the adventurer needs is flexibility, adapting measures to local conditions and guiding the situation.

So in war, strategy and tactics are very important, and when adventurers fight, small means of outbreak are the most important.

The Xia Ji team does not have a wizard. It seems that the thieves should be responsible for the outbreak of the mission, but in fact, it is the priest in the team that needs to stand up to save the world at a critical moment!

That's right, the pastor who seemed half-hearted in the treatment!

Healing professions are always scarce among adventurers, because priests, shamans, or paladins, most of these have their own official status, and very few people will fall into the need to be adventurers to maintain Livelihood situation.

It is for this reason that most of the healing professions among adventurers are people with stories.

The priest of Xia Ji’s team is tall and thin, and he completely wrapped himself in a thick linen robe, and even his face was completely blocked by the hood, his presence was very low, plus his treatment methods It's very rough, both Ellen and Luminus didn't pay attention to him for the first time-there are still many rookie priests.

It is for this reason that neither Ellen nor Luminus realized the importance of this priest.

When Dekus yelled for the medicine, the two were surprised to find that the priest suddenly seemed to have changed.

The sun and warm feeling that was originally given to people has disappeared, replaced by infinite gloom.

This is a shadow priest!

Allen didn't know anything about dark animal husbandry, but Luminus frowned secretly.

As the young lady of the Yanghen family, Luminus has a certain degree of understanding of some not-so-secret information within the oath.

The Archbishop Fao and his secret teachings belong to this kind of news.

Luminus knew that there were priests who could use the power of shadows.

But the main members of Fao and Esotericism are all forgotten! The cooperation between Oath and Faor is also very limited, so Luminus could not confirm the identity of the priest in the first place.

But anyway, Luminus felt that he needed to be more careful.

The difficulty of the trial is increasing. At this time, if the pastor suddenly engages in things, he might really be in danger.

"Spirit Flogging!"

"Mind screaming!"

One shadow spell after another was thrown out of the priest's hand and hit the body of the abyss demon king.

Under the force of the shadow visible to the naked eye, Selton's huge body began to become weak.

This is not the key, the key is that it looks like this Abyss Demon is in pain!

Allen, who had almost lost his strength, also felt something was wrong.

Make the devil feel painful?

This is terrible!

Like mortals, demons have all kinds of negative emotions, but the reason for these negative emotions is often the unsatisfied desire for destruction.

For example, the devil is afraid of death, because after death, during the rebirth of the Twisting Void, the devil is conscious but has no power. This feeling of nowhere to vent makes the devil feel fear.

But this priest with a hood, his spells made the Abyss Demon feel painful!

Allen is sure that this abyssal lord is not afraid because he thinks he is going to fail.

This is the power of shadows?

When the dark animal husbandry suddenly broke out, the thieves and warriors also used their strongest skills-Dekus, who had drunk the lion heart potion, rushed to the front of the abyss demon lion like a roaring lion.

The short sword in the left hand blocked the attack of the double-headed spear, and the two-handed sword in the right hand flicked from bottom to top.

The chest of the Abyssal Demon is cracked!

Kanos, who drank the shadow potion, opened the feast of killing, crossed the double daggers, and outputted wildly behind the abyss devil!

There is only one goal, Daisy!

Ahem...The occupational disease of the thief, what Kanos said is the back!

At the same time, Luminus also shot, the fireball shot one after another, and slammed on the body of the abyss devil, just right to interrupt the rhythm of the abyss devil's counterattack.

In the end, the hunter who was bandaged even put on enchanted bullets and started explosive shooting.


The Abyssal Demon King has always been known for his thick skin, but thick skin does not mean that he can't kill him-he can stab someone to death without a spearhead!

Under the siege of five people (Alan, who was out of force, was playing soy sauce from a distance), Thurton finally couldn't hold on.

"Mortals, do you think you have won? No, no, your world will eventually fall into a sea of ​​flames! And you can only accept endless torture in endless pain!"

not good!

Luminus suddenly remembered a legend.

Legend has it that the most powerful attack of the Abyssal Demon King is not a sharp double-headed spear, nor a billowing rain of flames, but a self-destruction before death!

"Get out of the way!"

But the room is narrow and there is almost no room for a few people to dodge!

At this time, Allen, who had rested for a long time, finally moved.

He summoned his **** dog Pluto.

"Pluto, go and solve it!"

Pluto shook his head excitedly and ran to the Abyssal Demon.

Thurton wanted to teach these mortals a lesson before he died, but he did not expect that the warlock would directly summon a hellhound out.


Unfortunately, it is too late to stop self-detonation...

In the next moment, Selton's body began to swell wildly and strangely, and after a dull explosion, violent evil energy poured out.

But Pluto, who had been waiting for a long time, simply opened his mouth.

The energy formed a whirlpool and was inhaled by Pluto-at the same time, the belly of the lucky hellhound began to swell rapidly.

It's as fast as blowing a balloon!

But Pluto didn't have the slightest pain. On the contrary, it seemed to like this feeling very much!

Several people saw Pluto getting more and more excited, and their eyes began to become more energetic.

Finally, after Selton was almost completely wiped out, Pluto also took a side.

The huge energy burst out, and Pluto was like a cicada evacuating, full of vitality and vitality!

Pluto's neck began to thicken, and his voice began to grow deeper.

The evil energy began to spread to the whole body of the hellhound, and Pluto's limbs trembled slightly, as if suffering some indescribable pain-but Allen didn't care, even full of joy.

Finally, under everyone's gaze, Pluto grew a second head!

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