Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 805: Small scene and big scene

For most warlocks and demons, the contract is an irresistible power. The imprint of the contract will be directly bound at the level of the soul. Once the contract is signed, it means that a part of the power and soul will be contributed. come out. Need to read

Therefore, whether it is a warlock or a demon, everyone respects the contract. After all, no one wants to bear the soul price of violating the contract.

But there is one exception.

When the power gap between the warlock and the demon was so big that it was endless, things changed.

No matter when, the strong have the right to speak and sign a contract is no exception.

In other words, the two parties signing the contract, the stronger one can take various measures to fail to fulfill the contract or simply sign the contract with a pseudonym!

Kil'jaeden did just that.

The fraudster used his strength to deceive Andy, and then signed a contract with Andy under a false name.

On the other hand, Andy didn't care too much about Kil'jaeden's identity, thinking that this demon named Danjaro was just an ordinary Eredar.

But in fact, Kil'jaeden has been using the Book of the Legion, using Andy.

After the Lich King’s betrayal, there were almost no Burning Legion spies on Azeroth. Under the powerful strangulation of the oath, it would be difficult for the Burning Legion demons to get useful news from Azeroth.

Even many dreadlords were picked out by unlucky demon hunters when they were disguising and spying on intelligence.

Moreover, the betrayal of the mother Shahrush increased Azeroth's "security conditions" by a level.

So Kil'jaeden had to do it himself.

And the reason why Andy chose to participate in this drunk wind operation was because of his own desire on the one hand, and on the other hand, Kil’jaeden’s guidance was passed through the Book of Legion. Kil’jaeden showed Andy Too much knowledge he didn't know, and hinted that he could get answers in Ner'zhul's mouth. Read a book?

It is for this reason that after learning about the relationship between the Lich King and Ner'zhul, Andy embarked on the road to Northrend.

Kil'jaeden wanted to see the Ner'zhul who had betrayed him, and then took back all the power bestowed by the Burning Legion.

Any betrayer must be punished!

But because in the book of the legion, Kil'jaeden is just a piece of soul, he has no perception of everything outside, so in order to ensure the smoothness of the plan, Kil'jaeden sold his great demon to Andy A lot.

In Kilgar's plan, Andy will use this magic book to kill the Quartet, and then do his best when facing the Lich King.

At that time, he can take the opportunity to punish the Lich King.

But plans can never keep up with changes.

Things were completely different from what Kil'jaeden expected. It was only in the trial link before the search began. Andy was excited and used his soul fragments.

This is fine.

But he has never beaten the enemy!

Alas, it’s okay if you haven’t played. It’s really impossible to plan to cancel.

Then Andy boldly tried to twist his soul fragments!

Now Kil'jaeden completely exploded!

As a demon, Kil'jaeden values ​​his soul very much, and any attempt to distort and encroach on his soul is absolutely unforgivable!

In Azeroth, Kil'jaeden’s soul can be replenished in the Twisting Void if it is destroyed, but if it is twisted, it may be lost forever!

It is precisely for this reason that Kil'jaeden will try to expose everything and also teach Andy a lesson!

Unfortunately, he didn't expect that Zuifeng was pretending to be a refrigerator.


Looking at the refrigerator holding a pair of wind swords, Hellfire Danjaro or Kil'jaeden felt his head grew.

In Azeroth, even if Kil'jaeden arrived, he might not be able to clean up his drunkenness.

After getting the favor of Azeroth, Drunk Wind's combat effectiveness in Azeroth is so strong!

As long as the subconscious mind of Azeroth Star Soul is willing to help Drunk Wind, Drunk Wind is unstoppable!

What about Sargeras? But a set of rage broke!

"Why don't you speak anymore? The famous fraudsters won't even lose their language skills?"

Although Kil'jaeden has a headache, Drunk Wind is very calm. This is my home court. Why are you arrogant?

So the drunk wind simply let go, and his tone was full of mockery.

"...Pandaman, you ruined my plan again, again!" After hesitating, the other heads of the twisted hellfire disappeared, and only the largest one was left. His eyes were burning with green evil. Nenghuo, staring at Drunk Wind, "Do you think you are set to win?"

"Win?" Drunk Feng narrowed his eyes, "I don't know, but I can be sure that you are sure to lose!"

With that said, Zuifeng bullied himself directly!

With two swords in his hand, Drunk Wind rushed straight to this twisted hellfire.

Two steps later, Zuifeng simply created a few infuriating lotus flowers in front of him, and then stepped directly on these lotus and ran into the air!

Then, Zuifeng simply swung out the long sword in his hand, directly trying to Yijian Xiaoshou.

Kil'jaeden naturally didn't want to catch it.

The twisted hellfire roared simply, then waved his arms.

The sturdy, twisted, and even burning arms of **** flames are like baseball bats, and the drunk wind rushing straight into the air swept past!

Anyway, this body was made by Andy.

Twisted Hellfire caught Drunk Wind's state of nowhere to leverage in mid-air, and slammed his arm over, trying to give Drunk Wind a good look.

In response to this, Zuifeng was not in a hurry, and a mist suddenly appeared in front of him.

The arm of the twisted hellfire smashed into the mist, and directly "smashed" the mist away, but behind the mist, the drunken wind looked at this huge monster with a smile.


The current Drunk Wind has gradually broken away from the previous battle that relied on Chi and skill. After fighting Al'Akir, Drunk Wind has been exploring the "Monk Way" for many times.

Although this sounds very big, it is actually not something mysterious.

For Drunk Wind, he is gradually turning his fighting skills into an instinct, integrating his understanding of skills, strength, and true energy.

In this way, when fighting, Drunk Wind can do whatever he wants.

And now, the drunk wind is a little better.

With the continuous understanding of fog-weaving techniques, Zuifeng has now become more and more of a grand master's style. Although there is no way to pretend to be compared, the gestures are amazing and quite charming.

Without a trace of fireworks, everything seems to be a small scene.

So, after breaking the fog, what appeared in front of the Twisted Hellfire was half a smiling face hidden under the Shado-Pan hat.

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