Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 807: Medivh’s invitation

After becoming a warlock, Medivh was no longer the guardian.

Although Medivh still has a heart to fight for Azeroth, he must accept his new identity. The profession of warlock is destined to be difficult for him to stand in a bright position and lead forward.

But it's different in Draenor. Here, the ancient gods are the vanguards against demons, and the warlocks can also fight on the front line!

Especially after he met Garona again, Medivh, without regret, simply came to the forefront of the battle as a warlock against the Burning Legion.

And this battle lasted for several years.

Although the Alliance and Horde had long retracted their tentacles from Draenor, for Medivh, the battle had just begun.

In Shadowmoon Valley, demon hunters and warlocks have been studying demons, and the Burning Legion has also been testing Azeroth. For both sides, the battle has just begun.

The demon hunters all obeyed Illidan's command, and the commander of the warlocks was Medivh.

It's interesting to say, unlike the demon hunter who came to the dark temple in Chengzhi, most of the warlocks here are some very thoughtful guys.

You know, in Azeroth, Medivh has never publicly recruited and pursued the help of warlocks. The warlocks who came to Draenor were all brave and power-hungry guys. The only driving force for them was to understand the devil. more information.

And Medivh, who originally planned to fight on his own, had to organize these warlocks later.

The warlocks are all lawless masters.

In order to restrain these warlocks and to improve the collective combat effectiveness of these warlocks, Medivh had to form a Dark Harvest Council in the same way as Dalaran at the beginning.

As warlocks continue to come to Draenor, the Council of Dark Harvests has also continued to grow-although the number and scale of the warlocks is not comparable to that of demon hunters, after the formation of the Council of Dark Harvests, they have also become One of the main members to stop the devil.

Recently, Medivh finally felt the shortage of manpower.

After all, there are only a few warlocks willing to come to Draenor, and there are very few capable ones. Before, this was what Medivh thought was a "natural trial", but now, he finally feels the eleventh. A warlock is not enough.

Regardless of the dozen or so warlocks are absolute masters, but thinking of Illidan's ideas, Medivh felt that this matter could not be solved by "masters".

Therefore, for the first time Medivh thought of seeking the power of the warlock still in Azeroth.

The reason why this former guardian generously provided so many demons as the level of trial is actually mainly because he wants to be drunk.

After learning about Illidan's plan, after some drunken thoughts, he agreed to Medivh's request.

On the one hand, Zuifeng used the official status of the oath to mobilize known warlocks and sent them an invitation letter from Medivh.

On the other hand, Medivh himself spent a long time in Misty Harbor, looking for a lot of adventurers, and sending them his invitation.

Andy and Allen were the warlocks Medivh had been eyeing for a long time, but because they signed up to participate in the search of the Lich King, it was not until the trial was completed that Medivh's invitation letter was sent to both of them.


After receiving Medivh’s invitation, Andy and Allen both activated the fel seal on the invitation.

A blast of evil energy appeared, and the two people stood on the spot, and there was almost a memory in their minds.

In their memory, as a bystander, they witnessed the demon's attack on the dark temple.

Hellfire in the sky, **** dogs everywhere.

Under the scarlet sky, densely packed demon guards lined up in a neat line, marching towards the dark temple.

On the other side, those night elves with blindfolds and face masks used their skilled skills and flexible bodies to resist the demon's attack while inflicting a lot of damage.

In the back of the battlefield, in the secret room, several powerful warlocks were studying.

What can we do to defeat the huge number of demons here?

With the gradual in-depth study of demons, the leading warlock discovered that according to the laws of spatial fluctuations, it seems that these demons all came from the same place.

He told the news to the leader of the night elf.

After learning the news, the night elf leader took out a keystone.

After firmness, the starting place for these demons is the place represented by this keystone!

This discovery is very important. All the commanders finally sat together and began to discuss whether they could solve these demons once and for all.

At the meeting, a demon stood by the They directly explained that the place was called Marton, and now that the main force of the demons was already on the transition ship, Marton was actually very empty.

On the other hand, the demon’s captives also proved this-the leading warlock marked some killed demon souls, and later proved that the marked demons on these souls repeatedly appeared.

So the warlocks can finally be sure that they seem to have seized a good opportunity!

With a twitch, Alan and Andy regained consciousness, and both of them understood Medivh's meaning.

The demon hunter and the warlock hope to join forces for a raid on Mardum!

The leader of the night elves is Illidan, and the leader of the warlocks is Medivh.

And if nothing else, the target of those demons who have left their lair on the Jump Ship is Azeroth!

Looking up, the two warlocks saw Medivh looking at him with a smile.

"So, are you willing to join the Dark Harvest Council?"

They only hesitated slightly, and both chose to nod their heads.

Joining the Dark Harvest Council means that this trip to Northrend is over. Andy is okay, but Alan is inexplicably uncomfortable. He looks at Luminus and touches his chin.

"If you have anything, come back and talk about it." Medivh didn't know what the kid was thinking. He smiled and shook his head. "Our enemy is too special this time. We can't involve other people."

With that, Medivh waved his staff directly and created a portal around him.

Andy turned around and walked in.

"Hey, don't die!" Although I don't know what Ellen is going to do, Luminus who recognized Medivh still has some guesses. When Allen entered the portal, Luminus waved directly. Waved, "Little Warlock!"

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