Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 811: Where is Alsace

After the Xia Ji team set off again, everyone's condition looked much better. {Щww{suimеng][lā}.

Perhaps because of the identities of these team members, Luminus felt a lot more relaxed inexplicably, as Drunken Wind secretly told him that the true identity of Xia Ji squad was a bait.

That's right, bait.

Sastar was once the priestess of Elune, and Drunk Wind, with Tyrande’s consent, transferred Sastar and received Faor’s training in order to elicit the followers of the ancient gods hiding in the dark. The others in the squad are also the drunk and trustworthy militia captain of New Stromgarde, the retired Mountain Ranger of Ironforge, and the last assassin of Ravenholdt.

As for the mages who died, the cause of death was not bad luck during the mission, but mostly died under the hands of the believers of the ancient gods.

Although his mission suddenly became heavier this time, the Xia Ji team, who has been the decoy many times, has not been lost. Why is he so upset?

The sky is still full of wind and snow, but the mental outlook of the entire team is different. Five people with stories hug together to warm up and truly become a whole.

The difficult exploration has just begun. This time, the low-key Lich King did not die to build a fortress for himself, so if you want to find his trace, in the final analysis, you have to go underground and go to the people of Azjol-Nerub. Look for it in the complex underground kingdom.

In order to ensure the efficiency of exploration, these teams were assigned different areas according to their numbers, but because the underground and above ground are different, the specific location is not so easy to determine, so their exploration will inevitably be heavier than the task itself.

In this way, the five members of Xia Ji's team finally set foot on the road to find where Alsace was.

Look at the snow first, then the underground.


On the other side, in Draenor, the warlocks and demon hunters are also preparing to attack Marton.

Thanks to the help of the Sargerite Keystone, the portal can be easily established, so the difficulty in this raid on Mardum lies in the battle itself.

According to Garona's investigation, Marton is really empty, but no matter how empty, the quantity advantage is on the devil's side...

And according to Medivh's judgment, the demons in the Twisting Nether, although they will truly die, their combat effectiveness has also improved.

In Draenor, the number of demon hunters, watchmen, and warlocks is less than three thousand, but in Mardum, there are tens of thousands of demons.

Most importantly, there is no cannon fodder like ghosts in the demons in Mardun!

Want to be cannon fodder in Marton, at least if it is hellfire level cannon fodder!

Therefore, after deliberation, everyone agreed that Marton's battle must be a surprise attack.

Strategically make quick decisions, shorten the battle time, and put the annihilation of the enemy as the first priority on the premise of ensuring our own safety.

Tactically divide the battlefield, take advantage of one's own mobility and concealment, while facing a small number of enemies, and then take advantage of one's strong combat power to annihilate them.

After the strategy and tactics were determined, everyone realized that this battle had very high requirements for the combat plan, and it was a battle that could be called a chest out of fire!

However, the meaning of the existence of warlocks and demon hunters is not to complete tasks that usually soldiers cannot complete.

Comparing to the information given by Garona, Medivh and Illidan worked out a rather insidious plan.

You can see from the expressions of Maiev and Vashj next to them, these two guys seem very wretched...

Regarding Maiev and Vaschi’s evaluation, Illidan said that the special consultant for the plan was Drunk Wind.


While Alan continued to develop relationships with his two-headed dog, he was visited by Medivh.

"Young man, how are you resting?"

"It's pretty good, Lord Medivh. As an adventurer, I am very comfortable in this situation. After all, there is a bed, so I don't need to sleep on the floor.

Regarding Alan’s words, Medivh was noncommittal. Although Medivh was a real hero, he never treated himself badly in terms of personal living standards. Alan’s words did not resonate with Medivh.

"It's good to have a good rest. Do you have any understanding of space spells? We now need people to stabilize the portal." Seeing that Alan is in good shape, Medivh said his purpose, "We are a bit tight."

"Uh..." Allen scratched his head awkwardly, "Sorry, I am not good at that at all. My teacher only teaches me the knowledge of contracts and the knowledge of enslaving demons, as well as the exploration of the nature of evil energy, and the space I know almost nothing about the knowledge."

Nodding his head, Medivh signaled that he understood that the head of the Dark Harvest Council waved the fake Atiesh in his hand, and a cup of mana tea appeared on Allen's table.

"Then, drink some mana tea and take a good rest, young man, keep your brain awake enough. In Marton, some demons will clean up for you!"

With that said, Medivh turned around and left Allen's room, and his next visit was Andy.

Andy is struggling to write quickly.

Copying the book of the legion is not a simple task, and every time he writes a character, Andy has to consume a lot of mana.

The emptiness of mana makes Andy have to frequently divert his life.

Therefore, when Medivh entered the room, he saw a pale fellow.

Grinning, Medivh rushed to an inexplicable embarrassment.

Although Medivh is now the most powerful warlock in, the "professionalism" of warlocks, Medivh is not even as good as many rookies.

Many of Medivh's ways of thinking are still at the stage of the wizard, which makes him subconsciously ignore the methods of the wizard when dealing with problems.

For example, before going to Andy, Medivh prepared a lot of mana tea, but thinking about it carefully, this situation seems to be better for things to supplement vitality...

But Andy didn't care about this. After discovering Medivh, he simply handed over part of the Legion Book that he had transcribed in the past few days.

"It's really hard to copy this kind of stuff, and I doubt you can understand it."

These ghost-like characters do not belong to any language known to Andy. Although each symbol contains powerful energy, Andy can only draw a gourd, but he can't understand it.

Andy can't see it, doesn't mean that Medivhka can't understand.

After receiving the papers copied by Andy, Medivh's eyes finally solidified.

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