Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 815: Unlucky Azkas

The profession of Warden and Stalker have many similarities, such as strong explosive power, such as suddenness of attack.

Although the frontal combat effectiveness is not bad, Maiev prefers raids and assassinations. Therefore, with his favorite rhythm, Maiev started to come to the back of the abyss lord and started his own attack.

The shadow raid effect is very strong, even the dragon king dare not take it lightly with Maiev's shadow raid!

But it is a pity that this is the Twisting Void, and for the devil, the home court advantage here is really too great.

Azkas' thick **** armor blocked Maiev's dagger, and after a crisp "ding", the dagger was directly bounced to the side, and then inserted into the ground.

Maiev's face changed, flickering decisively, and disappeared in place.

The next moment, where Maiev was just now, a stone cone lingering on the ground protruded from the ground-if Maiev didn't leave immediately, it would be easy to be pierced!

The gap between the demon of Azeroth and the demon of Marton is as big as Ragnaros in the sea and Ragnaros in the Fireplace!

In this place where the evil energy is agitated, all the devil's abilities except IQ have been greatly strengthened and improved!

Seeing that the situation is not good, Maiev did not try to be strong, but returned to the queue-in the current environment, only the demons can be punished, and Maiev fully believed in Illidan.

In front of the Abyss Lord, Illidan, who was ready to attack, moved his shoulders.

In Marton, he is the real protagonist!

In this place where evil energy is violent, other people are facing a certain degree of weakening, only oneself seems to have returned to the time when oneself gained power ten thousand years ago.

That was also the first time Illidan met Sargeras!

Maybe it wasn't in Mardum, but Illidan was sure that it was also a place where evil energy agitated.

It's okay for Maiev to withdraw from the battle.

In Marton, she handled the demon cannon fodder for good, but to face a powerful abyss lord, she was ultimately unable to do it-even in this case, her stepping up to help would affect Illidan's own rhythm.

It now appears that only Medivh can help Illidan in Mardoon.

Of course, the battle of the caster is definitely different. Medivh just turned out his staff again and observed it in secret.

The timing of the caster's spell is very important. Medivh believes that the time he should do it is not now.


Looking at the huge demon in front of him, Illidan had no fear on his face and drew out his Azzinoth double-blade.

"Oh... let me take a good look."

After discovering Illidan, Azkas stretched his neck, then showed a hideous smile.

"Look at what I found." After looking up and down Illidan for a long time, Azkas finally said again, "A self-righteous rebel? A ridiculous experiment!"

For Azkas' words, Illidan remained unmoved.

He has experienced too much of this kind of thing, and the demons regarded himself as traitors, but Illidan knew that he had never betrayed!

All for Azeroth!

No longer listening to Azkas' words, Illidan flapped his wings directly and flew into the air.

Come and taste the flames of Azzinoth!

On the two blades of Azzinoth, the green fel flame began to blaze, and soon, two big fireballs appeared in Illidan's hand.

Illidan threw the double edge in his hand.

The two blades broke through the air and went straight to Azkas.

The Abyss Lord raised the double-headed spear in his hand and easily blocked the attack.

"Huh...not worth mentioning!" Azkas shook his head, "Ilidan, do you really think you are a natural enemy of the devil? Hahaha!"

There was no fluctuation in Illidan's heart, and he even wanted to laugh.

Whether it is a natural enemy or not is not up to you demons, look at the great demon that fell under your own hands! The name of the demon hunter was born on the corpses of countless demons!

After waving his hands, Illidan recalled his Azzinoth double-blade.

The temptation is enough. Although this Abyss Demon seems to be powerful, its characteristics remain the same.

The body is thick and thick, and the attacking force is heavy, but it is a pity that it is inconvenient to move.

This cumbersome guy is not my Illidan opponent at all!

Illidan, who had found a strategy to defeat the enemy, began to give full play to his speed advantage, facing Azkas, began to speed up continuously.

Do you think I'm on the left? Sorry, I have reached the right!

Azkas' huge body and heavy double-headed spear helped him become an out-and-out meat grinder in the frontal battlefield, but when facing Illidan, this became Azkas' weakness.

This abyss lord turned around in a hurry, but couldn't catch Illidan at all, flapping his wings from time to time, Illidan who had a double jump was not a target that Azkas could hit!

After all, no matter how sharp the attack is, it is meaningless to fail to hit someone!

In desperation Azkas can only start casting spells.

It was not the classic spell of the Abyssal Demon, the rain of flames-in this case, the rain of flames could not have any effect on Illidan.

Staring at that Illidan sprinting around, Azkas launched his own doomsday curse.

Azkas is called the Lord of Doom, not because there is a scorched earth wherever he goes, just like the doomsday-but because Azkas is very good at curses, especially the curse of doomsday!

Regardless of this guy's five big and three rough, it seems to have nothing to do with the caster, but in fact, Azkas's spellcasting ability is not generally strong!

With the chanting of the devilish voice, the curse of Azkas is about to be released.

Curse magic cannot be evaded, there is only resistance-but if you want to resist the curse of an abyss lord, even Illidan has to fade!

"Hahaha, Doomsday Scourge—Ugh!"

Unfortunately, Azkas' abacus was ultimately unsuccessful.

This battle is not a fair one-on-one contest.

Medivh, who was waiting on the side, seized the opportunity and countered Azkas' spell.

Unfortunately, Azkas had noticed Medivh a long time ago, after all, this sorcerer was holding a wand with a look of bad intentions.

But Medivh did not call the Hellhound, nor the beholder, nor did he show signs of demon sacrifice. Azkas judged that he could not interrupt his curse now.

But who knows, Medivh is not an orthodox warlock...

Other warlocks won't interrupt in this situation, but Medivh will.

Medivh, who was born as a mage, has mastered the timing of interruption of spell casting, as if it were carved in instinct.

As a result, the hapless Azkas was sealed at the last moment.

The next moment, the curse was back...

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