Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 818: The temptation of Sargeras

"Sargeras, what are you going to do?"

Even though Medivh felt that his will was as strong as steel, he was still a little scared when facing the demon king.

Under this circumstance, fear no longer originates from inner emotions-in front of Sargeras, fear is already a law.

Sargeras didn't say a word, but fixed his eyes on the tiny human in front of him.

In Azeroth's days, Sargeras was not only using Medivh's subconscious mind to control the guardian, but at the same time, he was also observing humans and all living beings of Azeroth.

Unlike the proud Titans, due to the intrusion of a certain Pandaren, Sargeras is now particularly interested in the mortals on Azeroth.

After all, there is a set of people who hurt themselves with anger and thunder--even when facing the siege of the Pantheon, Sargeras was on the strong side--he was slinging the Pantheon unilaterally!

And as the understanding of Azeroth gradually deepened, although Sargeras did not find any information about the Pandaren, his understanding of Azeroth became deeper and deeper.

This is a magical world.

The mortals here are a group of magical people.

They admire order, but they are also willing to break it; they fear death, but in some cases they are willing to sacrifice themselves.

The life on Azeroth is different from all the lives that Sargeras has come into contact with. These non-eternal guys have a more complicated human nature. The short life makes them cherish and willing to pursue.

Unlike the Eredars, mortals who cannot live forever are always contradictory and charming.

They will enjoy life and strive to fill their lives with happiness-but in some cases, they will also accept those unhappiness for something more "great".

Sargeras even felt that if it wasn't for demons that were easier to control, choosing these humans as his subordinates might have tried more...

While in Azeroth, Sargeras also tried to find the traces of the Pandaren, but no matter how he searched, the story of the Pandaren appeared more in the mouths of the bards-they used the winemaker, The role of the adventurer as a supporting role appeared in the epic of the heroes.

During Sargeras' control, Medivh often disappeared, and the reason for disappearing was not only to prepare the Dark Portal, but also to find the Pandaren-unfortunately, nothing was gained.

And just now, Sargeras received the news that Marton was at stake.

At this time, Sargeras who was in Argus no longer cared about Marton’s life and death—this former base camp had actually declined after the Burning Legion occupied Argus. The current Marton is for the entire Legion, but It's just a backward military factory.

Sargeras cared more about the enemy.

As the most powerful Titan, what Sargeras cares about is not the enemy’s combat effectiveness, but the enemy itself. Under the repeated stimulation of the drunk wind, Sargeras became very interested in the mortals of Azeroth, and even had Some interesting conjectures, seizing this opportunity, a clone of Sargeras returned to Mardoon, trying to verify some of his conjectures.

Coincidentally, I met Medivh, an old acquaintance, directly after returning to Marton's clone.


"What am I going to do? It's not important. What is important is what you are going to do." Sargeras has a calm tone and can't see the appearance of a big boss behind the scenes. "Or, what Azeroth is going to do ."

"We just want to protect our own world." Medivh didn't show any fear. "The devil never wants to destroy our world!"

"Hahaha!" Sargeras looked at Medivh like a child, "Destroy your world? Yes, this is what I expected! And you can't stop it!"

"No, it is us who will win!" Medivh did not hesitate to go back to Sargeras's remarks. "Your conspiracy will be destroyed, just like you did. All you are about to face is failure!"

"Failed?" Sargeras was noncommittal about Medivh's statement, "I will not fail, nor will I fail - you wouldn't think that a few stupid Eredars can represent the entire Burning Legion, right?"


Hearing these words, Medivh was suddenly shocked.

There is something in Sargeras' words, what is "stupid Eredar"?

In Medivh, or the perception of most people, the Burning Legion has three giants, namely Sargeras, Archimonde and Kil'jaeden.

Although the strength of the latter two is completely incomparable to Sargeras, this does not hinder their status as a legion commander.

But now Sargeras actually said directly, "Stupid Eredar", what the **** is this? !

Looking at Medivh stunned, Sargeras didn't care.

That’s right, the Eredars were once powerful assistants that Sargeras carefully sought. Archimonde and Kil'jaeden were also his right-hand men, but with the passage of time and two people in Azeroth experienced After breaking down again and again, Sargeras has now had a new idea.

Isn't it... Azeroth's mortals are more suitable to be their subordinates?

So this time, Sargeras did not appear to save Mardoon at all. He was trying to abduct his new brother...

Yes, Azeroth's younger brother Illidan had betrayed Sargeras, but Illidan's performance has been exceptionally bright recently.

In Sargeras' view, the kid who may betray is far better than the incompetent kid. As long as the conditions are good enough, which corner can't be dug?

Between the wrong and the wrong, Sargeras seems to have some problems with Azeroth's cognition. Because of the long time in Medivh’s perspective, he did not realize that the mortals of Azeroth are not pure Titans. Manufacturing-Now the creatures of Azeroth are largely affected by the Azeroth Star Soul!

"Now, the great Sargeras invites you-I invite you to join the Burning Legion. You will follow my footsteps, step through the world and win supreme glory!"

Medivh doesn't After you join, all the plans of the ridiculous Void Lord will become illusions, and they will never be able to encroach on the real universe! "

Medivh said nothing.

"Mortal, don't mistake yourself." Sargeras's tone finally became high, "You can't resist the power of the Burning Legion!"

Facing the threat of Sargeras, Medivh finally spoke, and his refusal was categorical.

"Die this mind, devil! Azeroth will never give in!"


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