Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 826: Gate guard black knight

Seeing the closed door, Zuifeng was not disappointed in the slightest--on the contrary, he was even more excited.

Although it is impossible to see what material the gate is made of, it can be confirmed that there must be something very important behind the gate.

You know, with the power of the Drunken Wind Earth clone, if you hit it, the gates of general non-military towns may not be able to hold it.

And this door hasn't moved, obviously there is something very important in the back door.

This is enough!

The drunken flames tentatively moved forward.

The strength of the gate is quite good, and it can withstand high temperatures-it can be confirmed that this is definitely not made of Saronite. Although Saronite is strong, it is very easy to vaporize.

At this time, the other three people also rushed to the gate.

"Kadgar, come and get it out!"

"Ahora hole open!"

Khadgar raised Atiesh in his hand, tapped the staff, and the arcane energy directly wrapped the entire door and tried to open it.

"It's not easy..." After trying a few times, Khadgar shook his head helplessly, "This unknown metal arcane is very resistant--I really can't open it."

"I'll try." Seeing Khadgar had a problem, Medivh suddenly became interested, "Fel erosion!"

After changing the fel energy this time, the door suddenly turned green and began to tremble slightly-but then Medivh could only shake his head helplessly.

This door is much stronger than it looks, and the evil energy is helpless.

The three looked at each other, shook their heads helplessly, and then looked at Nozdormu together.

"The vicissitudes of life!"

Nozdormu clearly understood the meaning of these people. He directly stretched out his finger and pointed to the door-the door began to become vicissitudes and mottled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

By speeding up the time flow of the door itself, Nozdormu hopes to find the key to the door and destroy it-but unfortunately, under the erosion of time, although the door has become quite old, But there is still no trend of failure.

Time has left traces, but only traces.

It's really a solid door.

The drunk earth clone also tried a few times, and the huge force slammed the door, but the result was still not moving.

Just when the four people were helpless, the door opened by itself.

"Mouse, what are you doing?" Inside the door, a black and heavily armed death knight showed his figure, "I will disturb the great master of natural disasters, you have to pay for your recklessness!"


The black knight has no name.

Unlike other death knights, the black knight was not even a person during his lifetime—not a person.

In other words, the Black Knight itself is the product of the Undead Scourge Experiment.

Due to the intervention of the drunk wind, the Lich King’s sense of anxiety was very strong, and because of the undead natural disasters, the entire Eastern Kingdom was not swept through, and even the dwarves were not affected. In this case, the Lich King knew that once he was Against, there is even no ability to resist.

Therefore, the Lich King in desperation chose Speed ​​Climbing Technology!

Undead Technology also has its own characteristics! Whether it's the plague, physical modification, or soul distortion, these technologies are not helpful in improving living standards, but they are effective in war.

Without the power of the guardian, when facing many extraordinary enemies, only the undead technology can bring a glimmer of hope of victory.

The Black Knight is the product of an experiment.

The soul of an unyielding warrior, plus engineering bones, plus the stitched bodies of multiple elite creatures, and a special armor, finally the Lich King gave him the rune power of the death knight.

Oh, and a strong Acherus warhorse!

Due to the preciousness of the materials, there were not many of this batch of experimental products made by itself-coupled with the experimental failures caused by various reasons, there is only such a black knight under the Lich King.

Although the second batch of Black Knights is also being "made", it is still unknown how many of the next batch will succeed.

Although it seems that the cost of making black knights is very high, but considering their frenzied combat effectiveness, it is undoubtedly totally worth it!

What the tough soul brings to the black knight is the endless desire for victory. Although he has no memory and no past, he has a strong obsession.

The body and bones made of composite materials give the black knights a strong combat power, which allows them to fully display their tenacity and tenacity.

And in order to increase the damage of the black knight, the Lich King even specially equipped him with a group of death knights as his followers!

Since now is not the time for the undead and natural disasters to take the initiative to attack, the current task of the Black Knight is to guard the gate.

Originally, the Lich King thought this was just a simple stationing mission, but what I didn't expect was that someone tried to open the door today At this time, the weakness of the black knight's lack of memory was directly reflected.

He has rich combat experience and unyielding will, but he doesn't know when to go and when to retreat.

Originally, Drunk Wind was still worried about not opening the door, but after realizing that there was an enemy, the black knight opened the door directly, urging his horse, and charging forward!

That's right, facing the luxurious lineup of Drunken Wind, Khadgar, Medivh and Nozdormu, the Black Knight chose to charge.

In other words, Chongqi...

After losing the protection of the gate, the black knight completely lost his qualifications as a BOSS-in the face of these four extraordinary beings, the black knight is really not the number one person!

The imposing charge was directly interrupted by a flame yoke, the lightning whip tripped the horse, and the flame yoke of the Drunken Wind Flame clone directly pulled the black knight.

The black knight under control struggled hard, wasting a lot of effort, and finally broke free from the shackles of the flame clone. Before he could find his direction again, he simply plunged into the mist.

The Mist clone is not only the healer in the Drunken Wind clone, but also the controller of the battlefield.

The black knight lost his way.

Although he could still feel the enemy's position in the dimness, in this case, it was impossible to charge forcibly.

Slow down and make a whistle!

A large number of death knights appeared on the battlefield on Acherus horses. With the silent neighing of these undead horses, the death knights began a collective charge.

If every charge of the Royal Knights of Stormwind is unrivaled, then the death knight's charge seems to be insidious and all-pervasive-in the stormy wind, the horseshoe seems to have stepped on the enemy's heart, every step Will cause a tremor of the soul.

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