Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 833: Seal Hou Shi with Lord's Words

   Luminus was desperate, unable to accept who she is now.

   And Zuifeng didn't know how he should comfort this poor high elf--or the high elf once.

   After all, Zuifeng clearly remembers that the last time she saw Luminus, she was a very talented flame mage, but now, she has become an existence between the living and the dead.

   Luminus has also realized how terrible everything he is facing right now.

   But even so, she is still unwilling to face herself and her future.

   It can be seen that after regaining consciousness, Luminus has been on the verge of collapse.

   This is a flesh and blood person, not a bunch of data or a few lines of code.

   stayed in the same place silly, after a long time Luminus, like a walking dead, followed the drunk wind step by step.

   After simply clearing out this stronghold of Kel'Thuzad, Drunk Wind also completed this mission.

   Kel'Thuzad was caught and discovered the new killer of the Undead Scourge. It seems that this action seems to have turned out pretty well.

   But thinking of the Xia Ji squad, which is now only one person left, Zuifeng still has nothing to say after all.

  Unexpectedly, Luminus took the initiative to find Drunk Wind after returning to the Temple of Dragon Sleep.

   "Master Drunk Wind, I have something to say..."

   "...what's the matter?" Drunk Feng was taken aback for a while, then looked at Luminus who had become calm, "Is it very uncomfortable now?"

   "Uncomfortable?" Luminus smiled miserably, "I have lost my feeling now. For me, comfort is no longer a non-existent concept."

   "..." Drunk Feng did not speak any more, but looked at the bloodless high elf and motioned to her to talk about her.

   "I was treated as Kel'Thuzad's experiment. He used my body to seem to be studying the boundary between life and death. I am not a living being, but I am not a dead soul."

   Zuifeng nodded, motioning for his understanding.

   He also noticed this.

   "So, I hope I can really touch that boundary."

   "Why do you... have this kind of thought?" Zuifeng looked a little nervous, "You should know that your own thoughts may be part of Kel'Thuzad's plan... and..."

"And even you can't tell what kind of impact this research will bring, maybe?" Luminus interrupted Drunk Wind directly, "I know everything that this research needs to face, and I know this. All possible dangers, but I still insist on my ideas."

   "Can you tell me why?"

   Looking at Luminus with a serious face, Drunk Wind did not try to stop it, but instead began to ask her why she did it.

   "In order to survive."

   Luminus' voice is full of vicissitudes.

   "To live?" Hearing Luminus's words, Drunk Wind finally narrowed his eyes slightly, "To live as a person?"

   Luminus did not speak, but nodded silently.

   Seeing Luminus nodded, Zuifeng probably understood what she meant.

   She doesn't treat her birth as a mistake like a normal undead.

   She is also unwilling to abandon her current self, unwilling to become an undead that decays over time.

   In other words, Luminus is unwilling to live as a hazy undead, she hopes that she will not have too much psychological changes due to the undead.

   Listening to Luminus's words, the drunk wind is also thinking hard for a long time.

   Do you want to agree with her?

   There is no doubt that Luminus’ current identity is a huge trouble.

In fact, for Azeroth, the best destination for the forgotten is to be forgotten in a corner, and then decay quietly-this is not cruel, but because the resurrection of the dead shouldn't happen. .

   But I don’t know how, the drunk wind on Luminus saw the figure of the former Duke of Bovar Fortagen.

  Perhaps, Bolvar, who was infected at the Gate of Scourge and had to be roasted by the flames of the red dragon, will have many similarities with Luminus now, right?

   Zuifeng finally agreed to Luminus' suggestion.

   (Unfortunately, Drunken Wind has never played 7.0. I don’t know that Duke Futagon, who wears a helmet, has also become frantic, and the Lich King has a tendency to get angry again.)


   With the safe return of the Four Drunken Winds, it means that this adventure is temporarily over.

Caught Kel'Thuzad and found out one of the Lich King's cards. In this case, the oath began a new study while continuing to search in the next step-on how to deal with it at a small price Those who die from the lawbreaker.

   Zuifeng said that he could single out a small team, but no one knew how many small teams under the Lich King.

   In this way, the oath has conducted a lot of relevant training for the possible death knight lawbreakers.

   It is foreseeable that the decisive battle with the Lich King will not be in a spacious place-if Drunk Wind has not guessed wrong, he may still continue to explore.

   In this case, the strength of the dragons is severely restricted.

In the relatively narrow underground, Drunk Wind needs to face the Earth Snake Undead Natural and Saratas, who doesn’t know where he hid - Drunk Wind also worked hard many times this time hoping to find this escape The remains of the ancient gods, but unfortunately, the bait to find the ancient gods was eaten by Kel'Thuzad, but Saratas was still missing.

  Drunk Wind can only send out a large number of scouts when he has no alternative.

   It seemed that Northrend had once again recovered a rare calm.

  Although they are still searching for the Lich King, many of these people have not appeared on stage since the Xia Ji team disbanded.

   Luminus is meditating every day-as if she is still the genius of the flame mage.

   Drunk Wind also began to run around, trying to bring the attention of the Horde and Alliance back to Northrend.

   If you want to fight, you should come to Northrend to fight. Can you let Pandaria go?

   Seeing that most of the search has been carried out, Drunk Wind dare to say that the Lich King may show up at any time!

  Kalia, the Queen of the Forsaken, also stayed at the Temple of Wyrmrest all day long, preparing to see her stupid brother again.

   Just when everyone was busy, Medivh finally left Northrend and came to Feralas.

   Outside the city of Ere'Thalas, Medivh twisted his neck while looking at the storm fortress not far away.

   "It looks really similar to the jump ship, I hope our guess is not wrong, the draenei really mastered this technology."

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