Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 835: The Tangle of Saratas

   Drunk Wind, who had been prepared for a long time, quickly began to gather the army.

  It is foreseeable that this battle must not be on the scale of a five-person base. With the army of undead natural disasters and the possible emergence of believers of ancient gods, this kind of thing cannot be solved by a surprise attack.

Come to think about it, it was just a raid on the Kel'Thuzad laboratory, which was not strictly guarded (this was a really unpredictable raid, and the defense was only the defensive force of the laboratory itself). Almost overturned-now the target of Drunk Wind is Alsace's Lair and Saratas' Lair!

   It is precisely because he knows the horror of his enemy that Drunk Wind has gathered enough helpers so cautiously.

   The Hand of Silver, Kor'kron, and the Avengers of Azjol-Nerub-of course, as well as the older sister of Arthas, the Queen of the Forsaken, Kalia.

   After completing the reconnaissance mission, the adventurers also accepted the reorganization and became the reserve team, preparing for the rear, and standing by at all times.

   Although Northrend is the home of the dragons, considering that the battlefield is underground, the enemy may also have an ancient god, but the dragons actually can't help much...

After the lessons of C'Thun and Yogg-Saron, Drunk Wind is already very clear. The ancient gods seem to have a special restraint method for guarding the dragon, whether it is the powerful Yogg-Saron or the relatively weak K. Su En, they can temporarily make the guardian dragon lose its combat effectiveness.

   As for the N'Zoth on the bottom of the sea, he simply instigated a guardian dragon—the strongest guardian dragon!

Although the Dragon Twilight did not happen once, Drunk Wind discovered that in fact, the guardian dragons gradually had a tendency to withdraw from the stage. If it weren't for the dragons to perform well when fighting against the devil, Drunk Wind would even Guess whether the dragon has a half-life.

   This is not good news...

   Zuifeng shook his head, trying to stop thinking about it, and instead looked at the file on his desk.

   This kind of dignified battle requires a lot of preparation-and the oath is still in charge of the logistics part. In this case, the task of Drunk Wind is quite heavy.

  Although vowed to have someone specialize in logistical issues, as the commander-in-chief of the operation, Zuifeng still needs to pay attention.

   It's a pity that Zuifeng had to get up again before reading the compiled data.

   because my "guest" arrived.

   Tirion Fording carried the Silver Hand, and Dranosh Saurfang carried Kor'kron.

   With the addition of Kalia and the Royal Guard of the Forsaken, Atud and the Avengers of Azjol-Nerub who were on standby for a long time, the attacking forces are finally here.

   Zuifeng also put aside a large amount of data in his hand and participated in the military discussion.

   Must figure out how to fight this battle.


   is different from the gearing of Zuifeng, but Saratas is very tangled here.

  Well, it’s not tangled—the ancient gods didn’t feel that way, but what is certain is that Saratas seemed to perceive the taste of failure.

   It's not that the ancient **** is not confident.

   The current Lich King is a bit miserable.

   Undead Scourge!

   Destroyer of Lordaeron!

   was stuck in the nest like this, dare not go out?


   One of the ancient gods!

   can I only join hands with this kind of stuff I don't like at all?


   The inheritance of Yogg-Saron’s inheritance was very difficult.

Although he came from the same origin, after the death of Yogg-Saron, it seemed logical that Saratas inherited everything from him, but after taking a real inventory of his own men, Saratas also understood why Yogg-Saron. It's time to instigate the guardian the one hand, knowledge of escape.

  On the other hand, Yogg-Saron needs a little brother.

   Similar to other ancient gods, Yogg-Saron also had countless little brothers when the Titans did not come.

   But it is a pity that these little brothers have been served in one pot-not to mention that Yogg-Saron's little brother is not the strongest.

   The most important thing is that Yogg-Saron’s former men chose to betray.

Y'Shaarj is dead, but the mantid never gave up--but Yogg-Saron’s men began to pursue freedom before he failed completely. I have to say that at this point, Yoggsa Long very very failed.

   Therefore, in this case, Yogg-Saron can only choose to play the guardian's idea.

After Yogg-Saron’s death, Saratas, who was so excited to receive Yogg-Saron’s legacy, was embarrassed to find that Yogg-Saron was dead in white—whether it was a follower or something other hardly

  Although Saratas also dug up some sealed faceless ones from the ground, these faceless ones may also become Saratas's help for the possible army.

   Anyway, Saratas is also preparing.

  Alsace is also anxious. After all, now, his hole cards have been almost completely opened, and the means to determine the outcome is in the opposite hand.

   This feeling of not being able to control one's destiny is terrible!

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