Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 926: Fight in front of the dark gate

The ferocious skeleton bit on the misty pandaman's body, and then... nothing happened.


   Kil'jaeden was stunned!




   This is one of Kil'jaeden's master spells. Whoever bites this skull, the soul will be gnawed down, without exception!


   But drunk wind was bitten, but he seemed to be okay!


   "Idiot, how does the mist smell?"


   The battlefield suddenly became quiet, and the next moment, a loud laughter made Kil'jaeden's entire face black.


   "Can't you tell the truth?"


   "Using magic tricks to bite the mist..."


   "Are all the demons of the Burning Legion a fellow of this level?"


   Kil'jaeden did not see the appearance of Drunk Wind displaying the incarnation of the fog, and in order to restrain Archimonde's shadow singularity, the incarnation of the fog became extremely solid, which gave Kil'jaeden an illusion.


   Coupled with the mist hiding the breath, these combined together, made Kil'jaeden think that this giant panda is a drunk wind, so he directly attacked.


   But actually, the drunk wind is hiding in the mist!


   The sneak attack returned awkwardly and without success, Kil'jaeden lost a big face...


   But Kil'jaeden quickly recovered his mind.


   Ashamed to be ashamed, anyway you are all going to die!


   No one knows, it’s not ashamed!


   "Flame rain, burn everything!"




  The battle has become more intense.


   The transmission ability of the Dark Portal has been improved, the speed of the appearance of demons has been greatly increased, and the defense line on the coalition side has become longer and longer.


   The tauren who were in charge of the frontal defense at the beginning can no longer complete the defense line. Kor'kron and the dwarves' hill guards took over the frontal defense task.


   At the same time, the Royal Knights of Stormwind are also ready.


   After many years, Turalyon rode on the horse again.


   Turalyon and the Royal Knights of Stormwind have not fully participated in a war for a long time, and now they are about to charge again!


   Since the Alliance is always paying attention to the Watch Fort, the terrain here has been leveled many times, and this type of terrain is simply suitable for charging.


   The Violet Avenger on the other side was also ready, and Ronin made a yes to Turalyon.


   Looking at the signal from his brother-in-law, Turalyon nodded, then put his helmet on and raised his lance.


   The noisy knights were silent for a moment.


   "The devil is here again." Turalyon's voice was not high-pitched, "and we, once again stood in front of the devil!"


   "In the front, our comrades in arms have stopped the demon's first impact, but if we want to defeat the demon and drive them back to the Twisting Void, we still have to look at the guns in our hands!"


   "The Violet Avengers are ready. Now, the Royal Knights of Stormwind listen to my orders and raise their guns!"


   All the knights raised their lances together.




The horse began to advance from the small fragmentary step at the beginning to a big step, and then into a running. Kor'kron and the hill guard dispersed left and right, and the Royal Knights of Stormwind entered the battlefield like a dragon. in!


   The mage of the Violet Avenger had already been ready to take his place. As soon as the Stormwind Royal Knights entered the battlefield, the spells poured out directly provided the knights with flanking protection.


  All the knights like a sharp arrow need to do is to crush the enemies in front of them.


   Charge, charge!


   Turalyon’s carefully chosen timing is just right. The giant demon has just entered the battlefield and has not been organized yet, so no one can resist the frontal impact of the Royal Knights of Stormwind.


   The forward phalanx formed by the Demon Guards was directly divided into two under the charge of the Royal Knights of Stormwind.


   The Violet Avenger used spells to expand the "wound" between the two halves, and soon the entire battlefield was separated!


   This is the mission of the Royal Knights of Stormwind.


   As long as the battlefield is divided, the odds of victory for the coalition are much greater!


   There is no way. Although the coalition forces are all elites of various races, they can even stay the wind when facing the devil, but the cooperation between them is completely incomparable with the devil.


   Therefore, only when the battlefield is divided into chaos, the coalition forces have a chance!


   This is also the plan that Zuifeng has made long ago and the implementers are the Royal Knights of Stormwind and the Violet Eye.


   After the division of the battlefield, the Cenarius Council immediately joined the battle. The vines grew rapidly, and combined with the shaman’s earth magic, artificially created a divided terrain.


   Then sub-regional, each place is in charge of a unit.


   Soon, the devil fell into the absolute disadvantage of the battle!


The expressions on Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, who have been watching the battlefield, are not very According to their thoughts, the demon on the frontal battlefield should win, and then beat Drunk Wind. Come, Zuifeng thinks so too.


   But the point is that the situation seems to be moving in the way the team expected!


   If this is the case, the two Burning Legion giants will have to change their strategies.


   Even if the injury is serious, I would rather sacrifice one to get rid of the drunk wind!


   So Kil'jaeden once again released a large-scale rain of flames.


   "Everyone is on guard!"


   The first time Kil'jaeden cast the spell, Drunk Wind reminded him.


   "Take care of yourself, Pandaren!" Kil'jaeden grinned, "Today, you are dead!" Free reader!!

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